When to Do In and Out Sounding?

thanks for the great info. Question when u were talking about beginners to very
experienced u mentioned that u should not do “in and out sounding” I can see
where this wouldn’t be good on some styles. Those with screw or heavy texture.
Buy what about smooth ones, both metal and silicon? I first wondered about
these fantastic sensations after I was in a wreck and went to a urologist and
he used a catheter. They used a numbing lube but that night when numb wore off
the sensations in the head and especially the hole were wild. I almost could
not believe it . When I came during sex it was one of the most intense ever.
Had three more cums that night all fantastic but diminishing as we went. Can u
use a catheter for sounding? Don’t want to go all the way to my bladder but I
do want to fuck my hole with in and out like urologist did. My partner wants to
try this on me because they know how much I loved that fantastic sensation.
When my partner does oral on me they spend a lot of time working my slit with their
tongue and man is it great. Also, forcing some of their spit in my hole and
that is one of those things that hurt so good I never want it to stop. Thanks
for ur attention please let me know what advice you would give me. D.W.

~ Dan withheld

There are many different ways to do urethral play. Ultimately, it all depends on what you like and what feels arousing to you. In and out sounding is definitely one of the most exciting ways to fuck your urethra. You just need to make sure to do it safely.

Can Do In and Out Sounding?

The reason in and
out sounding is recommended to people with more experience is to protect
safety. In short: you need to know what you are doing, and you need to be used
to the sensation of urethral toys. However, there are some people who quickly
learn how to do urethral stimulation. Also, there are people who get used
quickly to the feeling of having a sound inside of their penis. It all depends
on the person.

We always caution
users to go slowly and to protect themselves. If you believe you are ready to
try in and out sounding, go for it! Only you can tell when you are ready.

You are right about in and out sounding being less dangerous in the case of smooth sounds. If you use a smooth urethral toy with plenty of sterile lube, it is very safe to try in and out sounding. This is definitely a way to go when you first attempt this type of masturbation. Later, when you are better used to the in and out sounding, you can try this approach with textured penis plugs and other types of urethral toys.

Flexible urethral toys
are safe in that they are not so intense as some metal toys. However, they are
not always the best toys for in and out sounding precisely because they are not
as sturdy as the metal ones. However, you might discover how to work them to
your advantage.

for Urethral Play

Moving on from the topic of in and out sounding: can you use a catheter for urethral play? It all depends on what kind of a sensation you wish to achieve. There are definitely people who manage to work a catheter in this sense. If this works for you, great!  

As with any other
thing, make sure to use only sterile catheters for this purpose. It is
absolutely a must to prevent infections and other problems that may arise
through the use of urethral toys. By keeping you safe you are also making the
experience more fun and enjoyable.

Happy sounding!

About Craig:
Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men.

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