I’ve been stretching
my scrotum by hand for several years. I only recently discovered ball
stretching rings, WOW! What a blast. I started by wearing two, now because I’ve
been stretching for years, I found that I needed to increase. Now I’m using
four but wait that is not the end I need at least one to two more, to match
what I achieved by hand stretching. If what I have written hasn’t given you
that extra push you needed, then good friend your missing out on something
truly wonderful.
~ Kevin
Ball stretching is a long process that it is not possible to achieve in the span of a few weeks. Many people take months, if not years, to get impressive low-hanging balls. This is something you need to be prepared to when you start doing scrotum stretching. The best way to stretch is using metal ball stretchers because these provide the most effective results. However, it is important to understand that you will need to change your ball weights over the course of your stretching progress.
Ball Stretching
Rings: When to Change Them?
The first thing
you need to understand is that ball stretching changes the shape of your
scrotum. It becomes more elongated, so your balls hang lower. This is the main
purpose of scrotum stretching: to achieve those impressive low-hanging balls.
When you start stretching and when you get your first noticeable results, you will realize that you need to change your ball stretching rings. There are two reasons for that: first, by becoming longer, your scrotum can accommodate more ball weights on top of each other. There is more room to fit them all.
Another thing you
need to pay attention to is the diameter of your ball stretching rings. As your
scrotum elongates, it becomes thinner: its diameter becomes smaller. It means
that the original ball weights that you used in the beginning of you stretching
might not fit you anymore.
Order Ball
Stretching Rings of the Right Size
It is important to
notice both things, because it is the only way to achieve safety and
satisfaction. You need to see when there is more room to fit another ball
stretching ring and use it. Using ball weights on the whole length of the
scrotum provides more results.
On the other hand, it is also important to notice when your existing ball weights are getting too wide. As your scrotum elongates, your ball stretching rings will feel looser and looser. If you don’t change them for a smaller size, the rings might fall out of your scrotum. You don’t want that to happen. To avoid this problem, make sure to order right that have a smaller diameter.
This might seem like a hassle, but it is important to always use ball weights and other ball stretching devices that are of the appropriate size for your scrotum. If your ball stretching rings are too loose, they will not provide adequate pressure, which will not result in appropriate results. Not to mention that rings falling off can pose a problem or even cause injuries. To prevent this from happening, make sure to switch to smaller ball stretching rings when your scrotum gets elongated enough.
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things. |
I’ve recently discovered the Oval Ball weights at the Chain Gang, oval weights overcome that problem of your Balls slipping through and the weights falling off.