The Easiest Way to Insert Penis Plug

Penis plugs are ideal urethral toys for those who wish to try urethral play for the first time. Many beginners opt for these toys when they start to experiment with urethral stimulation. Penis plugs are great for learning how to insert urethral toys. However, it is not always an easy thing to do, especially if it’s your first time. What is the easiest way to insert penis plug and how to do it properly?

Easiest Way to Insert Penis Plug

The easiest way to insert penis plug is
with plenty of lube and relaxation. It may sound obvious, but keep in mind that
urethral play requires some time to perfect. It is not something you can do in
thirty seconds when you are inexperienced. For this reason, make sure to have
plenty of time and that you are relaxed. Do not rush and do not expect this to
happen on your first try.

Start by applying sterile lube on the tip of the penis plug and down your pee hole. Make sure to use only sterile lubricants, such as SurgiLube. This will minimize the risk of urinary tract infections and other problems.

You might wish to sit on a chair or on
your bed. Make yourself aroused by massaging your penis. You may also wish to
massage the pee hole with lube. When you feel aroused, position the tip of the
penis plug on your pee hole. You might wish to gently press it onto the pee
hole to see how it feels.

Make sure not to push or force the penis plug inside. The goal is to get used to the sensation. Continue massaging your penis while playing with the tip of the toy on your pee hole. After a while, you might feel that you are relaxed enough so the tip of the penis plug can slide inside of the penis. Continue massaging your dick with the tip of the toy inserted.

You may find out that it becomes easier
and easier to gently move the toy down your urethra. Some people can achieve
this on their first try. However, you may feel a resistance, if this happens,
do not push! Make sure to play just with the tip of the toy inserted into your

When you feel like cumming, gently take
the penis plug out before ejaculation. This is another skill you need to learn
once you are more familiar with urethral play. It is important to remove your
penis plug before you ejaculate.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips for the easiest way to insert penis plug:

Do not worry if your first go at inserting
a penis plug is not particularly successful. You may need some time to get your
body used to the sensation. Also, your urethra is narrow, so you need to slowly
work at stretching it a bit. For this reason, make sure to try inserting only
penis plugs that are 6mm-8mm in diameter.

Make sure to use only smooth penis plugs
for your first try.

A good penis plug is the one that is short, smooth and has a tapered tip. A
tapered penis plug is easier to insert into the penis.

Make sure to use plenty of lube. This is important
for ensuring a smooth and safe experience.

Be comfortable. It is best to sit with your legs spread slightly apparat.

Try to see what feels comfortable. Massage your dick while you play with the tip of the toy on your pee hole.

Whatever you do: be gentle. It is important to be relaxed and to give yourself enough time to master this technique.

Happy sounding!

About Craig:
Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men.

3 thoughts on “The Easiest Way to Insert Penis Plug

  1. I got my new plug today and it went in after a while but it hurt me to My ball’s.ive had other plugs before it’s a 11mm.last one was a 10mm.but just wanted to say thank you and I’ll get used to it in time.

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