Unusual Sounding Kits

There are many different types of urethral sounds you can use for pleasure. Many times, these sounds come in kits. These are collections of urethral toys so there are many different sizes to enjoy. In addition to regular urethral sounds, there are also unusual sounding kits you can use for new sensations and added pleasure.

What Are Unusual Sounding Kits?

Unusual sounding kits are collections of urethral sounds
that contain toys that are not common. There are common urethral sounds that so
many people use, such as Hegar sounds, Pratt sounds or Van Buren sounds.
However, these common types of urethral sounds are not the only ones you can
use for pleasure.

There are many unusual sounding kits that contain
lesser known types of urethral sounds. These toys are equally powerful and sensual
as the more common types of urethral … read more

Enjoying a Treble Sound Set

With so many different urethral sounds to choose from, it is not always easy to decide which ones are the best for your needs. The good news is that urethral sounds are more varied than ever. In addition to standard sounds, such as Hegar sounds or Pratt sounds, there are also many new straight and long sounds ideal for those who love deep urethral stimulation.

What Is a Treble Sound Set?

A Treble sound set is a collection of Treble sounds, all included in one handy kit. There are many different types of long sounds you can use for deep urethral play, but most of those sounds come with a curve. This is why Treble sounds are so good: they are straight.

The length is over 10 inches, with about 8 inches of
insertable length. This is enough … read more

Self Urethral Stretching for Men

Men who like to try urethral play often face a problem of stretching. A natural urethra is relatively narrow and cannot accept larger toys. It makes it impossible to fully enjoy urethral play. In order to insert bigger toys, your urethra has to be stretched. Some people go through this process with a partner, but what if you are not into couple sounding? Self urethral stretching is a skill you need to build so you can accept larger toys.

What is Self Urethral Stretching for Men?

Self urethral stretching is enlarging the urethra by yourself. Any person can do it, but those are typically men who seek information about this. Also, self urethral stretching sometimes means enlarging the urethra without any toys, but this is a difficult approach. While you can do some stretching with your fingers, in order to … read more

The Best Urethral Sounding Rods for Sale

Urethral play is a new world of sensations that people slowly discover. While this type of play is not for everyone, those who like it, claim that it is some of the most arousing and pleasurable experiences that can be imagined. It is not surprising to learn that there are so many people, regardless of gender, who like urethral play. However, this is an activity that brings numerous risks, so it is crucial to use proper toys. Luckily, there are many urethral sounding rods for sale so you can get a safe and a properly designed toy to enjoy all your urethral play.

How to Choose Urethral Sounding Rods for Sale

Here are some factors that you need to take into account when choosing among the urethral sounding rods for sale:

The first thing you need to keep in mind … read more

Are Rosebud Sounds Good for Beginners?

There are many different urethral toys that beginner users can use for pleasure. It is important to stick to toys that are safe for newbie users until you stretch your urethra so it can accept larger toys. It is particularly important to be careful around urethral sounds. These toys are typically long and can be too thick for beginner users. Rosebud sounds are a curious case: they are long, but they are not particularly thick. Are these sounds good for beginners?

Rosebud Sounds: The Advantages

Rosebud sounds are among the most popular urethral sounds in the world. While there are some more common sound types, such as Hegar sounds, Rosebud sounds are loved by many fans of urethral play.

One great thing about these sounds is
their design. These are long toys, so they can reach really deep. … read more

Extreme Sounding Rods

Sounding rods, also known as urethral sounds and other urethral toys, are powerful devices ideal for those who enjoy urethral play. There are many different types of sounding rods you can choose from. The smallest ones are short and enter the urethra only a few inches in depth. These are typically known as penis plugs and they can provide many different sensations. Those looking for deep urethral play will need to use longer urethral sounds. However, those interested in super intense urethral stimulation will need extreme sounding rods to reach the levels of pleasure they are looking for.

What Are Extreme Sounding Rods?

Extreme sounding rods are powerful urethral toys made for those who appreciate string sensations and painful pleasures. They are different than regular urethral toys: while regular toys can sometimes be intense, their main purpose is not to … read more

Choosing 11mm Penis Plug

One of the best things about penis plugs is that they come in many different sizes and diameters. Typically, penis plugs are smaller and shorter urethral toys that are ideal for beginners. However, penis plugs also come in larger sizes. If you want to try a 11mm penis plug, there are many different designs to choose from.

Is a 11mm Penis Plug Big?

You probably know that you should always use urethral
toys that are of the same diameter as your urethra. Using toys that are too
thick can cause overstretching, pain and injuries. Using toys that are too thin
may cause problems because these are difficult to control and can easily slip
inside of the urethra. For this reason, it is an imperative to always use
urethral toys that are of the same diameter as your urethra.

For newbie … read more

The Best Medical Sounds to Use

Those who are into urethral play have a wide selection of various urethral toys they can use. The most popular of these are various urethral sounds. What about those with a medical fetish? If you are into BDSM and medical play, the best way to go are medical sounds.

What are Medical Sounds?

There are many different urethral toys to use for urethral play. What is so specific about medical sounds? A great thing about these toys is that they can be used for medical play. These urethral sounds are modeled after real instruments that doctors use for examinations. In fact, some of the most popular sounds are medical sounds: these are modeled after real instruments. In some cases, real instruments and sounds are identical.

This is great news for those who wish to try medical play. Many times, … read more

When to Stick Your Finger Down the Penis Hole

Is it bad to stick my finger down the penis hole?

~ Wayne Kerr

There are many people interested about urethral play, but they are unsure where to start. Some people want to stick a finger down the penis hole to test the sensation. While many people start this way, keep in mind that this approach can cause injuries. It is much better to start experimenting with urethral play using proper urethral toys.

Should You Stick Your Finger Down the Penis Hole?

If you want to stick a finger down the penis hole, make sure to do all the precautions needed. It is not generally forbidden to do so, especially if you want to try it out and see what urethral play might feel like. However, keep in mind that there are much better ways to test urethral … read more

How Far Can a Sound be Safely Inserted in Inches?

Hi – to “How far can a Sound be Safely Inserted?” I’d
like to see the answer in cm or mm.

I appreciate that people vary a lot – just looking
for an approximate answer.

Some silicone sounds are 35mm. Is that likely to get
that far?

~ Lance Vandersyde

Many people want to know how far can a sound be safely inserted. It is true that male anatomy varies and that everybody has a different size of the urethra. However, there is an average size to aim for. Luckily, sound manufacturers take this into account, so professional urethral toys are built to accommodate a male urethra properly. This is one of the many reasons why you should only buy proper urethral toys that are designed for the purpose of urethral sounding.

How Far Can a Sound be Safely Inserted?

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