Recovery After Penis Piercing

There are many different penis piercings you can get. Some are complex and serious, so they require more healing time. Others are not particularly difficult to maintain. While all of penis piercings may seem extreme, keep in mind that there are some that are not complex at all. Recovery after penis piercing doesn’t need to be complicated, as long as you follow a few simple steps.

The Best Recovery After Penis Piercing

In order to have quick recovery after penis piercing, it is important to follow aftercare instructions carefully. That is the number one thing you can do to be satisfied with your piercing in the future.

Many penis piercings are functional. It means that
they can enhance sexual sensations for the wearer and his partners. In order to
have your penis piercing work for you, it needs to … read more

What Genital Piercing is Best for Gay Sex?

Gay men with genital piercings often wonder about the best piercing for anal sex. It is important to know that piercings can enhance pleasure for both the wearer and his partner during sex, but you need to choose your jewelry carefully. What genital piercing is best for gay sex will depend on the piercing type, your and your partner’s preferences and the size of jewelry you choose for your piercing.

Prince Albert Piercing

Prince Albert (PA piercing) is the most popular male genital piercing in the world. It is relatively simple to perform, and it can do wonders for pleasure. It is one of the best for gay sex, because it can cause added pleasure for your partner during anal. Your PA jewelry can rub against your partner’s anal walls to produce numerous pleasurable sensations. At the same time, it … read more

Deep Shaft Ampallang

Deep shaft Ampallang is an extreme male genital piercing. It is similar to regular Ampallang in orientation, but it is done through the penis shaft rather than the penis head. These piercings are rare because they are painful, known to bleed and there are not many piercers who are knowledgeable to perform them. However, if you really want to get a deep shaft Ampallang piercing, chances are that you will be able to find a piercer who knows how to perform it.

Deep Shaft Ampallang: Placement

A regular Ampallang piercing is a horizontal penis piercing through the penis head. It goes from left to right and typically uses a straight barbell as jewelry. This penis piercing can go through the urethra or not, depending on the placement. Many men who choose this piercing claim that it can enhance sexual … read more

Uncircumcised penis Ampallang and Apadravya

Men who are not circumcised can enjoy many penis piercings just like circumcised men. However, it may depend on your foreskin. A good piercer will know how to adjust the placements, if necessary, so you can get one of those piercings even though you are uncircumcised. You need to know about potential issues that may happen. Uncircumcised penis Ampallang and Apadravya are not so rare, but not all uncircumcised men can have them.

Uncircumcised Penis Ampallang and
Apadravya: The Issues

There are some specific issues you may encounter with uncircumcised penis Ampallang and Apadravya. The main issue is that not all men can get these piercings. This typically happens if their foreskin is too tight. In order to be able to accommodate these piercings, your foreskin needs to be at least a bit loose. It should also be long and … read more

Genital Piercing Shrinking

Genital piercings are very attractive, and they can enhance your sex life in numerous ways. A good genital piercing can improve the sensations for you and your partner during sex. This is one of the reasons why these piercings are so popular. This is why you want them to be healthy and problem-free. One of the main issues, particularly with male genital piercings, is shrinking. Genital piercing shrinking is not a rare thing, so you need to be aware of it.

Genital Piercing Shrinking a Real Thing?

You might have heard about a common problem with male genital piercings: they can shrink quickly. Is this a scare tactic or a real thing? Sadly, genital piercing shrinking is a real thing. It happens when you take your jewelry out. This shrinking is a common problem for other piercings. … read more

Is Hafada Piercing Functional?

Among all type of male genital piercings, Hafada has a great reputation for being relatively easy and painless. While there is some discomfort associated with this scrotum piercing, it is not as intense as many other male genital piercings. But can Hafada piercing bring more fun than just the aesthetics? Is it possible for this piercing to be functional and enhance sexual pleasure?

Piercing: Function and Aesthetics

As you probably
know, many genital piercings are made to be functional. In other words, they
are more than just beautiful ornaments. These piercings can also enhance sexual
pleasure for the wearer or the wearer’s partner. This is one of the reasons why
so many people choose to get genital piercings, despite these piercings being
painful and very sensitive. In short: the pain and discomfort pay off once the piercing
heals.… read more

What is an Alternative to Dydoe Piercings?

Dydoe piercing is one of the most enigmatic male genital piercings. Not as popular as Prince Albert piercing or some other genital piercings, Dydoe is a very effective piercing type. Unfortunately, not all men are anatomically suited for this piercing. If you want to get a Dydoe or a pair of Dydoe piercings, you need to make sure that your penis can accommodate them. If not, you will need to find an alternative to Dydoe piercings.

Problem with Dydoe Piercings

The main problem
with Dydoe piercings is that only a few men can accommodate them. A Dydoe
piercing is done through the rim of the corona on the penis head. In order to
accommodate this piercing, you need to have a defined rim and a specifically
shaped corona.

There are men who
have a corona shaped ideally for … read more

Decreased Sensitivity from a Reverse Prince Albert?

is there a chance of decreased sensitivity from a Reverse Prince Albert? It’s
something my wife worries about with this piercing

~ A M

There are many different male genital piercings you can get for increased pleasure. While a Prince Albert piercing (PA piercing) is by far the most common, it is not the only choice you can have. For example, the Reverse Prince Albert (Reverse PA) piercing is a rarer version. However, this piercing comes with numerous benefits, so it is not surprising that there are people who wish to have it. Finally, a Reverse Prince Albert piercing can easily be transformed into a full Apadravya piercing, which is one of the most sexually satisfying male genital piercings out there. However, genital piercings are not a small thing. Many people worry about the decreased sensitivity from a Reverse … read more

Separate Jewelry Pieces in Apadravya and PA Piercings: Is It Possible?

got a PA and I want to do an Apadraya. Can a guy do it to have them both in

~ Dale Montgomery

An Apadravya piercing basically consists of two other genital piercings: a Prince Albert and a Reverse Prince Albert piercings. Is it possible to wear different jewelry in your PA and your Reverse PA piercings? How about your PA and Apadravya? Here is what you need to know.

The Anatomy of a Piercing?

There are many different male genital piercings, but none of them are as popular as Prince Albert. It is not surprising: a PA piercing is relatively easy to get, and it gives amazing sensations. A Reverse Prince Albert is less common, but also a great option for those who want a striking penis piercing. It goes to the opposite direction of a … read more

Dydoe Piercing Requirements

Dydoe piercing for men is a very striking choice. This piercing goes on the edges of the penis head, through the corona. However, it is important to understand that not all men are anatomically suited for it. Your penis head and its corona has to be of a specific shape so you can wear this piercing without a problem.

What Are Dydoe Piercing Requirements?

There are several Dydoe piercing requirements you
need to keep in mind if you wish to get this piercing. Just like most of the
other piercings, this one depends on your anatomy. You have to be anatomically suited
for it, and not all people are.

Unlike many other piercings, Dydoe is the one that
requires some very specific anatomical considerations. Namely, your penis head
has to have a flared corona, so that piercings can attach properly … read more