How Long it Takes to Stretch Urethra?

If you want to
enjoy urethral
to the fullest, you probably know that the safest way to go is to
stretch your urethra first. Without stretching, your urethra will be too narrow
to accept larger toys. While you can do some urethral stimulation without urethral
stretching, you can’t truly enjoy sounding to the fullest unless you stretch. How
long it takes to stretch urethra and how do you know that you are done?

Long it Takes to Stretch Urethra: Tips

How long it takes
to stretch urethra? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. Genital
anatomy is varied, even though it may not seem so. Some people have a urethra that
is very easy to stretch. For these people, stretching can go as easy as simply
introducing thicker toys each time they practice urethral play. For … read more

How to Increase Penis Hole Size?

In order to be able to enjoy urethral play, your urethra needs to be wide enough to accept urethral toys. This is why many beginners ask how to increase penis hole. However, this approach is not really accurate. The size of the hole itself is not so important – it’s the wideness of the urethra itself that matters. Here are some tips on how to enlarge your urethra to accept larger toys.


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Want to Increase Penis Hole?

Do you want to increase penis hole so you can enjoy urethral sounding? It is important to understand what it actually means. Many beginners at … read more