Eyebrow piercing is one of the most popular piercing types. It’s very attractive and stylish, and can take many forms, depending on the jewelry you choose. Both men and women can enjoy a beautiful eyebrow piercing with an effective jewelry piece.
Eyebrow piercings are specific and different than other popular piercing types. Generally speaking, eyebrow piercings are considered the so-called “surface piercings”. It means that the piercing is done on one surface of the skin, unlike most of the other piercings.
The trouble with surface piercings is that they are more prone to migrations and rejections, and generally are known to last shorter than other types of piercings. However, with good care, it’s possible to maintain your eyebrow piercing for a long time.
Different Types of Eyebrow Piercings
There are several popular types of eyebrow piercings, depending on the way the piercing is done and the way the jewelry is positioned. The most common form is the Vertical Eyebrow Piercing. Here, the piercing is done almost vertically, on the outer side of an eyebrow. The jewelry is typically inserted from below of the eyebrow to the top.
Another way to perform an eyebrow piecing is to do a Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing. This piercing is done parallel to the eyebrow. The jewelry is positioned almost horizontally. Usually, the horizontal piercing is done above the eye but you may also choose to have it done just below eyebrow.
Another popular type of piercing is an Anti-Eyebrow piercing. It is getting more and more popular these days, especially among teenagers. This surface piercing type is also known as “teardrop” piercing or high cheek piercing. It’s usually done just below the eyes and above the cheekbone. The jewelry is made to resemble tears on the face.
The Procedure
Eyebrow piercing procedure is usually quick and doesn’t cause much pain. Anti-eyebrow piercing may be a bit more painful, but it’s done quickly.
As with any other type of piercing, it’s important to choose a reliable, experienced piercer. It’s also vital to choose high-quality jewelry made of body-safe materials. The procedure itself is pretty straightforward: the chosen area is disinfected and a piercing needle is inserted through the skin. The needle for vertical eyebrow piercing typically goes from the bottom of the eyebrow to the top. This is how you’ll insert the jewelry. Usually, the initial piercing is done in the 18g to 12g size range.
The healing time is 6 to 8 weeks. During this time, do not change your jewelry. You have to wait for your piercing to fully heal to change the jewelry. During the healing process, make sure that no cosmetic products come in touch with your piercing (such as shampoo, makeup, creams, etc.)
Keep in mind that you have to care for your piercing during the healing process, because this is when it’s very prone to infections, rejection and migration. Make sure to clean it regularly with a saline solution and resist the urge to touch the jewelry.
There are many different jewelry types you can use for your eyebrow piercing. Keep in mind, however, that the jewelry used has to be suitable for eyebrow wear. It means that the jewelry pierce should not be too thin nor too heavy. While it’s ok to use multi-functional jewelry pieces, it’s best to use special jewelry made for eyebrow piercings.
The most common jewelry types for eyebrow piercings are special mini curved barbells. These barbells are specially made for eyebrow piercings so they feel the most comfortable. Always make sure to choose jewelry of the appropriate size! This is why it’s important to know the gauge you’re pierced with.
Eyebrow jewelry is very varied. You may choose between simple and elegant pieces you will be able to wear in almost any situation. If you prefer something more ornamented, there are many eyebrow circular barbells with special balls on one end. These balls can have gems or special charms that make your jewelry even more attractive. Some jewelry pieces have specially designed balls (made in different shapes) or special additions on the top ball. All these different designs make for very varied jewelry so your eyebrow piercing will always look attractive.
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry. |