Scrotum Piercing: Meaning, Healing, Placement & Best Jewelry Types

Everything You need to know about Scrotum Piercing

The scrotum is, of course, legalese for the balls and it has the task of protecting the two eggs in the universe that are of the most importance to you! Hail the scrotum, wrinkled like a boatload of your ancestors it might be!

Now, our task today is to discourse on all aspects of scrotum piercings. Yes, the scrotum can be pierced and in fact, pretty much every part of the human body can be pierced so long as the will is there. Hell, you can hang piercings off your rectum if you want and no one is gonna stop you. But if you do, better don’t come and tell us that sitting down just became impossible and don’t offer to sit on our faces to prove your   point!

As we were saying, this article deals with everything about scrotum piercings, from the meaning to the placement, the best sort of genital jewelry that can be used, the healing process, and the pros and cons of the procedure. Better tune in and be balling!

What Is A Scrotum Piercing?

Simply put, a scrotum piercing is any piercing done on the wrinkled sack that’s the testicles or the scrotum. They are relatively popular and have been performed for hundreds if not thousands of years and it is only the imagination that limits the number and location of such piercings. Yes, scrotum piercings can be successfully attempted anywhere that the loose skin on the testicles can be pinched and that means the scrotum can be covered by these sorts of piercings, like chainmail of sorts that’s useful for repelling unwanted attention!

Scrotum piercings are often referred to as hafada piercings and this especially applies when the piercings are done in pairs on both parts of the scrotum, next door to the base of the cock. In some Arab societies, hafada piercings symbolize the process of becoming a man and leaving childhood behind and it is performed on boys who reach puberty. Captive bead rings are most often used in hafada piercings and we can say they are a good choice!

Piercings on the scrotum are ornamental for the most part. But they can enhance sexual flavor and pleasure, with this depending on individual characteristics and the kind of scrotum piercing performed.

A piercing on the center upper front of the balls is known as a lorum or lower frenum piercing. A guiche, on the other hand, is a scrotum piercing on the perineum and you better think hard and fast before getting piercings in such a tender location!

Jewelry Used For Scrotum Piercings

The jewelry used for scrotum piercings includes circular barbells,fixed bead rings, and captive bead rings. 10 to 8 gauge captive bead rings see a lot of use and rings are usually best for initial piercings because they heal fast.

Curved barbells are often inserted once healing is complete, but it does tend to move around a lot and that can be rather uncomfortable if the piercing process is not complete. Most scrotum piercings can be easily stretched and the thicker jewelry used for the purpose plus its weight often results in more pleasing sensations for the wearer. 

During the piercing process, it is usually better to err on the side of caution and use a slightly larger diameter jewelry than is necessary. If that is not done, the piercing might pinch and infection could follow.

Scrotum Piercing Placement

Well, we could just say that the standard scrotum placement is anywhere on the balls and leave it like that because it is mostly true. Scrotums have both an inner and outer layer, with both layers serving to maintain an optimum temperature at which your balls and cumming equipment can best function. Scrotum piercings pass through this outer layer and never touch the inner layer and can therefore be performed on any desired scrotal surface.

Scrotum piercings are easily accomplished. But there is a slight problem in that the scrotum regularly expands, contracts, and otherwise changes shape and form. That makes it hard for your piercer to accurately mark the site of proposed piercings. This can often result in delays and re-marking, but there is nothing to worry about so long as your piercer is the professional, caring and attentive type. 

The endlessly shifting nature of the scrotum also makes it hard to get matching piercings like ladder piercings in the same location. And it can be equally hard to show off your scrotum piercing if they are not as artfully and precisely arranged as those often seen on piercing-oriented sites and magazines. But that can be overcome by going for multiple piercings at a time once you and the piercer are sure they are as optimally sited as possible.

Scrotum Piercing Procedure

The scrotum piercing procedure is not rocket science and there’s a pretty good understanding of how it should be done. To start with and we can’t emphasize this enough, go with a professional piercer who is extremely unlikely to butcher your ball sack. And secondly, be fully aware of the kind of scrotum piercing you want and how it might affect your life afterward, like influencing the kind of clothes and undies you wear and what sports and leisure activities you might take up.

Thankfully, scrotum piercings are very easily done and there isn’t much pain either, not unless you are especially sensitive to pain or your piercer is especially incompetent. The procedure begins with your piercer washing his/her hands and laying out the sterilized equipment necessary. It is best to shave around a week beforehand because inadvertent pulling of hair around that area can trigger soprano screams out of your throat!

Once everything is in place, your piercer will hold the marked spot on your scrotum with forceps, quickly push through the flesh with the piercing needle, and gently slip the same jewelry gauge into the newly created hole. The whole process takes seconds and is over faster than you can fart a prayer!

Afterward, your piercer should tell you how to care for your piercing. If that does not happen, be sure to raise holy hell and curse like an unemployed witch!

While scrotum piercings have specific jewelry types, you can explore a wider variety of male body jewelry suitable for various piercings.

Scrotum Piercing Aftercare

Some scrotum piercing aftercare is recommended and those who aren’t able to follow them would be advised not to introduce their poor bag of balls to piercings in the first place! Staying hydrated speeds up healing and healing can be expected in from 2 to 4 months. All through that period, regular sea salt and warm water baths are recommended. Daily cleaning with a germicidal and anti micro bacterial soap should be done as well. Also, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before touching the piercing area and if you are not cleaning your piercings, just leave the area alone.

Some swelling and reddish/pinkish spots are to be expected around the entry and exit points after a piercing. Thickened skin often occurs and this can resolve on its own or will become permanent. But it is not something worth obsessing over. 

On and off bleedings for almost a week after getting a piercing is possible and we suggest wearing sanitary napkins and pads. These will keep the area dry and that is important in keeping a scrotum piercing clean.

As for sexual activity, the scrotum is not the penis and we have yet to hear of someone being fucked near to coma by that wrinkled and jiggly body part! Still, it is recommended to do everything possible to ensure that your healing wounds do not come in contact with the bodily fluids of others for at least 6 months. The bodily fluids in question include saliva, vaginal secretions, sperm, and sweat.

Since stuffing the scrotum into a condom will not work for obvious reasons, the best to be done is to either abstain from sex while the piercing heals, or to use waterproof bandages on the healing wound. Warm water and soap washes after sex should be practiced. 

Additionally, wearing clean, loose-fitting clothing is encouraged. Be sure not to get in community pools, jacuzzis, lakes, and other large bodies of water till the wound has healed. Plus avoiding strenuous activities like jogging and bike riding would be most wise.

Pros and Cons Of Scrotum Piercing

There are some advantages to getting a scrotum piercing. This includes the fact that it generally does not restrict sexual activity, there’s lots of freedom on how and where the piercing is performed, it is very easy to conceal and usually heals very easily and without issues.

As for the cons, well, the recommended advice after a scrotum piercing is to abstain from sex and contact with bodily fluids of partners for around half a year. If six months sounds too long, safe sex is stridently encouraged. 

Scrotum piercings also aren’t very sexually stimulating and the very act of getting a piercing means that even after the piercing has healed, you are at an enhanced risk of getting STIs. Piercings can also migrate and that is most usually due to a lack of care during the healing process.


Scrotum piercings mostly serve for decoration and come with pronounced pros and cons. There’s extreme flexibility on how and where it can be performed, but getting one will dial up your risk of nasty diseases.

Is a scrotum piercing for you? That is for you to decide, though we really would love to see your cock all dressed up in as many piercings as possible!

Got something you want to kick over with us? Then have your say in the comment section, you sweet ball sack!


5 thoughts on “Scrotum Piercing: Meaning, Healing, Placement & Best Jewelry Types

  1. How do I find a person in my area that has the piercing experience need to pierce my scrotum? I live in Temecula Calif. can you give me a recommendation?

  2. I’d recommend looking for a piercer who is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers. You can find one through their website at

  3. I have had multiple piercings in my sack which healed well. However after two years or more all piercings migrated out. How can migration be prevented? Thanks

    • I’ve had 6 piercings… and 5 have migrated…

      Lessons learned.:

      Go for light weight… titanium (implant grade) or cobalt chrome.(materiel generally already is implant grade)

      I use 10gague with 9/16th diameter. rings…

      Most use stainless steel captive bead… and sometimes oversized beads… On this piercing weight is not your friend…..

      Light weight, Less change to twist… and constant cleaning = less time it will take for it to migrate.
      I usually keep 3 at a time… time to get 2 more done!

  4. Great article!
    I am seriously looking into three or four latter rings. In all my research I have not come across references to shaving. Any thoughts on shaving one’s cachal as a routine? Both my wife and I like them smooth as silk.

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