Scrotal Piercings

scrotal piercingsScrotal piercing is a genital piercing done anywhere on the scrotum. However, it is important to note that all scrotal piercings only affect the skin and not the tissue underneath. As such, scrotal piercings are relatively easy to perform and are not considered complex piercings. One of the most defining feature of any scrotal piercing is that it’s done on the surface and does not go through the tissue itself. In other words, scrotal piercings are surface piercings. Body modifications that go through the whole tissue of the scrotum (typically front to back) are called transscrotal procedures.

If you wish to have a piercing on your scrotum but do not want to go through an extreme modification, then a simple surface scrotal piercing (or two!) will do. It is also important to note here that one scrotal piercing is more popular than the others: Hafada. However, this is not the only scrotal piercing you can get.

Placement and Procedure

Scrotal piercings can be done anywhere on the scrotum, provided that only the surface is affected and the resulting piercing is a surface piercing. The most common scrotal piercing types are horizontal scrotal piercings but they can also be done vertically.

There are two common placements for scrotal piercings: on the upper side of the scrotum and on the underside. The piercings done on the sides are typically done in pairs. These are true Hafada piercings. However, it is not uncommon for all scrotal piercings to be called Hafada. It is also common to refer to the piercing on the lower side or underside of the scrotum as a Hafada. That being said, all other placements are possible, since this surface piercing can be done anywhere on the scrotum.

Scrotal piercings are typically done at 12 gauge and larger. In order to minimize the risk of migration and rejection it is vital to never perform these piercings with very small gauges. While these are not particularly complex piercings it is important to choose an experienced piercer who will know how to choose the placements and to prevent the piercing from going too deep through the tissue. Remember: these are surface piercings and they should not go through the scrotum itself.

Some piercers choose to use clamps to hold the tissue in place while performing the piercing while others prefer to do it without clamps. In any case, the skin is loose enough to make for a relatively easy procedure. The piercing needle is pushed through the skin to create a hole at the desired place. After this, the jewelry is inserted.

The procedure is done quickly and without much pain or bleeding. The only possible exception are scrotal piercings done at a very large gauge or using the scalpelling method. This method uses a scalpel instead of a piercing needle to create a hole. If you wish to go with this methos, make sure to choose a piercer who is experienced with scallpeling. However, chances are that this approach won’t be needed unless you wish to have a very large gauge scrotal piercing right from the start.


Since scrotal piercings can be done anywhere on the scrotum there are many different jewelry types that would fit. The best jewelry type will partially depend on the placement and partially on the person’s preferences and wishes.

Typically, scrotal piercings use circular barbells, Captive Bead Rings and curved barbells. There are also men who like to have straight barbells in their scrotal piercings. These jewelry choices are particularly popular for horizontal scrotal piercings.

Vertical scrotal piercings use similar jewelry, although Captive Bead Rings or even curved barbells can be impractical for this piercing type. This is why it’s best to stick to curved barbells or straight barbells for your vertical scrotal piercings.

One great thing about scrotal piercings is that they are very varied. They can be done almost anywhere on the scrotum and can use varied jewelry gauges. It is therefore not surprising that many men choose to wear their scrotal piercings in pairs or groups, typically on the sides or on the underside of the scrotum.

Additional Info and Tips

Hafada is by far the most popular scrotal piercing. Some people even go as far as referring to any surface piercing on the scrotum as Hafada. Generally speaking, true Hafada piercings refer only to piercings done on the sides of the scrotum, but it is common to refer to all scrotal piercings by this name.

Scrotal piercings are surface piercings. They are, however, less prone to migration and rejection than typical surface piercings since scrotal skin is loose and flexible.

Healing time for a scrotal piercing is about 3 to 6 months, but it can be longer if the piercing is done at the large gauge or at a very sensitive place on the scrotum.

Scrotal piercings are often done as an extension of a frenum ladder. It simply extends the row of jewelry from the penis shaft all the way down to the scrotum.

Vertical scrotal piercings tend to be more sensitive than horizontal ones since they are more affected by normal contractions and expansions of the scrotum.

Scrotum piercings are done more for the aesthetics than sexual pleasure. They are typically not known as functional piercings. That being said, with a careful placement and large enough jewelry you may achieve some nice stimulation during sex. However, keep in mind that for the most part, piercings done on the scrotum will not enhance the pleasure for the wearer or his partner.

If performed correctly, scrotal piercings do not typically cause any major health concerns. However, it is important to take a good care of them, especially during the healing period, in order to prevent infections, migration, rejection and other potential problems.

It is important to perform aftercare carefully and to observe your scrotal piercing regularly. It is vital to notice any signs of infection and to seek medical attention immediately if you notice a problem. Infections to scrotal tissue can lead to very serious complications, so you should see your doctor as soon as you notice a problem.

About Holes:
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things.

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