There are many people who would love to get a piercing, but they are terrified of the pain. These people appreciate the look of a pierced body part and they would love to wear all those amazing jewelry pieces available for various piercings, but the thought of getting pierced with a needle is too scary for them to try.
While most of these people are newbies who might not have any piercings (apart from pierced earlobe, perhaps), there are also some experienced people who are terrified of getting pierced. There may be several reasons for this. For example, a person might be ok with one type of a piercing but the idea of piercing a different body part terrifies them. Other people have a bad experience with their previous piercings so this is what makes them so scared to get pierced again.
Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to understand that there are many ways to get rid of this fear and finally get that gorgeous piercing you’ve been dreaming of! The most important thing is to get informed and know what to expect. Another vital thing to keep in mind is that you need to choose a knowledgeable, experienced piercer at a reputable studio. By doing these precautions you are minimizing the risk of something bad happening.
The Pain
Pain is one of the main reasons why people fear piercings or avoid to get a piercing they like. For most people, this fear is not so big that they would never consider getting a piercing, but there are those who are absolutely terrified by the thought of getting pierced. The thing is, most of the people who have such a big phobia of needles and piercings usually don’t have any wish to get pierced. So they don’t need advice on how to overcome this fear.
However, some people who adore piercings do have a fear of pain that may prevent them from actually going through the procedure. They often look at all those beautiful photos of various piercings or different body jewelry styles but they never pick up the courage to actually go and get pierced.
If you are one of those people, it’s important to know that, if done by a professional, piercing procedures are not traumatic. In fact, many people report that the piercing procedure wasn’t as bad as they thought it would be, even for some more extreme piercings, such as genital piercings.
Also, the pain typically lasts for only a few seconds, so you don’t have to go through this for a long time. Very few piercing procedures require a long time to perform. These are usually very extreme body modifications, such as transscrotal procedures. Your typical piercing (even if it’s a more sensitive one, such as nipple or genital piercing) do not last long. The procedure itself may take some time to be performed, but the actual pain and the needle involved still take only a few seconds at most.
Another thing to keep in mind is that usually the most painful process is not the procedure itself but the initial healing period (typically a few hours after getting pierced). By this time, you are back home and can take pain medications. Many people are actually terrified of a “doctor-like” atmosphere of a piercing studio and can take more pain afterwards, away from needles, in the comfort of their own home.
The best way to prepare yourself for the pain is to get informed. Go to your chosen studio and ask a piercer to explain the procedure to you. Also, ask about the pain and don’t be afraid to voice your concerns. A good piercer will explain the whole procedure to you and will also talk to you about the pain involved. Professional piercers will not lie to you. Nobody will tell you that “you won’t feel a thing”, but they will explain to you the whole process and tell you about the painful part. They will also help you estimate the “kind of pain” you will feel. It will help you understand the procedure and the pain involved.
Another thing you can do is to search for people who already have a piercing you are interested in. Ask them about the procedure and the pain. Their experience can help you a lot. However, keep in mind that each person is individual – we all have our pain tolerance levels. Also, a person might have a very bad experience (or a very good one!) with a certain piercing and it might not match your experience. So, ask around, but take all the answers with a grain of salt.
The important thing is to get yourself prepared. All these things (researching a piercing type, asking your piercer for info, asking people about their experiences, etc.) will help you prepare yourself for the procedure. Keep in mind that usually the scariest part is the unknown, so the more you know and the better prepared you are, the better.
Useful Tips
Always, always choose an experienced piercer and a reliable piercing studio. This is vital. It is also the only way to minimize risks associated with a piercing procedure. A knowledgeable piercer will not only know how to perform the procedure quickly, skillfully and with minimum pain involved, but they will also know how to minimize the risk of infections and other problems.
You may be scared of the pain, first and foremost, but keep in mind that the pain is usually the least problem you should worry about. The pain lasts for a few seconds. There are more serious consequences a piercing can bring, such as infections, migration and rejection, as well as various health risks. You need to do everything to minimize the chances of this happening. Choosing a good piercer and a reliable studio is a must (see above). In this sense, focus less on the pain part and invest your energy into finding a good piercer.
Inform yourself about all the aspects of a piercing procedure and aftercare. Don’t be shy to ask your piercer to explain the procedure over and over again, if needed. You need to be informed about all the aspects of a piercing procedure. Don’t forget to ask about aftercare and healing time associated with your chosen piercing.
You may feel tempted to use painkillers before the procedure. Or, worse, you may wish to take another substance (alcohol, drugs) to ease your nerves. Don’t do that. It is a recipe for a disaster. Not to mention that it will bring more pain, not less. Also, professional piercers will not want to pierce anyone under influence, so it’s not really something you should try.
What about an anesthetic? While many studios provide numbing creams that may help with the pain a little, in many cases these things are not recommended. For many piercings it’s important to feel what’s going on and to report it to the piercer. Also, numbing may interfere with the piercing process in other ways. Many piercers do not like numbing creams and same goes for many people who get piercings. However, if you really want a numbing cream and if you don’t even want to consider a piercing without it, ask your piercer. It may be possible to use a numbing cream or another type of anesthetic during the procedure. Whatever you do, however, it’s vital to inform your piercer. Never hide something like this from your piercer or you might endanger your health!
Know what you are comfortable with and ask your piercer to accommodate you, if possible. For example, some people like to watch their body being pierced while others like to turn the head or close their eyes. Depending on the piercing type, you might be able to choose how you want to proceed. Same goes for piercer talking: some people prefer to hear about every step the piercer takes during the procedure, while the others simply want to hear those magic words: “done!” Talk to your piercer about various ways in which a piercing can be performed so they can help you decide what to do.
In most cases, visitors are allowed during the procedure, so if you really want someone to be there for you or even to hold your hand, it might be arranged. Just ask at the studio and find a reliable person you’d like to be there for you. Choose wisely, though: it has to be someone who is not nervous about piercings and who won’t freak out during the procedure.
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry. |
If actually boils down to pain tolerance. Also, there are just people who won’t try it because allergy problems. Those who are into body mutilations and enjoy the challenge of getting themselves pierced are aware of the possible after effects of their fetishes.
Getting a body piercing is something that I have always wanted to do, but I am not a big fan of the pain that might come with it. I like how you suggested that since I am nervous, I should is to go into my studio and ask the piercer to explain what will go on. That way it will kind of be prepared for what will come.