There are many men who enjoy cock rings but wonder if it’s safe to wear them through all the duration of sex or masturbation. There are many different models and types of penis rings: classic cock rings, glans rings, cock and ball rings, and more. Regardless of the model, it is important to say that it’s generally safe to ejaculate while wearing a cock ring. However, there are some things you need to take into account in order to stay safe and comfortable while using your cock ring.
Cock Rings and Problems with Ejaculation
One thing you need to watch for: if you use cock rings that go under the scrotum, they might cause issues with ejaculation. If a cock ring is too tight, it may put a pressure on the tissue and delay ejaculation. Men wearing these rings may notice that they can’t shoot their load properly or that semen is dripping rather than being properly ejaculated.
In some extreme cases, a tight cock and ball ring can cause retrograde ejaculation. It means that the semen is not expelled but rather goes back to the urethra and all the way to the bladder. This is not dangerous on itself but it may be uncomfortable if you are not prepared for this. The semen will generally be expelled from the body the next time you ejaculate.
retrograde ejaculation
However, retrograde ejaculation is not something you should do often. Also, there are men with prostate problems and other issues who should not do retrograde ejaculation. It is dangerous for these men to experience retrograde ejaculation and it can lead to health problems. This is why it’s advisable to consult a kink-friendly doctor before you wear cock rings or before you engage in any other potentially risky sexual activity. Also, if you encounter a problem or if you experience pain, discomfort, bleeding and other issues, make sure to seek medical help immediately.
Does this mean that cock rings necessarily cause problems during ejaculation? Not necessarily. In fact, most of the time this does not happen. Most men can safely and comfortably ejaculate while wearing a cock ring. However, this is something you should be careful about. If a cock ring around the balls is too tight, it might cause some issues. While many types of cock rings can result in this problem if they are way too tight, it is particularly an issue with cock and ball rings that go tight around the scrotum. Keep this in mind if you want to use these rings.
How to Ejaculate While Wearing a Cock Ring
Here are some quick tips on how to ejaculate while wearing a cock ring:
- Make sure that the cock ring is not too tight. While you want to maintain a firm grip for pleasure, it should not be extremely tight. Retrograde ejaculation is just one issue you may encounter. You may also restrict the blood flow and cause other problems. This is why finding a proper cock ring that fits you is so important.
- Be careful with cock and ball rings. Most regular cock rings do not cause any problems during ejaculation. This particularly goes for the classic cock rings that go around the penis shaft or the penis head (gland rings). You need to be a bit more careful with cock rings that go around the scrotum because they may cause trouble if they are too tight.
- Keep in mind that most cock and ball rings do not cause any problems during ejaculation. It is generally safe to ejaculate while wearing a cock ring. To make sure that it is not a health concern for you, though, it is advisable to consult a kink-friendly doctor.
- In many cases, removing a cock ring while you are fully erect is not comfortable. This is something you can definitely do in the case of an emergency but not something you might want to attempt on a regular basis. Remember, cock rings are made to be worn during ejaculation so there is no a special problem about ejaculating while wearing a cock ring.
- You might notice that the orgasm and ejaculation change while you wear a cock ring. This might lead to some amazing sensations. Or you may find that you prefer to cum without a cock ring on. Both of these scenarios are okay. Remember, just because a cock ring slightly alters the way you ejaculate doesn’t mean that there is something wrong. However, if this happens pay close attention on what’s going on and make sure to wear only cock rings that suit you perfectly.
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things. |
I have been using a cock ring and have never had a problem but the ring only goes on the cock not over my balls
Will wearing a cock and ball ring around your balls for long periods keep you from cumming ?
Love Wearing Ball Rings !