Rare Tongue Piercings

tongueTongue piercing is among the most popular piercings in the world. However, a classic tongue piercing is not the only possible placement. Typically, tongue piercings are performed transversally through the tongue, roughly at the center. This is a very effective placement and it’s not surprising it’s so popular. Still, it’s just one of the possible ways to pierce a tongue.

If you are interested in tongue piercings but you’re looking for something more unique and unusual, try some of the rare placements. These can be very effective & sure make for a more unique piercing.

Rare Placements

Here are some of the rarer tongue piercing placements. Some of them are considered separate piercing types since they vary significantly from the classic tongue piercing. The more unique tongue piercings include:

  • Horizontal Tongue Piercing
  • Tongue Rim Piercing
  • Tongue Web Piercing
  • Tongue Surface Piercing
  • Lingum Piercing
  • Scoop Piercing

A good thing about these piercing types is that they are unique enough to truly make a difference, but also popular enough to have piercers with experience doing those types of piercings.

Also, a special tongue body modification is tongue splitting. This is a more extreme modification and it’s not considered a piercing in the strict sense of the word. However, it’s a procedure some people prefer to conventional piercings. If you wish to have a tongue splitting it’s important to find a very experienced piercer specialized in this type of procedure. Keep in mind, it deviates from usual piercing procedure and it’s more extreme in nature.

Horizontal Tongue Piercing

This is a horizontal variant of a tongue piercing. It goes through the tongue tissue horizontally, from left to right. As such, it passes through more tissue than a conventional (vertical) tongue piercing, and it’s therefore considered a more extreme type of a piercing.

When performing this piercing, it’s vital to preserve the tongue’s functionality. Your tongue has to remain in a good shape to eat and talk, so it’s crucial to choose an appropriate spot to pierce. While it’s possible to pierce any part of the tongue horizontally, it’s important to choose the one that will not interfere with speech and other functions of the tongue.

It is vital to choose an experienced piercer. Your chosen piercer has to have knowledge and experience performing this type of piercing – you should not rely on someone who’s performed classic (vertical) tongue piercings only. A good piercer will know not only how to identify the best placement that will not interfere with normal tongue functions but will also know how to find the major blood vessels and adjust the placement based on them.

Keep in mind that this piercing is anatomy-dependent. Not everybody is well suited for horizontal tongue piercings.

Another thing to know is that this type of piercing is more painful to perform than standard tongue piercings, since the piercing goes through more tissue. The healing time is also longer – you can expect this piercing to heal in 5-6 months and more.

Typical jewelry for horizontal tongue piercing is a long straight barbell. The barbell can be made of any body-friendly material. For initial jewelry, flexible barbells are recommended since they don’t put so much pressure on the tissue.

Tongue Rim Piercing

This is a specific placement for a tongue piercing. Instead of piercing centrally, tongue rim piercings are located on the outer edge of the tongue. While it’s possible to get a single tongue rim piercing, the most common variation are pairs of tongue rim piercings, one on the each side of the tongue.

Typical jewelry for tongue rim piercings are rings. They look very effective when placed on the tongue. However, a proper care has to be taken since these piercings and their jewelry can cause damage to the teeth and gums.

Tongue Web Piercing

This rare piercing is done on the thin web under the tongue. It is an unusual but relatively simple piercing with a short healing time. It is not known to cause much trouble for the wearer. The only thing to pay attention to is aftercare: it’s important to clean your new piercing after each meal and at least in the morning and evening.

This piercing is typically problem-free, but there is one downside: it is rarely visible. One needs to open mouth in a specific way for this piercing to be visible. As such, it doesn’t offer much aesthetic value but there are still other reasons why you might want to have this unusual tongue piercing.

Tongue Surface Piercings

There are many different types of tongue surface piercings. What they have in common is that they are done on the surface of the tongue, meaning, the tongue tissue is not fully perforated.

There are numerous ways to perform these piercings – almost any point of the tongue can be pierced on the surface. Also, it’s possible to choose between top and bottom placements, which create completely different effects.

As with any other surface piercing, keep in mind that these piercings may be prone to migration and rejection. Proper placement, experienced piercer and body-friendly jewelry will help preserving these surface piercings for longer.

The most popular types of tongue surface piercings are Lingum and Scoop piercing.

  • Lingum piercing is a tongue surface piercing that goes through the lower part of the tongue.
  • Scoop piercing is a surface tongue piercing done horizontally on the tongue. This piercing differs from horizontal tongue piercing in that it doesn’t go through the full tongue tissue: it is located on the surface of the tongue.
About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

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