Introduction: Toys of the Past and Present
Most of us had a lot of toys when we were kids. And look at us all grown and still playing with toys, only of the vibrating and orgasmic kinds that can have more shapes and designs than Shakira can shake her booty per second! And where do these toys go? Into our backyard, right in our peehole, or mounted on the fabulous artillery piece that calls our groin home! And then there are those toys that love tweaking our nipples, or shocking us straight into dreamy wonderland!
Prostate Toy Myths: Breaking Down the Nonsense
Anyway, we are not here today to persuade y’all to buy sex toys that are gonna fill you up with so many good feelings you float to the moon and start giving astronauts on the International Space Station a bit of trouble! Instead, today is the day that we detail all the common myths and facts about one particular kind of sex toy and that’s prostate sex toys.
Have a seat folks, and we will get this show moving like we got Superman in the driver’s seat!
Prostate Toy Myths You Wouldn’t Believe!
The world is a crazy place. That and more will be brought home to you once you consider the kind of prostate sex toy myths out there. Some of these myths are obvious fabrications meant to fool folks who either have no knowledge of anatomy or have difficulty counting to ten, while others are a bit more sophisticated and hence more insidious.
Here are some prostate toy myths and the facts of the matter:
Myth 1: Prostate Toys are Gay or Will Make You Gay:
Well, that’s like saying if you got a toy airplane you automatically become a pilot, and if you ever had a picture of Pamela Anderson tacked on your bedroom wall, then she’s your legally betrothed and you are the only one who can take off her panties and see to her impalement on good dick! The fact of the matter is that prostate sex toys do not and cannot make you gay, straight, curved, bent, or whatever else. And your using a particular sex toy will not push you to become what you are not, any more than your drinking a can of Redbull will give you literal wings and make you a high flier who goes about pissing on our heads and into our soups! And worth noting is that prostate sex toys are used by folks of all stripes, who might be bi, gay, trans, straight, heterosexual, and whatever else. For sure, such toys are not and have never been the exclusive preserve of the gay community. This particular prostate sex toy myth has endured longer than most empires and it is our dearest wish that it die a speedy death this evening, if not before!
Myth 2: Prostate Toys Are Men Only Tools
Well, that is a straight-up lie, pure bunkum, arrogant nonsense, and mischievous prattle. Prostate toys are sex toys that are meant for anyone with a working asshole who’s in the mood to explore their body to the fullest. If you are a lady, such toys will not stimulate your prostate because you don’t have any, but they can make you feel rather full and restrict how much your vagina can expand. So, apart from using prostate toys to stimulate the nerves in your anal region, you can use such toys to create a narrower vaginal opening. The narrower opening comes in useful if you wanna perform a bit of pussy pounding with a dildo or live penis. If you are a lady with anal XXX toys, do make an effort to put them to use in combination with other toys or a penis, and see if you and your partner don’t make Cloud 9 right quick!
Myth 3: Prostate Toys Are Bloody Dangerous:
Actually, everything is dangerous. You can choke on soft and fluffy bread, hard candies, and even a clit/cock! Hell, you can choke on water and land in the emergency room and nothing is softer than that! Prostate toys aren’t any more or any less dangerous than any sex toy. The fact of the matter is that just about any sex toy is dangerous if misused and that includes prostate toys. Minimizing potential dangers from prostate toy usage like anal tearing can be as simple as being fully aware of the limits and uses of the particular toy you have, making sure that where you plan to shove the prostate toy is fully lubricated and not using your toy for extensive periods, at least till you have gotten the hang of it. Also, you need to be fully aware of the fact that some health conditions like advanced prostate cancer, hemorrhoids and anal fissures preclude the usage of prostate toys. In summary, prostate toys aren’t dangerous as long as common sense is applied during usage.
Myth 4: Them Toys Gotta Be Used With A Partner:
Do you need a partner to wipe your ass after you are done dropping off your shit load? Need a partner to hold your hand when you pee and does your partner chew your food and feed you with the moist and chewed-up pieces? We guess not. See, the only reason you might need a partner for prostate sex toy use is because you want one, can’t move the lower part of your body, have attachment issues, or have very short arms, and not because you have to. It is perfectly possible to use prostate toys by yourself and you don’t have to twist yourself in knots to make it work out. So, the next time anyone near you repeats the myth about prostate toy play needing two or more people to make it work, better grab a dildo from your bag and give them a proper nose fuck!
Myth 5- There’s Nothing Like Prostate Orgasms With Prostate Toys:
Prostate orgasms are a fact and they are actually unlike any other orgasms. But you can only experience them if you have a prostate. These P orgasms come slow and uber-powerful and you can have multiples of them one after the other. They do take a bit of an effort to crank into being, especially for those inexperienced and you will need a bit of trial and error to figure out how to trigger one. But then you have all the time in the world to get down on all fours, make sure your butt is pointing at the sky and fish for orgasms out of your ass with an endlessly diverse range of prostate sex toys, right?
Myth 5- They’re Gonna Stretch You Wide Open:
It just so happens that your booty hole is admirably elastic. That is why there are loads of videos out there of folks shoving multiple eggplants, corn cobs, monster sex toys, baseball bats, and more into their fanny without issues. We are not saying you should go around seeing how many fire hydrants you can anally fuck each day! What we are saying is that your bootyhole is an elastic place and it should come back to its former size no matter how wide you stretch it via prostate toys. Go ahead, have fun, and stop worrying about myths related to XXX toys giving folks assholes wide enough to be turned into parking lots!
And that’s all for the day, folks! What particularly absurd prostate sex toy myth have you heard of? Come to the comment section and shock us a bit!
I would like to see all the prostate toys
You just have to look at the website in the departments
Hello David! Kindly check TheChainGang catalog.
I started exploring with prostrate play and anal stretching when I was 13 years old. 37 years later and I’m still playing and stretching my hole. Prostate play and anal stretching isn’t just for gay men. Im not sure what I consider myself these days. I’m happily married to a woman but I enjoy prostate orgasms more than regular orgasms. I can now enjoy toys 5 inches in width. It was hard to explain to my wife how having my hole stretched and played with gave me more pleasure than having sex with her but we both agreed how amazing it is. I guess what I’m trying to say is that everyone gets off in a different way. For me there is nothing like an anal orgasm. Being able to cum hands free is so amazing. Start small and gradually increase the size of your toys, Your butt will become your best friend.
Wow Robert! We sure wish we had the kind of fun you must have been having! Seriously though, congratulations on having such a supportive partner and learning so early about your body and what gives it pleasure. Wishing you the best on your cumming adventures ;)!