Princess Albertina Piercing

Princess AlbertinaPrincess Albertina is a female genital piercing, an equivalent to male Prince Albert piercing.

This is a piercing performed through the urethra.

This is a rare genital piercing so it’s important to find a specialized piercer who is experienced with this type of piercings.

Piercing and Placement

Princess Albertina is designed as an equivalent to male Prince Albert piercing. However, while PA piercings are among the most popular male genital piercings, Princess Albertina is rare. It was designed in the 1990s and despite attracting a lot of attention it has remained one of the rarer genital piercings.

Part of the reason is the fact that it’s a challenging piercing that can cause problems and urinary tract infections in women. Despite these risks, it is possible to have a perfectly functional and comfortable Princess Albertina piercing, as long as it’s done right.

Princess Albertina piecing enters female urethra and exits at the top of the vagina. This piercing may alter the flow of urine so it’s something to be aware of during urination. Just like male PA piercing, this is a partially urethral piercing, so a great care has to be made during procedure and aftercare.

The piercing is usually positioned about 3/8” from the urethral opening. When positioned correctly, the piercing should sit in between the inner labia. This makes the jewelry “tucked in” so it doesn’t interfere with clothes or other genital piercings.

This is a complex piercing so it’s vital to find an experienced piercer who is specialized in performing it. This is the only way to ensure satisfaction and to reduce the risk of infections and other problems.

Despite being complex in terms of placement and procedure, this is not a painful piercing. Also, it heals pretty quickly, though it’s important to restrain from sex for at least two weeks after the procedure. It’s also vital to perform regular aftercare in order to prevent infections and other problems.


Typical jewelry for Princess Albertina is a Captive Bead Ring, though other types of rings can sometimes be used. Some people even choose to wear circular barbells, but this is rarer.

The gauge of the jewelry matches the gauge you’re pierced with. Princess Albertina is usually performed at 10 gauge or 8 gauge. It’s important that that the ring has a small diameter so it won’t cause problems during vaginal penetration (be it sex or using sex toys).

Most of the time, thicker jewelry reduces the risk of rejection and it increases stimulation during masturbation and sex.

Additional Info and Tips

  • In order to be able to get Princess Albertina piercings, your urethra has to be large enough. Not all women are built for this piercing. Before the procedure, make sure to consult your piercer to see if you are suited for this piercing.
  • Women who experiment with urethral stimulation are more likely have large enough urethra to accommodate Princess Albertina.
  • Princess Albertina carries a greater risk of urinary tract infections. This is because female urethra is shorter. Male PA piecing doesn’t carry the same risk because male urethra is longer. This is why PA is generally safer and less complex piercing than Princess Albertina.
  • Princess Albertina is considered a functional piercing, since it can increase sexual pleasure in some users. It can be very pleasurable during masturbation and sex. However, this aspect works mainly for women who enjoy urethral stimulation.
  • This piercing is easy to stretch, so you can wear 6 gauge jewelry or even larger.
  • During the healing time, make sure to drink plenty of water. It will dilute the urine which will make urination less painful during the initial healing time.
  • Scrunty piercing is an extreme form of Princess Albertina. It passes horizontally through the urethra.
About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

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