Prince Albert Stretching Problems

have a Prince Albert with a 1.8 g 22mm ring in it but find it hard to move up
sizes I want to go to a size 5g 22mm but I am finding it hard to stretch it out
help needed.

Ian Burton

Out of all genital piercings, Prince Albert (PA piercing) is the most common one. The main reason for this is that PA is a relatively easy piercing to get an maintain. At the same time, it can provide a lot of sexual pleasure for the wearer and his partners. In order to enhance sexual pleasure, a Prince Albert piercing often needs to be stretched. Larger jewelry can press nicely onto your partner’s sweet spots for an unforgivable experience. However, stretching is not always easy. So, what to do?

Albert Stretching Issues

Generally speaking, Prince Albert piercing is not difficult to stretch. In fact, most penis piercing stretch surprisingly easily, sometimes without the wearer’s input. Wearing heavy jewelry or having your PA piercing for a long time can often result in stretching. Other times, users stretch their Prince Albert piercing with tapers or other tools in order to wear larger jewelry pieces.

the other hand, not all stretching can go so easily. Keep in mind that the body
has its limits, and different people can stretch to different degrees. It means
that one user can stretch a PA piercing to a large gauge without a problem,
while another user might struggle to stretch even a little. There are numerous
individual differences in anatomy and the level of stretching that someone can

means that it will not be easy to go beyond your natural potential for
stretching, whatever it may be. On the other hand, with proper care and
organization, chances are that it will be possible to stretch your PA piercing
further. However, it is important to go slowly and to do everything you can to
prevent injuries.

Going to a 5g size is not a small thing. While there are many PA jewelry pieces that are larger and heavier, it is definitely not something that everyone can have. The good news is that it might be possible to stretch your PA piercing to accommodate such jewelry, but you need to be careful.

Albert Stretching Help

first thing you need is patience. This is the most frustrating step, but a much
needed one. A penis piercing can stretch easily to a degree, but it needs some
help stretching further than that. You may start by massaging your piercing
with a bit of sterile lube to make the skin relaxed. It is important to use
only sterile lube, because it is the only way to prevent urinary tract
infections and other problems.

jump sizes. If you want to stretch, focus on the next available size. This is
true for both the gauge and weight. If there are no intermediate sizes between
the two you want, try to find a bit lighter jewelry of the same size you are
aiming for. It might be easier to insert into your piercing.

It is always possible to use tapers to stretch the entrance of your piercing hole, although using tapers completely is not possible for a Prince Albert piercing the way it is for regular body piercings (such as ear piercings, for example).

people find that the simple lubing up of both the jewelry and the piercing hole
helps loosening the skin up. If you feel the jewelry will not go all the way
through, do not force it. Focus on relaxing the entrance and/or exit of the
piercing so it will accommodate your new jewelry. Once it starts to hurt or if
you encounter resistance, stop. Give your body some time to relax and then try
again. Over time, you should be able to insert the new jewelry all the way

If this doesn’t happen, don’t worry. There are other jewelry pieces you might want to try. Sometimes, a specific jewelry piece just won’t work for us, but another one of the similar size and weight will fit perfectly. Just keep trying and make sure not to rush things out.

About Holes:
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things.

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