Piercing Problems: Swelling

Piercing Problems SwellingSome swelling after getting pierced is expected and should be seen as normal. Certain body parts tend to swell more than the others, so make sure to ask your piercer about it beforehand. In fact, it’s vital to be informed about all aspects of the piercing process.

However, excessive swelling is a warning sign you should not ignore. This is why it’s important to get pierced by an experienced individual and to monitor your new piercing carefully.

Swelling: When It’s OK and when It’s Not

Swelling happens after you get pierced. It’s almost unavoidable, so a bit of swelling is not a reason to worry. It’s also important to know that swelling depends on the piercing in question and your body. Some piercings simply tend to swell more than the others. However, it doesn’t mean that swelling should be prolonged or to get worse. It’s one of the main warning signs you should watch for.

With surface piercings, swellings are even more common, so a bit of a swelling is not a reason to worry. However, it’s important to know that the swelling should go pretty quickly. It should not get worse, and it should not become more painful and uncomfortable. If this happens it’s a warning sign.

Another warning sign is swelling that is getting too big, so much to cover the piercing ball and to make the piercing disappear under the swelling. This is very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. If you notice this problem, do not wait: it’s vital to react quickly. You need to visit your doctor as soon as possible if that happens.

In fact, any prolonged swelling or swelling that just doesn’t seem to get better in a matter of a few days should be checked. Sometimes, it takes a while for a swelling to clear, but it should never get worse than it was.

For many piercings, a week after getting the piercing done is when all swelling should be gone, but this is not exact rule. Each piercing has its own healing timeline and the amount of swelling that is expected. In any case, any prolonged swelling should be treated as a medical emergency, particularly if it’s followed by pain, discomfort or discharge. Make sure to visit your doctor as soon as possible if you notice these signs! Remember, swelling that lasts too long can cause numerous problems, from infection to necrosis, and this is something you want to avoid at all costs.

Piercing Swelling Relief

If you are bothered by swelling and if you are in pain, you can take a pain relief medicine. Before you do that, however, make sure you are allowed to do that. Consult your doctor about any medicines you wish to take.

Ice can help relieve some tension and it can make the swelling go faster. Simply put some ice in a thin towel and apply to the swollen area. Make sure to keep it pressed for 5 to 15 minutes, but not longer than that. It should provide some immediate relief. If needed, you can repeat this process until the swelling subsides.

Check your swelling regularly to see if it gets better. However, do not touch your piercing or swelling itself. The only thing you should do is to apply cleaning as part of the aftercare, but even then, make sure not to disturb your piercing too much.

Additional Tips and Advice

  • When it comes to swelling, it’s important to observe your new piercing carefully. Make sure to monitor the swelling to notice if it’s getting better or worse.
  • Sometimes, it’s difficult to tell if it’s normal swelling or something to worry about. If in doubt, you should consult your doctor and your piercer.
  • It’s best to get informed about everything beforehand. Ask questions to your piercer and make sure to note how long the swelling typically lasts, what to expect and what is considered normal.
  • Make sure to perform aftercare properly. Aftercare is important for preventing problems with your new piercing, so you should focus your energy and time on performing adequate aftercare. You need to be responsible about your new piercing and you need to keep it clean in order to prevent further issues.
  • Remember, it’s much better to retire a piercing if needed than to keep the jewelry in for too long. For this reason, do not hesitate. If the swelling is too big your doctor will remove the jewelry for you, so you don’t need to stress about that. It’s better to retire a piercing if this happens than to suffer further consequences.
  • If you need to retire your piercing due to swelling, don’t worry. Chances are that you will be able to get re-pierced again on the same spot if the tissue heals properly. This is yet another reason why you should never wait for too long. Visit a doctor as soon as you notice a problem and there is a greater chance of the tissue healing properly and without further issues.
About Donna:
Donna Carlson is a staff writer for TheChainGang. She combines her love for body piercings with adult fun, such as sex toys, BDSM and other forms of pleasure. She says: “Piercings and sex toys often complement each other in the most sensual ways. I am happy to help you discover new ways to pleasure yourself and your partner. With a bit of practice, anyone can learn how to enhance their love life. And with a bit of courage, anyone can enjoy body piercings”. In addition to intimate piercings and adult toys, Donna also writes about body jewelry and other piercing adornments.

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