Piercing Problems: Piercing Scars

Piercing Problems Piercing ScarsPiercing scars are a common piercing problem. Unlike other issues with piercings that typically affect new piercings in healing, scars can happen at any time.

Actually, many scars develop on healed piercings or even after the piercing is retired.

For this reason, it’s important to keep monitoring your piercing even after it’s healed.

Many people believe that piercing scars are always complicated and difficult to heal, or that they always lead to piercing retirement. While some scars are more complex than the others, keep in mind that there are scars that can be healed successfully. It is therefore vital to treat any problem as soon as it appears.

Types of Piercing Scars

There are two main types of piercing scars: hypertrophic and keloid scars. There is another type that some people don’t count as scars (atrophic scars) but they also count so you need to be aware of them, too.

  • Hypertrophic scars. These are smaller, raised scars. They generally form around the borders of the piercing hole. Sometimes, they form right next to the piercing. They often look like round bumps near the piercing. These are less painful than keloid scars or not painful at all. Generally speaking, hypertrophic scars are considered less serious than keloid scars and can be healed more easily. It is possible to get rid of these scars by switching to better-fitting, more comfortable jewelry. Also, it is useful to massage the scar with vitamin E oil. The oil and comfortable jewelry should make the scar less raised and it should fade over time. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor if you develop this kind of a scar to receive proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Keloid scars. These are the more serious scars that form around piercings. These are large, raised scars that can extend well beyond the piercing. Some keloid scars are massive in size and can make a serious problem. These scars tend to be painful and they often increase over time. These scars require medical attention and should be removed by a doctor. It is absolutely vital to seek medical help as soon as you start developing a keloid scar because these scars can cause numerous problems, both when it comes to health and aesthetics. Do not wait or else the problem will get worse!
  • Atrophic scars. These scars are depressed, sunken areas forming on the surface of the skin. These scars are more common after scarifications and more extreme forms of body modifications. Rarely, they may form after a piercing, especially if a larger area of the skin is affected.

Generally speaking, hypertrophic and keloid scars are the common problem with piercings. Keep in mind that not all scars are keloid so if you have a piercing scar chances are that it can be healed relatively easily. However, it is vital to consult your doctor to get proper medical help and heal the scar as soon as possible.

How to Avoid Piercing Scars

One of the best and most effective ways to minimize the risk of piercing scars is to practice adequate aftercare. Aftercare is crucial for the well-being of your piercing and should not be ignored. You don’t have the luxury to be lazy about the aftercare, since it can mean a difference between a beautiful, properly healed, healthy piercing and the one causing troubles, including nasty piercing scars.

It is also important to monitor your piercing regularly to notice any potential problems. Keep in mind that scars can form around piercings at all stages: while they can form on new piercings in healing, they often happen around old piercings or even the retired piercings. Even old, properly healed piercings can develop scars. This happens surprisingly often, so it’s definitely something you need to keep in mind. It is particularly dangerous if your piercing get infected. Infections can leave scars and damage your piercing even if it’s properly healed. For this reason, it is vital to observe your piercing regularly and note any changes. It’s always better to catch the problem in the beginning, before it gets worse.

Of course, one of the best ways to prevent piercing scars altogether is to get pierced by a professional, experienced piercer. Even the simplest piercing should be done by a professional. This is the best way to avoid piercing scars and other problems. Never perform a piercing by yourself and never let to be pierced by a friend or another non-professional. This is a recipe for a disaster! Even if the piercing seems simple it’s vital to get pierced in a proper piercing studio and by a professional piercer.

Another important thing is to listen to your piercer’s advice, particularly the one about aftercare and avoiding problems with your piercing. Make sure to follow your piercer’s advice carefully to minimize the risk of piercing scars and other problems.

About Holes:
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things.

One thought on “Piercing Problems: Piercing Scars

  1. Hi just wanted some information so I did pierce my nose like three weeks ago so two days ago I found there was like a bump on the nose piercing what does this mean how can I treat it

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