Penis & Vagina Piercing and Condom Break

People with genital piercings often wonder if they can use condoms safely. After all, condoms are the best thing we have to ensure safe sex so it is vital that they don’t break during intercourse. Can genital piercings break a condom? What about vagina piercings?

Genital Piercings and Condoms

penis-vagina-piercing-and-condom-breakWhen it comes to genital piercings and condoms, there are several scenarios to think about. One: a penis piercing. Jewelry on a pierced penis may put pressure on the condom inside and cause friction during intercourse. However, this is typically not an issue and many people with a pierced penis can have a safe sex with condoms.

However, it is very important to be careful and certain problems can sure happen. While condoms don’t usually break if the man has a pierced penis it is important to remember that there is a risk of tearing and damaging a condom during intercourse.

Oral Sex and Condoms

Another scenario is oral sex. Remember, just because penis is not pierced, a condom can be damaged if the partner performing oral sex has pierced tongue or lips. In some ways this is even more dangerous, because facial and oral piercings do not always use jewelry that is as smooth as the one used for genital piercings. This is why it is important to be extremely careful during oral sex with a person who has pierced tongue or lips. It is relatively easy to damage condom in the process. There are still people who manage to do this without a problem, but it is important to be extra careful.

When it comes to pierced penis and oral sex, the recommendations are similar as with having vaginal or anal intercourse. Condoms can be damaged during this activity, but there is a good chance that they will not break. Usually, teeth are the major problem during oral sex with a condom. It is therefore important that the partner performing oral sex does not use teeth on the condom and to avoid biting on the penis jewelry. Jewelry can rub against the teeth and damaging them. Not to mention that condoms often break in this scenario. Therefore, it is important to be careful not to break the condom. Performing oral sex on a man with a pierced penis requires some practice even without a condom. With a condom, it is important to be even more careful.

Vagina Piercing and Condom Break

What about vagina piercings? This is a tricky situation. First of all, there are many different female genital piercings people often call “vagina piercing”. The actual vagina piercings are very rare, so chances are that the piercing in question is not actually located in or near the vagina. One piercing that does go through the vaginal opening (though only in part) is Fourchette piercing. This one can put additional pressure on the condom and cause unwanted friction, so you need to be careful.

Most female genital piercings, however, do not go near the vagina itself. These are safer options when it comes to condoms. Ideally, the condom will not come in touch with the piercing itself. Therefore, the risk for a condom break is minimal in this scenario.

You still need to be careful, though. The condom can come in touch with woman’s genital piercings during vigorous play or if the penis slips out of the vagina. Certain sexual positions can put the condom in touch with female genital jewelry and thus put additional pressure and friction on the condom.

So, Will it Break?

Just because there is additional pressure and friction doesn’t mean that the condom will break. However, there is a risk and it’s important to know about it. It is vital to be careful in these situations since there is no guarantee that an accident will not happen.

Remember, genital piercings and jewelry are generally safe for condoms. However, accidents do happen so it’s important to be aware of them. Jewelry does put some additional pressure and friction on the condom and while most condoms can withstand that, it is important to be very careful.

About Donna:
Donna Carlson is a staff writer for TheChainGang. She combines her love for body piercings with adult fun, such as sex toys, BDSM and other forms of pleasure. She says: “Piercings and sex toys often complement each other in the most sensual ways. I am happy to help you discover new ways to pleasure yourself and your partner. With a bit of practice, anyone can learn how to enhance their love life. And with a bit of courage, anyone can enjoy body piercings”. In addition to intimate piercings and adult toys, Donna also writes about body jewelry and other piercing adornments.

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