Penis Plugs as Birth Control: A Very Bad Idea

Penis PlugsPenis plugs are popular urethral toys made for experiencing sexual pleasure. Typically shorter than urethral sounds, they are ideal for regular – as the opposite of deep – urethral stimulation. There are many different types of penis plugs you can use to experience new type of pleasure.

Lately, there are some people wondering about using penis plugs as a form of birth control. Since penis plugs go inside the urethra, they may seem like good devices for birth control. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. While some penis plugs are made to stop the flow of semen, it is done for the erotic purpose and doesn’t work as reliable birth control.

In other words: penis plugs should NOT be used for birth control.

Penis Plugs and Sperm Stoppers

Penis plugs and other urethral toys are inserted into the urethra. Some plugs are solid, which means that they are made to prevent the semen from being ejaculated from the penis. Solid plugs provide unique feelings to those who like this sort of sensation. It is a very powerful feeling and a great erotic experience.

Solid penis plugs, however, can be used in many different ways. Some people prefer to keep them inside during ejaculation, while others choose to remove the plug during ejaculation for the purpose of achieving a stronger orgasm.

As you can see, penis plugs are sex toys made for urethral play. Their purpose is not to provide birth control and thus cannot be used for this purpose.

Penis Plugs as Birth Control: Why it Doesn’t Work

Solid plugs may seem like a good idea for birth control, since they keep the semen inside during ejaculation. This can lead to retrograde ejaculation, where the semen goes back to the bladder and is expelled with the next urination. It may sound like a good idea, but it actually isn’t. Penis plugs simply cannot be used as a reliable form of birth control. Not to mention they can actually be dangerous for the people involved.

The thing is that even with a solid plug, you cannot actually predict what happens with the semen. While it’s possible to keep some of the semen inside and make it go back to the bladder, this mechanism is in no way complete.

There is always leakage and dripping, even with the tightest plugs. You may not always see large quantities of semen during ejaculation if you have a solid penis plug inserted, but the dripping caused by the force of ejaculation makes it unsafe to use penis plugs for birth control.

So, it’s unreliable, to put it mildly. Keep in mind that this is just for those instances where a penis plug is used correctly. Many times, the plug moves up and down, which leads to even more leakage and dripping.

The things is that penis plugs are not just unreliable for birth control. They can also be very dangerous for the both partners. Not all penis plugs can be safely used during intercourse, and frequent use of this kind can actually lead to numerous injuries for the both people involved. Even the smoothest, smallest penis plugs can hurt the cervix and cause trouble for the man if they move during sex. While it is possible to have sex with a penis plug inside, a combination of a solid penis plug and vaginal intercourse is not the best idea.


In other words: it may look like a nice idea, but it isn’t. Do not attempt to use penis plugs for birth control. They are not reliable nor safe to be used that way. If you attempt to do this, you are not only risking pregnancy but also injuries, since most penis plugs are not made to be constantly used during intercourse. It may lead to injuries to both parties involved.

In short, avoid penis plugs as birth control. Do not even attempt to use them for this purpose! While solid penis plugs are made to keep some of the ejaculate inside, chances are that there will be drippings and leakage, which will render them useless as a form of birth control. Not to mention you can hurt your partner and yourself in the process. For these reasons, it is advisable to avoid using penis plugs and other urethral toys for birth control.

About Craig:
Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men.

One thought on “Penis Plugs as Birth Control: A Very Bad Idea

  1. Of course you can leave the plug used overnight. Removing the plug the next morning is certainly not a problem, but this is not desirable and necessary. Due to its olive shape, the plug holds in the constriction on the meatus urethrae externus and lies comfortably in the fossa navicularis urethrae. Take a look at the picture of the plug. The plug is 5cm long. The problem is only after 2 to 3 weeks, the meatus urethrae externus is dilated and you bring the next size. The far you notice only when the plug falls out, but that’s a desired effect.

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