PA Stretching Advice subbmitted by Wolf

Concerning PA stretching, especially for larger gauge (00 and beyond), – a painful pleasure as it simply is-, the utmost sensitive skin in the PA piercing will likely be irritated and possibly somewhat inflamed upon successful
insertion of the new, heavy jewelry.

The day after the stretching could become uncomfortable with sometimes extremely slow progress for less pain in days to come when jewelry moves or is bumped.
With heavy PA jewelry, wearing a jock strap with the jewelry nested down at the balls (rather than up) also helps manage less movement.
It is important to shower/bath jewelry morning and evening, for some type of tiny crust could develop and cause serious pain upon movement.

I also elected to use anti-inflammatory Ibuprofen 200mg 2x a day, and may be another one later in the night.

This does help amazingly but should not be taken with major alcohol consume; a small amount is ok and kidneys won’t “give up”.
My PA is actually an Apadravya  (vertical through gland) and lends itself to heavy jewelry. A regular PA may not take the weight over time and rip open as it may migrate.
The Apadravya piercing therefore would be my recommendation in order to achieve higher, extreme goals.


Body Jewelry Chain Gang Customer

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9 thoughts on “PA Stretching Advice subbmitted by Wolf

  1. I have 00 guage jewelry in my PA, and from experience I would agree that care needs to be taken in stretching a PA. I learned the hard way as my first experience I rushed it and the weight of the jewelry ripped through my skin and so I had to get a second PA piercing. I have actually stretched my current PA to 000, but noticed that the weight was again migrating through my skin, so I now wear a 00 piece of trojan jewelry, I miss the weight, but did not want to risk having the jewelry rip through my skin a second time.

  2. This is great advice. I got my PA about 6 weeks ago. Started with a 10g…looking to stretch up to 2g or 0g at some point. I’m trying to be patient. My question is…what’s the best way to insert the new jewelry? Just lube it up and try to easily force it in? Are those taper things necessary? Is this something I can do myself, or do I have to go back to the piercer? Thanks man…I hope to hear back from someone soon.

  3. Mark, PLEASE don’t try forcing anything, with or without lube (an oily lube or even body butter is better than water-based). I write so far only from experience of my nipples. I rushed a bit to up-size, using surgical steel, and one piercing started to migrate. I solved this on my piercer’s advice by going several sizes down & opting for titanium for less weight. I have now moved back up to 2 gauge with large (7/16″) balls, still using titanium jewellery, and the piercing seems to have stabilised well. Tapers are fairly expensive but worth it; if the taper won’t go thru’ easily, you’re not quite ready for the jewellery. You only have one body (& one cock!), they’re precious and they’re not renewable! Take things gradually and think about titanium or Trojan jewellery.

  4. I also learned the hard way by wearing a 00 monster screwball for months non stop because I LOVED the extra weight. Unfortunately, my piercing migrated and would have split if I didn’t remove the monster screwball jewelry. I now wear a titanium 0 gauge Trojan Ball ring; which is the lightest jewelry that I have found. I do take it out every night before I go to sleep as I am trying to minimize the risk of it tearing through. I wish someone had told me before about not wearing the monster screwball all the time as I wouldn’t have had to go through all the problems that I had.

  5. Just put in my 0 gauge Friday evening. Going into my 3rd day and I have more redness and inflammation than I did after inserting it. I have a traditional P.A. (pierced through my frenum). Typically I go commando, sleep in the nude, and have still been to maximize whatever air flow as much aspossible. So with that being said, and there being no signs of infection, would you say this is normal?

  6. I just received my 5/8 inch monster ball ring and want to replace my 1/2 inch PA with it. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this or does the Chaingang sell a taper to help me? I’ve tried to insert it w/ lots of Vaseline but haven’t had any luck. I love the weight of it and really want to insert it asap. Any help or advise will always be appreciated.

  7. I had the same experience a few years ago and found soaking my piercing in Epsom salt w/ a little water several times a day cleared up the redness and relieved the discomfort. Try it!

  8. So, just a suggestion here. I have a PA have had it for maybe a year, I’m at 0ga working towards 00ga. I wear pretty form fitting underwear, my job is very active. I think it helps more than anything. I could taper hard at night and work my way through the gauges, then during the day I could let everything sit straddled by the tight fitting underwear. This might allow others to wear the heavier jewelry also. Just a suggestion. Anyone know where to find 00ga 9mm jewlery?

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