Nipple Piercings For Nipple Play: Tips For Intensifying Sensations

Sex can be more than a genital meet and greet that occurs at a very frantic pace and there are loads of great and mighty things that can be done to sweeten the sexual experience, or just because. And it just so happens that nipple play -on nipples equipped with piercings- is one of the most life-enriching, sexual joy magnifying and brain-bursting things that any sentient species can get up to! Plus it won’t cost an arm and a leg, like a trip to Machu Picchu would and doesn’t need a PhD to master!

Today, we will hold forth on the subject of nipple piercings and nipple play, plus how nipple play can be incorporated into foreplay and BDSM activities. Tune in with all possible glee like any titty-fed god, folks and let’s go see what playful nipples can do for life and loving!

Nipple Piercings and How They Feel

Ever heard of the Victorians? Yeah, we mean those uptight fucksters who liked hanging kids for stealing handkerchiefs, powdering their bodies with arsenic, and taking arsenic pills for libido stimulation, plus hosting mummy unwrapping parties. Well, it was common for Victorian women to have one or both nipples pierced and adorned with jewelry, with the stated aim being the enabling of rounder and hence more attractive jugs. Needless to say, we at the office really can’t wrap our minds around the fact that people so prudish can be that sexually adventurous.

But the fucked-up Victorians did not invent nipple piercings. It took root in the Western world sometime in the 14th century. But folks in African and other societies were getting their nipples pierced well before then and nipple rings were common in Ancient Rome, with that Julius Caesar fella being a fan. After the Victorians had their fun, nipple rings fell somewhat out of favor and having one would usually make folks regard you as un uncultured savage busily pedaling on the straight road to perdition!

The late 1970s saw the revival of nipple piercings and it quickly became something that the gay and BDSM community thought a lot of and did a lot of. It wasn’t long before celebs got in on the act, with the inevitable result that nipple piercings are now widely seen as something that makes you cool, hot and pleasantly freaky.

Now, there are a lot of different nipple piercing jewelry types out there. The most popular are as follows:

  • Straight Barbell: this is a barbell that follows the straight and narrow path. Think of it as a straight kind of bar with stuff at both ends that keep the bar in place. The straight barbell is easily the most popular nipple piercing jewelry type and the appeal mainly has to do with its simplicity, comfort and classic look. But there are, of course, a lot of fancy ones, with custom straight barbells easily available on request at most sex shops. 
  • Curved Barbells: this kind of barbell is the same as the straight one, with the only difference being that the curved barbell has a slight to moderate curve to it. They can also be more comfortable to wear than straight barbells. 
  • Captive Bead Ring: the captive bead ring is circular and sports a bead at one end. The tension in the ring is what holds the bead in place and no, the beads assuredly do not easily fall out. Captive bead rings do tend to snag or bump on stuff and the large diameter needed to get a straight piercing with this kind of jewelry means it might not be suitable for all. 
  • Twisted Barbells: the name is self-explanatory. Rather than curved or straight barbells, what we have here are barbells with a spiral shape. These kinds of barbells look both strange and amazing and you can thread them through a nipple piercing and keep them in place with the aid of a screw-on ball. While these kinds of jewelry are comfortable, some are simply too large and elaborate to be worn outside and their size means they are an easy thing for objects and people to bump into. 
  • Nipple Shield: well, this looks a lot like a broach. Except that rather than pin it to your clothing, you hang it on your nipples. They are however not meant for long-duration use. 
  • Seam Rings: these nipple piercers have a circular and seamless shape. For use, both ends are separated, with one end being inserted into the piercing. They are sleek, easy to use and clean and comfortable. 
  • Horseshoe/Circular Barbell: these come in the shape of horseshoes. They look a bit masculine, but can be easily feminized with the addition of gemstones and diamonds and are comfortable for extended usage. 
  • Segment Rings: these are nearly identical to seamless rings, with the middle being equipped with a segment that can be popped in and out. They are easily customizable and comfortable. 
  • Dangles: these are solid, dangling rings that can range from simple pieces to incredibly elaborate masterpieces and they are fond of getting caught up on clothing.

Nipple Piercings, Foreplay, and BDSM

The human brain is a fascinating complexity whose secrets have yet to be completely unraveled. And one thing about the brain that still amazes is that stimulating the genitalia and the nipples consistently lights up the same area of our gray matter. That means the brain cannot tell whether you are having your tits sucked or your genitalia fingered and licked and it will respond to both actions the same way. It also means there’s every possibility that you and practically everyone else on this planet can orgasm with just nipple play.

One big advantage to getting a nipple piercing is that it enhances the sensitivity of your nipples and hence makes nipple orgasms easier to achieve. Nipple piercings ensure your nipples can be more easily stimulated by touch, with the piercing jewelry also doing its part. This double stimulation can quickly grow so intense as to be painful and that’s worth watching out for.

Nipple piercings can also lead to breasts that look bigger, while boosting sexual confidence, triggering more intense orgasms, and enhancing the sexual appeal and desirability of folks with such piercings. And the enhanced sexual confidence that nipple piercings confer often results in sexual partners with such jewelry being willing to try out a whole batch of new stuff in the sack that they might otherwise never have been disposed to exploring.

If you are into BDSM or rough sex, nipple piercings provide a convenient way to move your sex life up by several notches. You can twist and pull on these piercings as the spirit leads and according to the pain tolerance of your partner, or roll them around your tongue like they are the most precious set of deliciousness in the world! You can also flick them, breathe on them and get your partner tied up while you play with their piercing jewelry. Yeah, there’s a lot of ways to incorporate nipple piercings into BDSM activities.

As for foreplay with pierced nipples, a porn video or two can provide a lot of inspiration. Or you can forgo that and set the mood with colored lights, scented candles, and soothing music and do as the spirit leads. Just take your time to play with the jug in your hand, massaging it as gently or roughly as needed and then focus your attention on the nipple and the the piercing jewelry it is equipped with.

Slow and gentle rubs around the areola are sure to trigger moans from your partner and from there you can proceed to sucking the nipples and gently rubbing the thighs, stomach and between the legs of your partner. Do this till you both are having difficulty breathing and then set about the task of putting hard meat into wet and receptive holes!

Nipple Play Aftercare

Nipple play aftercare procedures are quite uncomplicated. Chafing might be experienced and this can be countered via the liberal application of Lanolin and similar products. And in case the nipple play turned out to be more hardcore than planned for, to the point that you are sore all over and especially around your tits, then you should ice down that area.

It is also important to remember that the breast is a very sensitive area of the body. Thus, letting it rest for a few days after strenuous nipple play sessions is advisable.

And that’s for the day, folks! What’s your best nipple play experience and which nipple jewelry type has done the most for you? Come to the comment section please and have your say.


One thought on “Nipple Piercings For Nipple Play: Tips For Intensifying Sensations

  1. How long after nipple piercing do you need to wait before engaging on nipple play including linking and sucking?

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