The use of piercing on your nipples has become a trend as it is a very popular body modification around the world. You should know that this piercing has a longer duration to heal compared to other body modifications. Find out how to take care after your nipple is pierced and what to do in any problem:
Things To Know Before Piercing Your Nipple
To pierce both nipples, you have to know some things that will be very useful before making that big decision:
- Anticipate a slow recovery: With this, you must understand that the recovery from a nipple piercing is approximately 12 months.
- Use the simplest parts: in the process in which you recover from perforation, you must use very light nipple pieces that do not cause more pressure on the nipple.
Suggestions for the girls:
- Do not pierce when you have menstruation: Menstruation causes your breasts to swell, which could be uncomfortable if you decide to pierce in that state.
- Avoid piercing your nipples when you are on tape: when you are pregnant, that involves breastfeeding the baby, and this can cut the healing process, even be dangerous.
Things To Do After Having A Nipple Piercing
Learn what you can and cannot do after having a nipple piercing. According to professional piercers, you should take the following precautions:
Things you Can do
- Boost the immune system by having long hours of sleep, hydrating yourself, and maintaining excellent hygiene. Don’t forget to eat well while recovering from your piercing.
- Prevent trauma from recent nipple piercing
- You have to dress carefully to prevent tearing off the piece.
- Girls should wear soft bras in the day and sports bras at night to care for the piercing.
- Men should wear very soft shirts, preferably cotton, for the whole day.
Things You Cannot Do
- You can’t drink aspirin, alcohol, or drink too much coffee because that prevents your recovery from being quick.
- You cannot smoke any cigarette because it will cause an effect that will decrease the nipple’s healing. Use nicotine patches or VAPE as a source to calm your cigarette cravings.
- Do not immerse the nipples in the pool or Jacuzzi water. These bathing areas may contain bacteria that could infect the piercing of the nipples.
- Do not use soaps or cleansers with a strong composition to heal the piercing; this can trigger an infection in the area.
- Do not touch, much less play with the pieces on your nipples while the area recovers.
- Do not let anyone touch the nipple piercing by hand to prevent the spread of bacteria.
- Do not twist, twist, or pull the area of ??the pierced nipples to remove the crust or “crust.” The barks are part of the healing; if you want to remove them correctly, you must apply saline solution and then remove them gently using a cotton ball.
- Do not use balms, oils, or creams as a nipple recovery treatment. These products can trap bacteria and therefore give you an infection in the area.
- Do not interchange parts without consulting your professional piercer. If you have completed six months of recovery for the nipples, you should consult with the piercing professional to see if you can change the jewel.
Ways To Clean Nipple Piercings
There are only two ways you can clean nipple piercings, get to know them:
- Use a saline spray for the piercing area at least five times a day.
- Use the sea salt solution to feed your pierced nipple at least two times a day.
The use of salt as a means of treatment for your pierced nipples is because it keeps your body balanced. Electrolytics are kept in order using both salt solutions, increasing their recovery. You should do this treatment for at least six months while recovering; then, you can reduce the use of salt solutions.
Replace The Nipple Piece
Recovery in nipple piercing is variable and depends on each person, including whether they follow recovery measures. With approximately nine months, you can exchange the piece or jewel to the one you want. It would be best if you check that the nipple is not swollen, inflamed, and fully healed for you to handle.
If you want a second opinion of recovery in the nipples, you can consult with your piercing professional. The pieces you can exchange your original jewel for piercing are straight barbell, circular barbells, captive beads rings, etc.
Stretching Nipple Piercings
If you want the nipple piercing to be longer than average, check with your professional piercer. The pieces have an average weight of 14g and 12g, although, in the beginning, you will require a weight of 10g maximum.
Suggestions For Stretching
You have to soften the nipple area with oils to make the jewelry exchange process more refreshing. If you want to use a piercing cone, try to find it the same length as your original part but wider than the nipple. You can use a lubricant to improve the exchange of the part as smoothly as possible.
When you change the caliber of your jewelry, from 12g to 10g, you have to wait a similar time to cure. To stretch your nipples with another type of piece, you have to wait for the piercing to heal completely.
Expansion with the tape for lengthening
With this tool, you will expand the perforation gradually and with all the possible security. What you should do is remove one of the pieces on the nipple, wrap them in tape for lengthening, and put them back. You have to wait at least a month while the perforation wound recovers to repeat the procedure.
Use the lengthening tape method whenever you like when the piercing is past 12 months of recovery. It is a very slow but effective process that will allow you to lengthen your nipples to the size you want.
Stretching with S-hooks and weights
More than a nipple expansion, it is a process that will allow you to feel arousal while applying it. You can use the S-hooks along with small penalties to expand the nipple as you like. Use the weights with the S-hooks to comfort your home and expect the wound to heal with each expansion.
This process also serves as a way for you to become aroused and climax through your nipples. Every time you repeat the process, you can increase the weight on the hooks until you reach the nipple stretch you want.
Common Issues and Solutions with Nipple Piercing
Find out what setbacks you can experience in healing your nipples. In the event of a problem, you should quickly consult a specialist doctor or your professional piercer. Learn about some problems in the nipple piercing healing process:
Bulging of the nipple area is very common, and you can prevent it by using light parts in healing. Avoid using unnecessary weight while your nipple heals, and don’t forget to clean the area continuously. If you follow all the rules, you will not have a bulge, although you can consult your professional piercer if you notice any irregularities.
Discomfort in menstruation
As a woman, you should know that before the nipple piercing, the area was often sensitive to touch. When you are recovering from a piercing at this level, you may feel sharp pain and discomfort, soothe them with cold water compresses. You can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to combat that chronic nipple pain.
Sometimes you can get a nipple wound infection even though you followed the healing rules. You may have symptoms like pus in the nipple, red spots in the area, fever, and excessive sensitivity in the nipple. If you discover any symptoms, you should maximize your recovery by cleaning the area, using antiseptics, and immediately applying salt solutions.
If it does not experience any difference in more than five days, it is time for you to visit the doctor to combat the problem. Do not self-medicate.
This problem occurs when you use a very large original drill bit for the area that is being healed. The area becomes irritated, and the wound begins to develop a scar all around it. Many people confuse it with keloid. To solve this problem, you have to ask your professional piercer to change the original part.
You have to renew the care after hyper granulation, increase the salt solution’s use, and use oils. In less than 15 days, you should see differences in the area and decreased pressure on the nipple.
Traces of scar
There are two traces of scarring due to poor piercing or poorly executed care:
- Hypertrophic scar: they are large and have pigment in the color of your skin; they are located in the upper part of the nipple. This scar protrudes almost immediately after the piercing.
- Atrophic scar: you will notice them in the perforation when the piece is removed, they resemble hypertrophic ones, but their location is different. This type of scar comes out when the piercing wound does not close completely.
To treat both scars, you can use silicone-based gel or jojoba oils as a way of treatment. To start treatment, you must wait 12 months of recovery from the perforation. They are very useful treatments that disperse scars caused by poor care or perforation as much as possible.
Keloid scar is another type of healing problem, although its causes are due to genetic problems to heal the skin. The only solution to this scar is through an operation with a specialized dermatologist. For you to recognize it, you will notice a very pronounced lump in the drilled holes.