You may be fascinated with sex toys and enjoy them to the fullest. However, many beginners wonder how to move from smaller, softer adult toys to something larger and more intense. This change is not always easy. While some people can simply switch to bigger sex toys without a problem, others need a bit more preparation.
How to Move to Larger Toys: Basic Tips
There are some basic tips on how to move to larger toys. Generally speaking, you should never rush this process. You need to stay safe during any sexual activity, including sex toy use. For this reason, it is highly advisable to research all the safety guidelines associated with the use of a specific sex toy type. This is vital for ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.
Please note that moving to larger toys will sometimes depend on the type of the toy. Some toys, such as dildos and vibrators, require your body to get used to the smaller models before attempting to insert something bigger. Other toy types, such as cock rings, ball stretchers and urethral toys, add yet another factor into the mix: in addition to training your body you also need to acquire some skills about how to use these toys properly.
In other words, a lot will depend on the type of the toy you wish to use. Here are some general tips on how to move to larger toys that can work for most types of sex toys:
Use Plenty of Lube
This is one of the most important tips to follow. It goes without saying that lube is an essential for many types of sexual activities. A good lubricant will ensure a smoother and more comfortable experience. It will make the toy glide and produce pleasurable massage to your sensitive spots. This is always a good advice, but it becomes even more vital in the case of larger sex toys. If you wish to transition from smaller models to something bigger, heavier and longer, make sure to use even more lube than before.
Also, don’t forget to use just the right type of the lube. Depending on the sex toy material, some types of lubricants may not be safe to use. For example, silicone-based lubricants are not safe to use with toys made of silicone, so this is something to keep in mind.
Go Slowly
Whatever you do, make sure to go slowly and gently. This is an absolute must to ensure safety. It is understandable that you may be aroused and thus eager to achieve all the sensations and pleasure a sex toy can give. However, it is vital to protect your body and avoid injuries. For this reason, going slowly is the only way to achieve good results.
This is particularly important when you try to move to bigger and heavier toys. It is crucial to be very careful to avoid injuries and other problems. If you go slowly and gently you can avoid overstretching, soreness and other problems associated with larger adult toys.
Gradual Increase
Perhaps the best way to accommodate larger sex toys is to train your body gradually. By gradually increasing the size of the toy you are allowing your body to slowly get used to bigger toys. Furthermore, you are allowing your body to rest between sessions, thus making the process safer and more comfortable.
This is why there are many so-called training and stretching toys made for gradually preparing the body to accommodate bigger and thicker toys. There are, for example, special urethra stretchers made for training your urethra or anal toy kits with several sizes of butt plugs in the set. If you want to transition to larger sex toys it is advisable to use one of these training kits to stretch your body gradually.
Use Smooth Toys
It is best to start with smoother toys. They are more comfortable and much easier to insert. This will make the experience more pleasurable and less problematic. In fact, smooth toys are the best way to go for newbies, especially those who want to move to larger sex toys.
Once you are used to a specific toy size you may try different models, textures toys and other more intense types of toys. During transitioning, however, it is highly advisable to use only smooth sex toys since they are the most comfortable and safer to use.
Patience – It Takes Time
If you wish to transition to bigger toys, keep in mind that patience is the key. You should never rush this process. Sometimes, it takes many sessions, days or even weeks to train your body to accept larger and bigger toys. This is particularly true for more complex types of toys, such as urethral sounds, but it can be true for any type of a toy.
For this reason, it is important to be patient and to prepare yourself that it might take some time before you are ready to accommodate bigger and heavier toys. While you may be lucky enough to go through this process quickly you need to be ready to invest some time into this. Just be patient and with a bit of practice you will be able to move to larger and bigger toys.
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things. |