Male Pubic Piercing

pubicPubic piercing is a surface piercing performed on the pubic mound, right above the penis. It is a relatively rare piercing even though it’s not a complicated one, so there are men who choose to get it. This is one of the lesser known male genital piercings, so there are often some misconceptions about it.


The Pubic piercing is performed on the pubic mound, at the place where the body meets the penis shaft. While some people believe that “pubic mound” refers only to female anatomy, it is true that all people have it. In this sense, it is possible to talk about male pubic piercing or pubic piercing for men.

This piercing doesn’t have a specific colloquial name, but it is analogous to Christina piercing in women.

This is a very interesting spot for a piercing because it is very visual and can be done for aesthetics. It may also serve as a functional piercing by enhancing sexual experience, even though it’s not as effective as some other forms of genital piercings. In fact, pubic piercing can enhance the experience – but mostly for the receiving partner during intercourse.

Women are particularly at advantage here, since a man’s pubic piercing can rub on the clitoris and make the experience more arousing and pleasurable.

About the Piercing

Keep in mind that this is a surface piercing, and as such, it comes with all problems associated with surface piercings. At the same time, it is relatively easy to perform, so it doesn’t cause much pain and other problems.

One of the main problems is sure migration and rejection. While it’s possible to have a pubic piercing without any issues there is still a high risk of problems commonly associated with surface piercings. Also, as a surface piercing, male pubic piercing is not permanent. You should not expect it to last forever, but with a good care you can make it last long enough.

The placement itself can cause some problems during healing. This part of the body is typically covered with clothes. The clothes can rub on the skin, which makes healing more difficult and pose a specific risk for migration and rejection.

This sort of piercing is usually done with a needle that is slightly bigger than ordinary piercings: 12 or 10 gauge. It makes the piercing go through more tissue and thus reduces the risk of migration, rejection and other problems.

You can expect pubic piercing to be healed in about 3 to 4 months, but it can be longer or shorter and a lot will depend on how careful you are with it.


As said above, initial jewelry for pubic piercing is typically 12 or 10 gauge. It might stretch a little, but it’s not wise to put so much pressure on the area since it can cause tearing and other problems.

The same can be said for jewelry: it should not be too heavy or long, but it should be large enough not to cut through the tissue, which is why it’s not recommended to use small gauge jewelry for this piercing.

Typical jewelry for this piercing type is a surface bar or a circular barbell. Some people choose to wear different jewelry types, such as curved barbells or Captive Bead Rings.

Keep in mind that the jewelry will play a role during intercourse, so if you wish to use pubic piercing for stimulation it is important to pick a jewelry piece that will be both comfortable and arousing for the receiving partner. Jewelry with smooth but pronounced beads might be the best choice.

About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

4 thoughts on “Male Pubic Piercing

  1. I have this piercing 4 times by 3 different people. One said he has done one before but he was lying to me, pierced it way too short. The later ones had more experience but I don’t think they knew about using a larger gauge and piercing with a wide needle so I appreciate this info and I think now that I know what the modifier needs to do I think my next try will last longer than a year. My question is, I’ve only used the curved barbells, should they be using the surface bar to ensure it doesn’t mitigate? The main issue I run into is they always seem to move outwards like it could be showing on the balls which is what I want but eventually it will start showing the bar and still healing and if I gets caught on something it will be worse for a while, then try to heal but never good enough. Its my favorite piercing so I don’t want to give up.

    • I have had it done 3 times to.Lasted 4months the first time,2weeks the 2nd and 3 days last time.I just had it done vertically a week ago.Sofar so good,Girl got to try it lightly and loved it more.But still want the horizontal.If you have it succedde let me know.

  2. i suggest you use a surface bar. It has helped me lots and have secured my pub piercing for more than 3 years.
    If you need further advice or want to share photos, I’ll be glad to do so.
    [email protected]

    • I would love to know what you did to keep it 3yrs.I made it from 4 months to 3 days.So just had it done vertically as the piercer suggested.So we will see.But idlove to have it back as it should. Thank my email is [email protected]

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