Everything You Need to Know About Lorum Piercings

lorum piercing jewelryWhat is a Lorum Piercing?

Lorum piercing is a male genital piercing very similar to a frenum piercing. The main difference is the placement. Lorum basically means “low frenum”. The name says it all: this is a piercing located very low on the shaft, at the juncture of the shaft and scrotum.

This can be a very effective piercing, so it’s not surprising there are many men interested in this particular piercing type. While it’s not among the most popular and common genital piercings it sure has its fans. Many men decide on this placement so it’s popular enough, which means there are piercers who are very experienced at creating this particular piercing.

Piercing and Procedure

“Lorum” is a portmanteau of “low” and “frenum”. This is basically a frenum piercing with a special placement. It is located very low on the shaft, at the point where shaft meets the scrotum. This specific placement makes lorum piercing. This piercing is sometimes referred to as “front centered hafada”.

Lorum was invented by Elayne Angel for the piercing done on Dan Kopka. He was the one who requested this placement by asking for a frenum piercing, only lower. This is how lorum piercing was first performed and the name stuck.

This is not a complex piercing so procedure is fairly simple. That being said, just like any other genital piercing, this one requires not only a good piercer but also an experienced piercer: it has to be someone who has experience performing this type of piercing.

Aftercare of Lorum Piercing

After getting a Lorum piercing, you should avoid sexual activity and refrain from soaking the piercing in water (e.g. swimming, hot tubs) for at least the first few weeks. You should also clean the piercing daily with saline solution or a mild, fragrance-free soap and avoid wearing tight clothing. It’s important to follow your piercer’s aftercare instructions and contact them if you experience any signs of infection or other issues.

Following these aftercare instructions will help to ensure proper healing and lowering the chance of problems. It is important to be patient and attentive in caring for the piercing as it heals, which might take several weeks to months.

Why get a lorum piercing?

People choose to get a Lorum piercing for a variety of reasons. We have mentioned the most common one below.

  • Aesthetics: The Lorum piercing is visually beautiful or attractive to many people.
  • Sexual pleasure: Some people claim heightened sexual pleasure from piercing stimulation during sexual activity.
  • Personal expression: Getting a Lorum piercing, like any other body modification, can be a method to express oneself and make a distinct statement.
  • Body jewelry collection: For some people, obtaining a Lorum piercing is merely another piece of jewelry to add to their collection.

Finally, the decision to acquire a Lorum piercing is a personal one that should be chosen with care and knowledge. Before getting a Lorum piercing, it’s critical to select a trustworthy and competent piercer and to understand the risks and aftercare required.

Best Jewelry For Lorum Piercing

A typical jewelry piece for lorum piercing is a ring. Many men choose Captive Bead Rings for their piercings but another type of a ring can be used.

Since lorum is usually pierced at 12 gauge or 10 gauge, this is the size of the ring you’ll need. You will also have to worry about diameter. ¾” or 7/8” seem to work great.

Also, keep in mind that tissue on this spot is very stretchy so the piercing can migrate and reject easily if too small ring is used. It’s always best to use bigger rings to prevent these problems.

Circular barbells and Curved barbells are additional options to consider for Lorum piercings.

Healing Time, Additional Info and Tips

  • The healing time for lorum piercing is around 2-3 months, though it can take more.
  • Since this placement is unique, it might cause discomfort in some men. When in doubt, consult your piercer prior to the procedure.
  • For more security during sex, it’s best to place the piercing a bit more towards the shaft so it can fit inside the condom. This is very important, not just because of safe sex but also for safe healing. Remember: you should not have sex right after having the piercing done.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can anyone get a Lorum piercing?

Not everyone is a good candidate for a Lorum piercing. You first need to evaluate your anatomy and check medical history to determine if this piercing is right for you. A Lorum piercing is also not recommended if you have a history of keloids.

Is it possible to stretch a Lorum piercing?

It’s possible to stretch a healed Lorum piercing, but it’s important to do so gradually and with the help of a professional piercer. Jewelry stretching too quickly or without the right technique can cause damage to the tissue.

Does a Lorum piercing hurt?

Pain levels can vary from person to person, but in general, a Lorum piercing is considered to be moderately painful. It is recommended to follow the guidelines/instructions when performing this piercing.

About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

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