Heard of the labia? Think of it as the mouth of the pussy. Yeah, that means if you are the sort to go down on a woman, you are essentially exchanging kisses with the lips of her genitalia and there’s no doubt at all that those lips love getting kisses and getting frisky!
So, this article aims to be the most complete guard to labia piercing on this green earth. We will detail the types of labia piercings out there, the kind of jewelry used for the purpose, the expected healing time after getting a labia piercing, and stuff like that. Now, let’s get this show on the road!
What Is A Labia Piercing?
A labia piercing is quite simply a piercing performed on the labia and the labia is usually fleshy and able to simultaneously accommodate multiple pieces of jewelry. The labia is composed of the inner lips known as the labia minora and the outer lips called the labia majora and both can be pierced to taste.
The outer lip of the labia is much thicker than the inner lip. Because of this, outer labia piercings often take longer to heal and during the healing process are sometimes a little more painful than their inner lip brethren. That said, outer labia piercings have less tendency to stretch than inner labia piercings and that can be either a pro or con depending on how you wanna look at it.
Labia piercings are primarily decorative and if there are multiple piercings in this locale, they can look stunning and a little bit shocking. However, well-placed labia piercings can be sexually stimulating. For example, if they are placed as close as possible to the vagina, then they can stimulate the penis during the thrusting motions common during penetrative sex. Similarly, when placed close to the clitoris, they can stimulate that area whenever set conditions are met. But like we said, these piercings are mainly decorative and if it is genital stimulation you are focused on, there are a lot better piercings than labia piercings for that specific purpose.
It is common for ladies to get multiple labia piercings at a time, arranged symmetrically no less and there are impressive photos of these on the net to see and marvel at. However, labia piercings like almost all genital piercings are dependent on individual anatomy, and as this varies very widely, not all women are labia piercing candidates.
Sometimes, the inner lips of the vagina are not strong enough to support they’re getting pierced. And some women who have pussy lips that are asymmetric and only big enough for piercings on a single side decline to get this genital piercing because they are unable to get both sides of their labia pierced. Plus it is possible for the labia to be so short and small as to be totally useless for labia piercing purposes.
Labia piercings are simple, popular, and among the most common types of female genital piercings. They are modern inventions that get a lot of love from BDSM devotees and decorated female genitalia aficionados.
Labia Piercing Jewelry
Well, almost every conceivable genital jewelry has been used in labia piercings. Yeah, there is no stipulated labia piercing jewelry, with the women who get this piercing usually deciding on their own what jewelry should go with it.
However, it is important that labia jewelry be smooth, and have no sharp edges. That obviously disqualifies some jewelry types.
12 gauge captive bead rings are the most commonly used labia jewelry. These rings must not be too heavy or too light, especially if the healing process is incomplete. If they are too heavy then they can cause discomfort to a healing piercing, or delay healing. Conversely, if they are too thin, chances are they might tear through the skin.
It would be best to work with your piercer in choosing the best labia piercing jewelry for your needs. Once the piercing has healed, you can spring for heavier weights or stretch your piercing.
Circular barbells are also excellent labia jewelry choices.
Labia Piercing: Healing Times
In the healing competition, the inner labia piercing emerges the victor and glory be to it! Inner labia piercings can take 1 to 4 months to heal and that is because the flesh there is strong but thin and filled with blood vessels that help accelerate the healing process. Outer labia piercings on the other hand will heal in 3 to 4 months.
The Piercing Process
Like we previously said, the female labia varies widely in shape and form. Some will be unable to support even a single labia piercing, while others will take 16 or more captive bead rings. So, an important part of getting this piercing is to first make sure that you have the genitalia for it. Of course, your piercer can help out, but you can in the comfort of your home at least make sure that your labia sticks out enough to make this kind of piercing possible.
Should your labia be a suitable labia piercing candidate, you can schedule an appointment with a piercer who should be an APP (Association of Professional Piercers) member. This is vital because the genital piercing is not the most regulated profession in the states, but APP members are the cream of the crop, much better than most and more committed to performing safe genital piercings in sterile locations and with sterile equipment.
At the appointment, you will get examined and the piercer will make sure you are suitable for the labia piercing you want. Your jewelry preference and your need for an inner or outer labia piercing will also be discussed, as well as the price for the whole thing and aftercare procedures.
Next, the piercing area will be sanitized and marked, while the gloved piercer will do his/her best to make the piercing as speedy and painless as possible.
Possible Risks and Aftercare Procedures
Labia piercings are not especially risky. But that does not mean you shouldn’t head in a rush to the nearest doctor’s office or call up your piercer if you notice something amiss.
The aftercare procedures are the same as in other genital piercings. So, that includes daily soaks/sprays with sterile seawater, wearing clean clothes and underwear, hand washing before touching the piercing, not immersing the genitalia in Jacuzzis, community pools, lakes, and oceans, and not touching the piercing unless necessary. The last part is worth repeating precisely because too many of us due to boredom or other reasons tend to worry about our genital piercing this way and that and ends up doing some damage.
Also, as the piercing heals, you should take care to avoid the use of antibacterial and alcohol-based products in the genital area and do not for any reason allow your healing piercing to come in contact with the body fluids of your sexual partners. Just use commonsense, and do not take unnecessary risks and your labia piercing will heal nicely and without issues.
Labia piercings pretty up the female genitalia and still have enough chutzpah left over to provide stimulating services during sexual intercourse! These piercings due to anatomical differences are not suitable for all women, but there is no denying their widespread appeal.
Got something to say about labia piercings? Then come to the comment section and get it humming!