If you want to enjoy urethral play, it is important to choose urethral toys that suit your urethra. This is particularly true for beginner users who are only starting with urethral play for the first time. Many people have a relatively narrow urethra before they stretch it, so they can’t accept thick toys. This is also related to the size of the meatus. In order to enjoy urethral toys, you need toys that are of the same size. Is 8mm an average size for the meatus, and how to choose the best toys for it?
The Importance of a Proper Size
You probably know that you should use only urethral toys that are of the same size as your urethra. This mainly refers to the part of the urethra inside of the penis but can also be true for the meatus. The meatus, your pee hole, is also smaller than for someone who is experienced with urethral play.
In order to stay
safe during urethral stimulation, make sure to use toys that are not thicker
than your urethra. If you are new to urethral sounding, you probably don’t know
what that size is. You can only take a guess based on the side of your meatus.
Keep in mind that your meatus and your urethra probably don’t have the same size,
but this is the first approximation that you have.
If you don’t know your
urethra and meatus size, you will need to go with averages. Most men will fall
around this average before they stretch their urethra, so starting with toys
around this average is a good way to go.
is the Average Size for the Meatus?
So, what is the
average size for the meatus? There are some sources that claim that 8mm is the
average size for the meatus. It is not always easy to judge how correct this
average is, or how many men participated in the study.
To stay on the
safe side, it is better to give a range of sizes. Generally speaking, the
average size for the meatus is between 6mm and 8mm. There are many men who have
their meatus at 9mm or even 10mm before stretching. There are also those whose
meatus is only 4mm or 5mm. However, if you are unsure, it is best to go with
the estimate of 6mm to 8mm.
While it is not a good idea to use toys that are too thin for your urethra, 6mm or 7mm might be a good starting size for many men. Going at 8mm might also be a good choice, but make sure to use plenty of lube. This will ensure a smoother experience.
However, the best way to go at the beginning of your sounding journey is to use urethral stretchers. These are special toys that are thinner at the tip and thicker at the end. Other urethral stretchers have segments of varying thickness. By using these toys, you don’t really need to know the exact size of your meatus and urethra. These are great beginner toys that will help you practice urethral play and stretch your urethra without pain and discomfort. You can use them even if you don’t want to stretch your urethra: they will allow you to try urethral play without needing to know the exact size of your meatus and urethra.
Happy sounding!
Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men. |
Hi there, I would like your honest opinion about something. I have this shocking device with a silicone rod. While it feels really good, there’s just not enough shocking going on as I don’t feel much going on in the urethra. I would like to know if stainless steel is better for conducting electricity. A friend of mine, on a virtual chat program called Second Life, says yes, but what about you? You’re very knowledgeable as I read.
Yes silicone is not meant to conduct electricity like Stainless
So after I picked up a set of “8 Hegar Medical Dilator Sounds” off of amazon and messing around with them doing very little research on sounding, I realized that a) I was right about getting a set to mess around with even though I only use three of them, and b) after figuring out my sizes[M is 10mm and U is 9mm] most of the recommendations across many sites would have ended up with me losing the sound inside of me.. I don’t want to have to go to the hospital do to my sexual activities.
But after I found TCG I have been constantly coming back here for more info