Investing In High-Quality Genital Jewelry: Why It Matters

Some beat their meat like they stole it from their in-laws and want all evidence of the theft gone soonest. Others drill and pound that place like they are hoping for a groundbreaking discovery of oil and gas of the sort that made the likes of Saudi Arabia a very rich country! And then some folks treat their down below like it is an artist canvas and gleefully hang all manner of steel and non-steel ornaments on and in it.

Now, there’s every reason to hang jewelry on your privates. You might love the  aesthetics and the sexual benefits conferred, or just hope that the weight of all the metal down there might make you immune to the misadventures of fate! And there’s every reason to make sure that the jewelry you allow access to your privates is of the best possible quality.

Do stay alert folks, as we detail why investing in high-quality genital jewelry matters bigly and always will.

The Sexy Quality To Do More!

The thing about quality is that it can almost be expensive as sin and that is why a lot of people are comfortable with springing for cheap alternatives. But there are times when getting the best is vital and we sure think that the stuff you put into your privates needs to be the best that can be had. Don’t feel so? Then check out the listed reasons as to why quality genital jewelry that conforms to Association of American Piercers standards matters:

Why you should buy High Quality Genital Jewelry?

  • Positive Health Outcomes: easily the biggest reason to invest in high-quality genital jewelry is that it makes a lot of sense, health-wise. A lot of the genital jewelry on the market are made by no-name firms, or imported from countries where quality standards are low enough to shave the whiskers off a muskrat!Thus, low-quality jewelry are often contaminated with or made from potentially carcinogenic and not-fit-for-the-purpose materials. So, buying and using low-quality genital jewelry is akin to playing Russian roulette with 2 bullets in the chamber that are in the mood to go off and take a big chunk out of your ass!


  • High-Quality Jewelry Promotes Healing: low-quality jewelry are often made of materials that are not meant to be in the human body for extended periods, or are contaminated with icky stuff that puts your health at risk. They also often have poor finishing that encourages the emergence and growth of scar tissue, bacteria, and infections.The high-quality stuff, on the other hand, are typically made of body-safe materials that enable faster healing times and fewer chances of complications. So, if you have a piercing that never seems to heal, there’s a good chance that something in the jewelry keeps on irritating the wound and if that’s the case, your jewelry is likely to be a low-quality piece of shit that doesn’t even belong up Satan’s butthole! Switching to better-quality piercing jewelry might be all it takes to accelerate your healing process and that’s an excellent reason to focus on the high quality stuff.


  • It Is Good For The Piercing Sector: we all frequently come across horror stories of someone getting a genital piercing and then being afflicted with a severe infection, suffering horrible-looking temporary or permanent scarring, or going through a major allergy reaction that gets them looking like an extra from the Alien set.Stuff like that can be laid at the feet of lack of proper post-piercing care, plus  usage of improperly trained piercers, and low-quality piercing jewelry. If your piercing jewelry is made from low-quality stuff, there’s every chance that it’s gonna leach all manner of harmful chemicals into your healing wound and do its best to fuck you up. And then you might end up on the news as a warning to others not to engage in any form of genital piercings.

    The way we see it, using high-quality piercing jewelry, apart from encouraging favorable outcomes is good for the piercing industry, as it reduces the incidence of horror piercing stories and helps drive home the fact that while genital piercing is not a risk-free exercise, the risks are very easily minimized via the proper application of common sense.


  • High-Quality Jewelry Purchases Help Drive Outlaws From Business: as we have made clear so far, low-quality piercing jewelry usage has major risks and is something that all right-thinking folks should steer clear of. The evil folks who manufacture these kinds of jewelry do so because there’s a ready market for them, or because the buyers do not know any better.A lot of these evil-minded manufacturers would go out of business once folks became more aware of the risks of using low-quality piercing jewelry. And that’s why we encourage y’all to invest in high-quality jewelry as a means of forcing low-quality jewelry manufacturers out of business. With them gone, it’s gonna be party time!


  • Quality Is Not Always Expensive: one big hindrance to increased high-quality genital jewelry purchase is its perceived higher cost vis-à-vis low-quality jewelry. However, it must be borne in mind that the price difference between high-quality and low-quality piercing jewelry is not that much and can range from $20 to $50.That’s not the kind of money to warrant putting your life and genitalia at risk. So, if you need piercing jewelry, we would suggest saving up for a longer time for better quality stuff, and not go for cheap and low-quality alternatives that might wreck your life, or turn your genital area into the scary equivalent of a warzone!


  • Durability Is Da Bomb: one major reason to pay the asking price for high-quality genital jewelry is that they are made of very durable materials. Implant-grade titanium and surgical-grade steel are typically used and these are more durable than Superman’s tighty-whities! You might only have to change your high quality piercing jewelry if the color, or style is no more to your liking, or if you are in the mood for something new. 
  • Better Fit and Comfort: high-quality genital jewelry consistently has better fit and comfort and lacks the burrs, nicks, scratches, and tooling marks that can make low quality piercing jewelry feel like a literal thorn in the flesh. The better stuff look and feel nicer, sit better and more securely, and enable a greater range of activities.Plus they are annealed, which makes them super easy to insert and remove by hand, without having to revisit your piercer or use tools like pliers. And you can even request and get custom and A-grade genital jewelry made out of any material you wish -like gold and gemstones- and designed to any shape of your liking. What’s not to love!


  • You Get A Warranty: most high quality genital jewelry manufacturers are so sure of the quality and durability of their products that they do not hesitate to offer lifetime warranties. You can’t get that with manufacturers of the low quality stuff. At TheChainGang for example, you are free to return any item for almost any reason and we will send you a free replacement and ship it to you for free too.And our products are durable enough to be passed on to your descendants if you so choose. But we don’t think your sons and daughters would appreciate getting a bejewelled titanium barbell in place of a cushy Manhattan pad with a parking space big enough for a fancy RV!
  • Ease of Mind: mind-blowing ease of mind is one of the more underappreciated benefits of getting high-quality genital pieces. Once you know you are buying quality, your mind is bound to be at rest and you won’t be staying up all night wondering what your jewelry has been delightedly poisoning your body beautiful with. And the fact that what you have is quality means you won’t be afraid to show it off if you have a mind to, and can trust it to give you the best possible service. Awesome we say!

And that’s it for the day, folks! Happy with your genital jewelry? Then come to the comment section and tell us why.

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