What is Implant Grade Titanium?

Implant Grade TitaniumMany people wonder about the safest jewelry materials you can use for your piercings. After all, allergies and other problems are serious issues and you want to avoid them.

However, it is not always easy to choose. You may know that titanium is a safe material and that is very good for piercings, but you may not fully understand it.

What is Implant Grade Titanium: A Quick Answer

Implant grade titanium is a special type of titanium that is approved for medical use. This goes beyond the simple body jewelry, though this is definitely an important use for this material. Implant grade titanium has a wide use in medicine. This is what various implants are made of.

Since implant grade titanium goes into the body, you can see it is perfectly safe. Only the safest materials out there are allowed to be used inside of the human body. Remember that American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has very strict standards and recommendations when it comes to body jewelry. They provide ratings for various body jewelry materials. It is important that a jewelry material receives approval and rating so it can be used in fresh piercings.

Medical grade titanium is one of the approved materials you can use for body jewelry. This is particularly true for new, fresh piercings in healing. This titanium contain few alloys so it doesn’t cause allergies and other problems. It means that is safe for surgical implants and body jewelry.

The Most Popular Titanium for Body Jewelry

The most popular type of titanium for body jewelry is titanium grade 23 or Titanium G23. It is the same material that goes into surgical implants so you know it is perfectly safe for the body. It’s bio-compatible, nickel-free and hypo-allergenic. It means that it does not cause allergies and other problems. This means that is perfect for your body, even though only a small part of it goes inside of your skin.

With a typical jewelry piece, only part of the ring or the rod goes through the piercing hole and inside the body. However, it doesn’t mean that you can choose any material for your body jewelry. Even this small piece of jewelry can make a lot of problems if the jewelry material is bad and not safe for the body.

Never make a mistake of using random materials for body jewelry just because you think this is less serious than a surgical implant. Of course, on some level this might be true but remember that even this small jewelry piece can make a lot of trouble if the material is not safe for the body. This is why it is vital to use implant grade titanium and other body jewelry materials that are safe. This is the only way to avoid allergies and other problems you may encounter.

About Donna:
Donna Carlson is a staff writer for TheChainGang. She combines her love for body piercings with adult fun, such as sex toys, BDSM and other forms of pleasure. She says: “Piercings and sex toys often complement each other in the most sensual ways. I am happy to help you discover new ways to pleasure yourself and your partner. With a bit of practice, anyone can learn how to enhance their love life. And with a bit of courage, anyone can enjoy body piercings”. In addition to intimate piercings and adult toys, Donna also writes about body jewelry and other piercing adornments.

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