How To Prevent Premature Ejaculation Or Erectile Dysfunction

The worst thing that can happen is the tax man suddenly deciding that you owe millions in back taxes and being fully ready to bend you over in public and fuck the money out of your asshole! And the second worst thing that can happen in this life is being balls-deep in your crush, an insanely expensive escort, significant other, or beloved fellow fornicator and having your cock decide it no longer wants to get hard and should from that point on not be bothered with anything that has to do with becoming bold and big enough to give holes tight and wet a sweet kind of thrusting welcome!

Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction is a worldwide problem that sucks the joy out of life and makes it impossible to perform the hole-stretching job that we fellas signed up for on this planet! Damn, we at TheChainGang love our hard dicks and cunt-smashing reputation so much that we would have speedily grafted our right legs to our groin if that was possible and we do apologize for having enough gumption to equate premature ejaculation to something approaching a death sentence. Actually though, premature ejaculation and its ED cousin are solvable through a variety of means and in this article, we will detail all the ways to prevent the situation from happening.

Tune in fellas and let thy cock grow and crow!

 A Detailed Look At Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction

Before we dive into the meat of the matter here, it is important to note that premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction cannot be used interchangeably. But premature ejaculation is still considered a type of sexual dysfunction, with sexual dysfunction being used to refer to varied issues that hinder the fullest enjoyment of the sexual experience. 

Those with premature ejaculation have no problem getting hard and letting their cocks crawl up where the sun doesn’t shine. The problem though is that they can’t get hard for long and are usually done in 90 seconds or less. Hell, some fellas with premature ejaculation are only able to insert their woody into a convenient hole and pump twice or thrice before ejaculating and that’s not something to boast about.

But those with erectile dysfunction have a bigger problem in that they cannot get an erection. Even when they move heaven, hell and the nine hells to get an erection, maintaining it is as impossible as drinking the Mississippi dry through a paper straw! And it just so happens that those with erectile dysfunction often have premature ejaculation issues.

Those with erectile dysfunction cannot maintain an erection for long, right? Well, they very soon get into the habit of ejaculating almost as soon as they manage to get an erection. And you gotta feel sorry for them quick-firing poor sods who have to shoot their wad as soon as they get hard, or face the prospect of spending minutes or hours forcing their cocks back to life.

Now, both premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are very common problems. Up to 30 million in the US are estimated to have erectile dysfunction and 1 in 10 will suffer from the issue at some point in their life. Premature ejaculation, on the other hand, affects 30% to 40% of males and some say the number could be as high as 70%.

Thankfully though, both premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are treatable, reversible, and preventable. And we will detail how in a bit.

Don’t Cum Too Quickly All Ye Faithful!

Let’s start with premature ejaculation causes and viable prevention methods. Premature ejaculation can be caused by anxiety, especially as regards sexual performance. Depression, prior sexual abuse, poor body image or low self-esteem, guilty feelings, elevated and abnormal hormonal levels, stress, erectile dysfunction, and having a penis that’s too sensitive can also be triggers. To the list can be added an undiagnosed medical condition like an inflamed urethra, but that is rarely the cause.

How to prevent premature ejaculation?

To prevent premature ejaculation, you can opt to wear a rubber. That causes a small loss of sensitivity in your spear of destiny and could be the solution for those with extra sensitive dicks. Medications can also be used. These include antidepressants for those whose performance issues are caused by depression, as well as numbing creams.

Other solutions can take the form of thinking of unrelated stuff during sex, with this helping reduce stress and performance anxiety and engaging in focused play with your partner. The focused play we are talking about here involves being stimulated almost to the point of orgasm. Repeated instances of this can help you gain the ability to control when and how you ejaculate. You could say it will help you cum on a dime! Pelvic floor exercises that enable better control of the muscles that control ejaculation can also help, but they do take a while -6 months or more- to work.

Also worth considering are options like circumcision, with foreskin removal often being the solution to lasting in bed. Masturbating an hour or two before sexual intercourse can also help delay ejaculation, as can losing a bit of weight, eating better, and spending more time in foreplay. And some of you might want to look into switching positions often during sex, especially when you are about to ejaculate. The change of position will drop your arousal level and slow down the orgasm that was just about to come pouring down the shaft!

Now, let’s pivot to impotence, as Erectile Dysfunction is also known. Erectile dysfunction manifests as trouble getting and keeping an erection and might come with reduced sexual drive. It is typically caused by health and mental health issues like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, Peyronie’s disease, multiple sclerosis, prostate cancer treatment, vascular diseases, depression, high blood pressure, low self-esteem, stress, and even alcoholism. ED can also be a side effect of certain medications like diuretics and prostate cancer drugs.

If you have ED, there likely is an underlying physical cause that an examination by a medical professional will uncover. That means you should leg it to a doctor if a nude Beyoncé or Ariana Grande is constantly offering her backside for you, but you have great difficulty getting your cock harder than a mashed potato

To prevent ED, a medical examination is needed to determine the underlying cause. Once that is done, the proper steps like lifestyle changes, regular exercises, penile implant surgery, or sex therapy can be taken to ameliorate and control the issue. And yeah, nearly all ED cases are treatable. So there’s no need moping about when you can speedily resolve any ED issue and get hard enough to give life a little of the hard fuck it has been giving you since birth!

Common Questions

  • Will my erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation treatment be covered by my insurance? 

    Well, that will depend on what treatment was prescribed to solve the issue and if your insurance covers erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation issues. For better clarity, we would recommend that you talk with your insurance provider. 

  • Can premature ejaculation cause infertility? 

    Yes and no. If the male ejaculates before he is fully into the female, then the semen is likely not coming close to the egg and there’s not going to be any fertilization and pregnancy. This can be resolved by artificial insemination, or by treating the underlying cause of premature ejaculation. 

  • Is worrying about getting and sustaining an erection bad? 

    Yes it is bad. This sort of thing is known as performance anxiety and it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

  • Can young people get ED? 

    Yes, you can get ED in your late teens. 

  • Is combining treatment options okay? 

    Well, we would suggest that you talk to your doctor first. Better not combine your authorized treatment regimen with stuff you got from the internet, or were told by your pals at the bar without first clearing it with your physician. 

  • Does regularly riding a bicycle cause ED? 

    The jury is still out on that, folks.

And that’s all for today all ye boner-cradling freaks! Got ED or premature ejaculation issues? Then what has been your experience so far and the treatment methods that worked for you? Come to the comment section and have your say, champs!


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