How to Pee with a Reverse Prince Albert Piercing?

Why is Reverse PA Piercing Less Popular than Regular PAThe main fear most men with genital piercings have is whether they will be able to urinate standing up or not. Being able to pee standing up is more than just a masculinity issue, though this one is important, too. Many men worry about hygiene and cleanliness of the public toilets and other places where they may need to urinate. In these situations, urinating while sitting up is not just a question about masculinity but also a hygiene and safety issue.

It is therefore not surprising that so many people worry about how to pee with a Reverse PA and other genital piercings.

Urinating with a Reverse PA Made Easy

Many people are pleasantly surprised to learn that they can pee with a Reverse Prince Albert relatively easily and without a problem.

It is true that some penis piercings can make urinating while standing up a tricky or even impossible thing. This often happens with regular PA piercing. Since regular Prince Albert is the most common genital piercing in the world, there are many men who are concerned that it would be even worse with a Reverse Prince Albert. After all, Reverse PA is a bit more serious and complex piercing, so it has to make urinating even trickier, right?

In reality, many people report that urinating with a Reverse PA is actually easier than urinating with a regular PA piercing. The messy thing about dripping and leakage mainly occurs on the underside of the penis and the PA’s bottom hole. People with an Apadravya report the same thing: the bottom hole leaks much more than the top one. This hole does not exist with a Reverse PA piercing. It makes for less leakage and dripping.

Urine might still drip and come out of the top hole of your piercing, though. Sometimes, these accidents are inevitable with a genital piercing. At the same time, many men report that all they need to do is to press on the bead of the jewelry to prevent leakage. Many also find that rotating your penis slightly can prevent accidents and allow you to pee with a Reverse Prince Albert while standing up without a problem.

How to Pee with a Reverse Prince Albert: Tips

Here are some tips on how to pee with a Reverse Prince Albert (Reverse PA) piercing:

  • It’s important to always make the best choice when it comes to hygiene and safety. That should always be your first worry. It is important to stay clean but also not to mess things up around the area where you urinate so it becomes unsanitary for the others. Keep in mind that you should not only keep yourself clean and safe but also the others who might use the same facility.
  • Generally speaking, you should not have much problems to pee with a Reverse Prince Albert, especially when it’s healed. However, make sure to practice.
  • It is best to practice in your home to see if you can control the flow and if you can urinate standing up without any dripping. Only after this you can start using bathrooms in other people’s homes. Remember: you should not leave a mess for anyone to clean.
  • Sometimes, it might just be easier to sit down. This is particularly recommended if your Reverse PA is still in healing and you are not used to controlling your flow.
  • If you are in a public restroom and worry about the hygiene and your safety, it is best to use a urinal instead of sitting down.
  • Curved barbells seem to work much better than other jewelry types for preventing dripping, so it’s best to use them.
  • If you choose to stretch your Reverse PA piercing be ready to encounter potential problems while urinating. A bigger hole means a bigger risk of dripping.
  • Generally speaking, as long as the ball is big enough to completely cover the piercing hole you are okay. There might be some dripping but chances are that you will be able to urinate mess-free with your piercing.
About Holes:
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things.

One thought on “How to Pee with a Reverse Prince Albert Piercing?

  1. Hello, is there a chance of decreased sensitivity sensitivity from a reverse Prince Albert? It’s something my wife worries about with this piercing

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