How to Choose Penis Plugs – Experience and Desired Effect

penis plugsPenis plugs are among the most popular urethral toys, and for a reason. They are great way for beginner users to get familiar with the feeling of urethral stimulation and to test their boundaries: is this for me? How does it feel? Another good thing about penis plugs is that they allow you to train and stretch your urethra, which is a very much needed process if you wish to fully enjoy urethral stimulation.

That being said, penis plugs are much more than just a training device. There are so many different designs, shapes and sizes of penis plugs so they can be used for many different things and sensations. In a way, penis plugs are more versatile and multi-functional than urethral sounds, because they can be used for several different things.

Your choice of a penis plug will largely depend on two things: your experience level and the desired effect.

Experience Level

Generally speaking, there are three types of users: beginners, intermediate and experienced. There are no clear-cut boundaries between these categories and these will largely depend on your individual experience. In other words, only you can tell when you are ready to move to the next level, so to speak.

That being said, beginner users are not difficult to recognize: those are people with little or no experience with urethral stimulation. These people also have an untrained (unstreched) urethra, so stretching and training might be the first step to do. Penis plugs ideal for these people are typically shorter and thinner in size (though not way too thin) and very smooth. This is made to ensure good comfort and easy insertion.

Intermediate users are those with some experience with urethral stimulation. These users can move on to bigger and more complex penis plugs, such as those with bumps and other additions.

Experienced users are those with a stretched urethra, who know how to use urethral toys without a problem and with a lot of experience with numerous toys. These people should not have a problem using any type of a penis plug.

Of course, these categories can be defined in different ways, but it’s important to understand that some things do depend on your experience. If you are a newbie, you should stick to the penis plugs suitable for beginners. Do not jump straight into more complex and intense toys. Take some time to stretch your urethra properly and get used to the feeling.

Desired Effect

The desired effect basically means what you wish to achieve with your penis plug and how you want to use it. For example, some men want to use their penis plug during intercourse or masturbation, for maximizing the experience. Others wish to wear their penis plug daily and for long periods of time. Some men want to use them for BDSM and painful pleasures.

With so many different designs, it’s important to know which plug is good for the intended purpose. In order to fully enjoy your penis plug, you need to choose the right one for the job.

Generally speaking, most penis plugs can be used for many different things, but some are specially designed for specific sensations and acts:

  • Sperm stoppers. These penis plugs are specially made to prevent the semen to be expelled from the body. Most of them are short so they are relatively comfortable. Some have a special ball on the end to keep the fluids inside, while the others are regular penis plugs, only solid and without a hole for fluids to go through.
  • Hollow penis plugs. These plugs have a “cum thru” hole, which means you can urinate and ejaculate with the plug on. These plugs are ideal for long-term wear since you don’t have to take them off to do basic functions like urinating. They are also typically made to be smooth and comfortable, so they are truly great if you wish to wear your penis plug for hours (or days!)
  • Ribbed penis plugs. Penis plugs that are heavily textured, with ribs, bumps and other additions are made to provide additional stimulation during use. They are great for enhancing the pleasure, particularly during masturbation. The best effect is typically gained by moving the plug in and out a couple of inches, which makes the bumps massage urethral walls in an arousing, pleasurable way.
  • Long penis plugs. These penis plugs are intended for deeper urethral stimulation, even though most of them are still shorter than urethral sounds. In other words, if you want to go truly deep, you will need to use a sound designed for deep urethral stimulation. But these penis plugs still can go deep enough to be satisfying, so it’s worth having at least one in your collection.
  • Torture plugs. These are extreme penis plugs made for intense sensations or even pain. They are typically made as part of a larger device made for the entire genital area. Sometimes they are part of a cock lock system while in others they come with spiked glans rings and other extreme additions.
About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

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