How Long to Stretch a Prince Albert Piercing?

There are many great things about Prince Albert piercings. This is the most popular male genital piercing in the world for a reason. A PA piercing looks great, enhances your sex life and is not as painful to get as it may seem. Many people want to stretch their PA piercing. How long does it take to stretch a Prince Albert piercing?

How Long Does It Take to Stretch?

If you want to stretch a Prince Albert piercing, you may be wondering how long it would take. The answer depends on your individual circumstances: how fast your PA piercing heals, the size you want to achieve, and how careful you are with the stretching process.

Generally speaking, you need to go carefully about
it. Rushing out will not help you, and it can actually cause problems in the
long run. You need to wait until your PA piercing heals before you attempt to
stretch it. Your new piercing may seem healed after a few weeks, but it is best
to wait for a month or even longer to be completely sure.

Once you start stretching, keep in mind that you
should only stretch to the next possible size. When you stretch your piercing
to a new size, make sure to wait. You need to let your body recover and get
used to the new size. It is best to wait at least a week or even two weeks
between stretching.

You may find out that this dynamics allows you to stretch
a Prince Albert piercing to a considerable size in a few months after it’s
fully healed. Some people also report good results after a month, but you don’t
need to rush things out. Also, keep in mind that you might hit a plateau at
some point. It might become more difficult if not impossible, to stretch your
PA piercing past a specific size. You shouldn’t push it: doing so will only cause
injuries and other potential problems.

The good news is that it is typically easy to stretch
a Prince Albert piercing, since the skin is easily stretchable in that area.
Many times, simply wearing metal jewelry will encourage stretching so there is
not much effort needed on your part.

Stretch a Prince Albert Piercing: Tips

Here are some tips for those who wish to stretch their Prince Albert piercing:

Patience is the key. While it’s understandable that you want to get to
the higher gauge as soon as possible, it is important to go slowly. You need to
wait for your body to recover from the procedure itself and to fully heal.
Furthermore, you should always wait between stretching.

Stretch one size at a time. PA piercing is generally easy to stretch. However, it is best to stretch one size at a time, unless you can see that it stretches more than that on its own. Remember: you should not go too much, so you don’t overstretch and hurt your body.

Use jewelry for stretching. Many times, you can stretch a Prince Albert piercing by using its jewelry. PA jewelry can be heavy, especially the metal pieces, and especially if you go larger than 10 gauge. The weight of the piece can cause some unwanted stretching even if you don’t wish to stretch your piercing. If you want to stretch, then try using metal PA jewelry. It will make the process easier. However, don’t go overboard: using pieces that are too heavy is not helpful and can actually hurt you in the process.

About Holes:
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things.

2 thoughts on “How Long to Stretch a Prince Albert Piercing?

  1. I’ve stretched my p.a to a 2g an I’m finding a hard time looking for jewelry that has the proper balls as to not stretch my urethra, at times during intercourse the ball tends to want to travel into it an does cause some discomfort an feels bruised afterwards. Can anyone recommend what there is or what can I do to eliminate this?

  2. It’s late but better that never!! A lot of people suggest max 4G is more confortable size to you or partner, the bigger size cause some disconforts like you said.

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