If you want to
enjoy urethral
play to the fullest, you probably know that the safest way to go is to
stretch your urethra first. Without stretching, your urethra will be too narrow
to accept larger toys. While you can do some urethral stimulation without urethral
stretching, you can’t truly enjoy sounding to the fullest unless you stretch. How
long it takes to stretch urethra and how do you know that you are done?
Long it Takes to Stretch Urethra: Tips
How long it takes
to stretch urethra? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. Genital
anatomy is varied, even though it may not seem so. Some people have a urethra that
is very easy to stretch. For these people, stretching can go as easy as simply
introducing thicker toys each time they practice urethral play. For others, this
is a much longer process. It may involve weeks, even months.
This is why it’s
important to have patience. If you have already tried some urethral
stimulation, you probably know if it’s easy or difficult for you to insert
small toys. If you find it easy, chances are that stretching your urethra will
go easily, but there is no guarantee. You have to start and try.
If you find it difficult to insert even the smallest urethral toys, chances are that you will need more time to stretch your urethra. You will also need to be patient and to go slowly. There are many people who try for months until they are able to insert a one size larger urethral toy. Whatever you encounter during your stretching, keep in mind that it is how your body is. You should not try to rush things out or force larger toys when they won’t go in.
It is important to
go slowly, use plenty of sterile lube and give your body a chance to recover between
sessions. You may discover that it becomes easier with time: some people have a
great success even after a few days of stretching.
To maximize your results, it is always best to use special stretching toys. These toys are designed to provide pain-free, gradual stretching for your urethra. This is the quickest and safest way to do urethral stretching. These toys are affordable and you can have a lot of fun while using them.
Long it Takes to Stretch Urethra: When to Stop?
If you want to know
how long it takes to stretch urethra, you need to know when to stop. Again,
there is no straight answer to this. You need to stop when you are satisfied
with how much your urethra is stretched. That is the best way to judge whether
you are done with stretching or not.
Remember, you can
always stop at a specific size and then try to stretch further after a while.
You may be happy with your size at the moment, but a year or two down the line
you may decide that you wish to try even thicker urethral toys.
Another sign on when
to stop with stretching is when you hit the plateau. Keep in mind that we all
have our limits. Not everybody can stretch their urethra to huge sizes. If you
keep trying for a year or more and you cannot stretch past your current size,
it might be the sign that you simply can’t stretch any further.
If this happens, don’t worry. There is a lot of fun you can have even with smaller urethral toys. It is important not to force stretching – this can cause a lot of trouble. Never try to push a toy down your urethra. It can cause injuries and other problems. Just stop at your current size and have fun with the toys you can inset into your penis.
Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men. |
Hello Craig,
Thank you for your advice and experience.
I’m a 74 yo, with moderate ED taking 5 mg cialis/day for BPH.
I’m trying to understand if dilation can improve urine flow or if it might damage the sphincters or tissues long term. I’ve just purchased an estim silicone. 4.5mm sound and feel anxious about using it too frequently..How often would you suggest to start?
I am trying from past 8 months but my finger not going in it how much time more it take?? I cannot control my feelings
I’m 70 years old with decreased urine flow and moderate ed. I would like try sounding to improve flow. I have not purchased any sounds yet but am seriously considering a set of Hagger sounds. Your input would be very appreciated.
I am 76 and starting to stretch, I do it as a sexual thing but have found that I do pee better.
I have read where there can be some scar tissue, will this stretch. I have been doing one day on and one day off with a plug but still having some pain and a bit of blood. Should I continue?
I have been trying to stretch my urethra for a while now, I did as you have stated, in for a while then out and then back in and yes I know it will take time. However when I leave the plug out for a few days, putting it back in hurts and I do get some blood. I am presuming there is a restriction and I was thinking, as I have had my penis pierced several time, could there be scar tissue? Will this scar tissue stretch? I am very fond of wearing my pug, it is a sexual thing for me.
Thank You for your advice.
Hey folks, I have a related question for fellow stretchers.
I up to 16mm steel plugs with ease, BUT tight. I find my urethra absorbs: water based, silicone based, and petroleum jelly based triple antibiotic as lubes, alone or in combination. After just a short while the mucosa has “dried” and bonded to the plug. I can always remove it with patience and the right movements, but I’ve Beverly read of anyone who enjoys long period insertion discussing this. Again, the absorption and binding happens with just 15 or twenty minutes. Do I just have a fucked up hungry urethra or do any of you have different
Lube or combinations that make removal after long insertion lube-ier? Thanks and make it a happy little pussy!
I’m almost a year too late, but maybe this will find you or help someone else. 16mm!!! That’s great!
I started at 8mm(24fr) and now I’m stuffing 19 (57fr) and it’s tight but very sexy. I regularly hit 20mm steel in a relaxed, long stretching session. You’re probably aware by now that once you get into larger sounds the gape will stretch much more easily. This is a double edged gift. You get faster growth, but you have to pace yourself carefully. It’s like, one day suddenly it happens differently, you feel the skin give and open more easily and can stretch a good bit wider. I very quickly learned you have to take plenty of time after each step up. Weeks, months. You can tear the meatus – a home-ripped meatotomy isn’t sexy and won’t win you friends in the ER. It will also break nerves, no bueno! “Feeling” is after all the fun part. I’ve found silicone retainers are a real help now. I make steps up and keep the whole size where when my meatus was smaller and I wasn’t inserting a retainer, I would lose anywhere from 1/3 – 3/4 of the stretch writhing a day or two. A retainer also reduces the swelling and tightness after a good stretch session. I use silicone because I can insert one slightly larger than my stretched diameter, it compresses slightly going in, it then tries to return to its normal size and gives a slight stretch while I’m at work. Lastly, I used silicone graduated (smaller at the tip, much wider at the top) for stretching when I was at your stage, 16mm. I used sounds larger at the top than I could take so one sound gave several increasing long term workout levels. Now I prefer steel for fun and exercise (but I still LOVE silicone for deep play prostate orgasms!) Hope your year stretched into 18 or more!
Crap….all that bs and never answered the question. No, you don’t have a fucked up urethra. It’s designed to absorb. It mostly happens with tight sessions without a fucking motion to draw up precum to keep things friendly. I’ve found if I release a dribble of piss and milk it down (up) until it shows around the piss slit, that will release the mucosa’s deathgrip. For fun sessions I insert a syringe and pump in some surgilube for deep or long-sessions and squeeze in some triple antibiotic so I have an oil vs water slide. Never use silicone based lube (putting a sugar into a Petrie dish to see what grows!)g
What triple antibiotic do you use ?
I have been having issues with stretching my urethra. I am not exa tly sure what size I would lo go to. Maybe if I can get to 15mm?
Anyway where do you purchase you equipment from please especially the silicone retainer you wear during the day at work?
We do not sell anything from any countries in Asia, mostly the US and UK