Bladder sounding is among the most extreme forms of urethral stimulation that you can have. Many people do not even want to consider it, but there are those who like it. Fans of bladder stimulation claim that it’s like no other form of urethral play. In order to enjoy bladder stimulation it is important to use proper toys. Since Hegar sounds are the most popular urethral sounds out there, many people wonder if it’s possible to use them for urethral play. Is Hegar bladder sounding possible and how to do it?
Is Hegar Bladder Sounding Possible?
Hegar sounds are elegant urethral sounds modelled after real instruments that doctors use. As such, they are safe and many people prefer them over all other urethral toys. Hegar sounds are also beginner-friendly so they are often the first sounds someone will try when starting to experiment with urethral stimulation.
All of these things make it sound like these sounds are not good for users with experience. Since bladder sounding is something that only users with plenty of experience do, it may seem that it is not possible to do it with Hegar sounds.
It is true that Hegars are beginner-friendly but they are still very powerful toys. They are also long enough to reach all the way to the prostate and even bladder. In other words, yes, Hegar bladder sounding is possible but you need to develop as specific technique.
How to Do Hegar Bladder Sounding
The main problem with Hegar sounds is that they do not have a strong curve. Generally speaking, sounds ideal for deep urethral play are those with a curve, such as Van Buren or Guyon sounds. This curve accommodates a natural curve in the urethra, which makes it easy for the toy to reach the prostate or even bladder.
Hegar sounds have just a gentle curve. It makes them ideal for regular urethral play that does not go too deep. However, that doesn’t mean that you cannot go very deep with Hegars. After all, they are long enough for this.
In order to enjoy Hegar bladder sounding, you need to develop a technique to insert your sound deep enough. Since there is no strong curve, you will need to manipulate the sound down the urethra, moving it at different angles as it goes. You will also need to move your penis at an angle from time to time.
Whenever you encounter a resistance, turn the toy or your penis at an angle to try to make it go further down. Do not use force! Remember, you should never use force to insert your urethral toys. Instead, use plenty of lube and go slowly until you manage to reach the bladder. It may take several tries but chances are that you will succeed and enjoy your bladder stimulation with Hegar sounds.
Another thing you may want to try is a different size of the sound. This can help you if one size just doesn’t want to go deep enough. Just make sure to know how to control your urethral toy once it is deep enough.
Happy sounding!
Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men. |
Hey Greg, Your overviews have been super helpful to me in understanding these instruments that I never heard of. (I’ve had a cloistered life!). Also even more helpful when I get the instruments and need help/insights into working them correctly & safely. You are a good guy and I consider you a friend. Thanks.
Hi Greg —
I was kind of surprised to find this writeup about Hegar sounds going near (into?) the bladder. I have a question, but first, some background.
The one time I managed to get a Hegar to even start to go around Cobb’s Curve, it slid deeper kind of fast and was pretty scary. Keep in mind that at this point there’s no way I’ve got a hold of it, the sound was free floating deep in my urethra. Now my first reflex here is that I don’t want something like a Hegar sound all the way into my bladder. Right? I was horny for adventure, but not *that* horny.
But here’s the thing… I read a story online many, many years ago about a fellow using what were described as spindles (Who remember’s Fozzie’s Den?). Think of these as mini-sounds about 1-1/4″ long. And they were freely going all the way into the bladder of the “subject” of the story, and I had the impression they might have been even longer. Yes, crazy!! But when I managed to get in touch with the author, he assured me this was based on reality, not made up. So I tried it – if someone says it’s true on the internet, it’s true, right? Yes, this was crazy stupid. But it gets better…. I made a small number of these spindles from 1/4″ stainless steel rod and rounded and polished the ends very carefully. Just like a Hegar sound. They were, naturally, rather nice looking. And… in they went. All the way. I tried one or two at first, and sure enough, with a good piss they came right out. With confidence, I was dropping in six at a time. I’d do a few…play with them for a bit while surfing some good porn, and eventually they’d find their way home. Then a few more. And so on. My memories of these sessions are some of my fondest erotic explorations.
I did have a log jam a few times at the base of my penis, where my urethra was a bit bigger in diameter, I think, and you can have two or three side by side. If things don’t flow out in single file. It’s a bit of a bear to get things re-aligned – but it could be done. It’s been a while since I’ve done this… but I’m probably going for it again before too long. The cannon shot of these things blasting out is incredible, especially when everything comes out at once, single file.
Now to the question… it seems to me that when you describe using a short sound like a Hegar to get into the bladder, that there’s a non-zero chance that it could get all the way in. That doesn’t seem like a good idea (as if letting anything besides a non-magnetic ball bearing get inside one’s bladder would be a good idea…). But… what has your experience been? Have you ever lost one all the way? I’m very used to going that deep – I’ve got a lovely set of Guyons that I bought from the Chain Gang many years ago. My review is still there… 🙂 And I see many more guys have benefited from my intel report.
Anyway… thanks for reading this long comment. I’m looking forward to your reply! Perhaps with a bit of crazy imagination (there’s that word again!) in my head…
PS. Crazier: Today I found a bit of porn where the guy definitely got the entire Hegar sound past the base of his junk. It was extremely obvious, given how he was poking and prodding his perineum. He wasn’t a big fellow either, so the odds are pretty good that the opposite end was past the bladder sphincter.
PPS. Sorry for being so explicit! But I figured this was an okay place for that…. delete if you feel appropriate.
I think my last comment – not yet posted – is one best ignored and forgotten. With a bit of age, a bit of wisdom, and a bit of careful experimentation, I’ve discovered my answers. I never thought I’d see the day, but for my money if one wants to probe exceptionally deeply, the smarter path is with a Guyon sound.