GUIDE – Ball Stretching Tips

Cock Ring and Ball Stretcher Weight

Cock Ring and Ball Stretcher Weight

There are many men who wish to try ball stretching, but are unsure how to do it safely and with the best results. Finding the perfect ball weight (or ball weights) for yourself is the most important: a ball stretcher needs to fit you perfectly for the best and most comfortable results.

When used correctly, ball weights are effective devices and wearing them can be very satisfying, both physically and emotionally. Many men report that ball stretchers enhance their sexual pleasure.

To ensure this, and to avoid pain, discomfort and potential injuries, there are some guidelines you should follow.

Also, it’s very useful to take medical advice before you choose to experiment with ball stretching. Your doctor can warn you about any possible risks and reasons why ball stretching might not be recommended for you. For this reason, it’s strongly advisable to consult your medical provider before you try any form of ball stretching.

Tips and Guidelines

Warmth and relaxation are extremely important for successful ball stretching. This is the only way to ensure perfect comfort and optimum results. Your body, particularly your scrotum, has to be warm enough. Same goes for any device you wish to use. If you use steel ball weights, it’s important to warm them before use. Running them under the hot water before use is a good way to go.

The best time to apply ball stretching devices is after a hot shower or a bath. This is when your body is relaxed and your skin soft. It will make it much easier and comfortable to put your ball stretchers on. However, it’s important to dry your skin thoroughly. Never put on any stretching devices on a wet skin – it can lead to infections.

To apply any devices comfortably, it’s important to have a good lube at hand. Choose a quality, sanitized lubricant. Make sure that the lube is not sticky. At the same time, avoid too watery lubes – the lube has to be thick enough for the best effect. Don’t forget to apply a lot of lube on your scrotum before you put your device on. A good lubricant will make the whole process smoother so you will be able to put your ball stretching device on without any problems. Also, the lube will ensure that the ball weight sits comfortably.

Remember: ball weights should not cause any pain or discomfort. If you experience any of these problems, you should take your device off. To ensure the best experience, never tighten the device too much – you should not stop your circulation or cause further problems. This is another reason why finding the best fit and measuring yourself is so important. Furthermore, to make your experience fully comfortable, avoid wearing tight underwear or pants that are too tight (if you choose to wear your ball stretchers outside).

Pain and Discomfort?

As stated above, pain and discomfort should not be part of ball stretching. Even though it might seem extreme or painful, ball stretching is actually a pleasurable activity. If you experience pain or serious discomfort it’s a sign that something’s wrong. Usually, it means that you will need a bigger ball stretcher (bigger diameter) and that you should measure yourself more accurately for the best fit.

Actually, pain and serious discomfort are a sign that you should take any ball weight immediately. Not doing so can compromise your health, so it’s not something you want to risk. Remove any device as soon as it becomes uncomfortable. If this is your first time wearing this device (or a device of this size), it might be a sign that you need a bigger one and that you should find a better fit.

There are some minor problems you’ll probably encounter, such as a stuck hair, pinched skin or a minor irritation under the stretcher. These things happen, and you can usually prevent them by adjusting the stretcher slightly to sit more comfortably.

You may also experience some dull pain in the spermatic cord or in your testicles, especially during a more prolonged wear. You can readjust the device to sit more comfortably (make sure that it’s never too tight), but taking the weight off and allowing your testicles to relax for a while is the best way to prevent more discomfort.

About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

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