Genital Piercing Shrinking

Genital piercings are very attractive, and they can enhance your sex life in numerous ways. A good genital piercing can improve the sensations for you and your partner during sex. This is one of the reasons why these piercings are so popular. This is why you want them to be healthy and problem-free. One of the main issues, particularly with male genital piercings, is shrinking. Genital piercing shrinking is not a rare thing, so you need to be aware of it.

Genital Piercing Shrinking a Real Thing?

You might have heard about a common problem with male genital piercings: they can shrink quickly. Is this a scare tactic or a real thing? Sadly, genital piercing shrinking is a real thing. It happens when you take your jewelry out. This shrinking is a common problem for other piercings. With genital piercing, it can become even more pronounced because these piercings are often the ones that are quick to start shrinking.  

However, keep in
mind that this mainly refers to penis piercings done on the penis head. Other
types of genital piercings are generally not so fast to start shrinking. On the
other hand, many of them will start shrinking faster than general (non-genital)
body piercings.

Keep this in mind
when it comes to removing your jewelry and putting it back. To prevent this
issue, you need to keep jewelry inside of your piercing at all times. You should
only remove your jewelry at special circumstances, and for no longer than half
an hour or so. This should be enough to, for example, take a shower without
your jewelry inside, clean your penis properly, and put jewelry back without a

Should I Ever Take My Jewelry Off?

Now that you know
more about genital piercing shrinking, what about taking your jewelry off? Does
it mean you should never do it? The thing is, there are many situations in
which you might need to take your genital jewelry off.

The most obvious reason might be sexual intercourse. While many genital piercings are made to improve sexual pleasure, it doesn’t mean you can always wear your jewelry during sex. There are partners who simply dislike the feel of jewelry during sex. Some people might also be scared of your jewelry hurting them. In cases like this, you need to respect your partner’s wishes if you want to have sex with them. You need to remove your genital jewelry before engaging in sexual intercourse with those partners.

Other partners might
like your genital jewelry, but there might still be some situations in which
you will need to remove your jewelry. For example, some people are more
sensitive to the feeling of jewelry during menstruation. Other times, it is
just about what the person likes or dislikes in the moment.

It doesn’t even
have to be about your partner. Sometimes, you might be the one who will find
your own jewelry a nuisance during sex. As much as you might like your genital
piercings in other situations, this can happen from time to time.

In all these situations, taking your jewelry during sex is important. But what if this leads to genital piercing shrinking? The good news is that it is generally a short period of time that will not make much of a difference. As long as you remember to put your jewelry on right after sex, you should be okay. Even if it feels like the hole started shrinking, you should be able to put your jewelry back without a problem. If you encounter a bit of resistance, apply a drop of lube onto the jewelry and try again.

However, keep in
mind that you need to act fast in these situations. Do put your jewelry back
right after sex if you want to prevent genital piercing shrinking. Doing it the
next morning might cause more trouble. Remember: some genital piercings are
very quick to start shrinking, so you need to keep your jewelry inserted as
much as possible.

About Holes:
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things.

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