There are many different types of urethral toys you can try. Many men prefer urethral sounds and different sensations these toys can bring.
Others prefer penis plugs, due to their smaller size and a wide variety of shapes.
One great thing about urethral toys is that they come in many sizes, so they can satisfy people of all experience levels.
Beginner users want their toys to be smaller and comfortable. This is understandable: people who are only starting to experiment with urethral stimulation need toys they can insert safely and without a problem. Smaller toys are also great for practicing and to get used to the feeling of urethral stimulation.
It is therefore not surprising that many beginner users prefer tiny penis plugs. These urethral toys are very small in size so they are not intimidating and they can be inserted easily. These smaller plugs are very comfortable so it’s not surprising many beginners choose them as their favorite urethral toys.
If you are interested in penis plugs but don’t know where to start, fear not. Here, we present you with different types of small plugs you want to try. As it turns out, there is a wide choice of these plugs and many different types you can try. You are not limited to one design or one model. If small plugs are your favorite urethral toys there are plenty to choose from!
Here are the best and most popular tiny penis plugs you can use:
Tiny Penis Plugs
Tiny penis plugs are the smallest penis plugs you can find, and also the smallest urethral toys in general. They are perfect toys for those who wish to try urethral stimulation for the first time. The main advantage of these tiny penis plugs is that they are non-intimidating even for beginners, so you should not have any problems with them. They are specially designed for beginner users so they are smooth or with only light textures. The design of these small plugs is made in such a way to provide the most comfortable experience for the wearer.
These tiny penis plugs are typically between 1 and 3 inches in length. They are small in size, which is ideal for beginners and those who like to wear their penis plugs for a prolonged period of time. When it comes to girth and diameter, these small plugs are thin enough to provide comfortable experience even if your urethra is not stretched. At the same time, they are not too thin to become dangerous (keep in mind that urethral toys should never be too thin – thin urethral toys are actually reserved for experienced users who know what they’re doing, since these toys can be very sharp, which can lead to injuries). These tiny penis plugs are thick enough to provide safe yet comfortable experience for the beginners. If you are only starting out with urethral stimulation, these small penis plugs are the best choice for you!
Recommended products: Standard Penis Plug, “The Original” Penis Plug, Honey Hive Penis Plug with Thru Hole, Ribbed Urethral Penis Plug, Sleek & Hollow Penis Plug,Open ZZ Penis Plug, Smooth as Silk Penis Pumper, Cock Stopper, Smooth Beginners Penis Plug, Slender Pipe Penis Plug, Ring Action Penis Plug, Hour Glass Penis Plug, Blow Pop Penis Plug with Ring.
Sperm Stoppers
Sperm stoppers are another type of small urethral toys you might want to try. These are specialized penis plugs made for those who like to prevent semen from being ejaculated, and as such, they can be used for all people who like to experience such a feeling. In other words, even experienced users might want to use sperm stoppers to achieve this unique feeling. That being said, standard sperm stoppers are very small in size so they are ideal for beginners who wish to try urethral toys for the first time.
Sperm stoppers are among the smallest urethral toys you can find. Their size is not intimidating at all, and this is what many beginner users like: a small toy that is not too demanding or uncomfortable. Most of these stoppers have a very thin shaft, but it is not dangerous because the tip of the shaft has a special ball that is very smooth and ensures comfort. However, it is important to note that sperm stoppers are a special type of urethral toys made for a very specific purpose: to prevent sperm from being ejaculated. As such, they might be too intense for some beginner users. The ball on the top might be too wide for some, though many beginner users will be able to insert it without a problem. Also, keep in mind that sperm stoppers typically come with a glans ring, so they are recommended only to those who like glans rings and can wear them without a problem. It also goes without saying that you need to like the whole idea of sperm stopping or else these toys will not do much for you. Other than these issues, it’s important to know that sperm stoppers are among the smallest urethral toys you can try so they may be great for those looking for tiny penis plugs to wear.
Recommended products: Sperm Stopper, Double Ring Sperm Stopper, The Sperm Stopper with Frenum Ball, Gem Set Fancy Sperm Stopper.
Flexible Penis Plugs
Flexible penis plugs are specially designed urethral toys made to combine intensity and comfort. These plugs consist of both metal and softer, flexible parts made to provide for the best experience imaginable. Typically, a flexible plug will have a metal tip and bottom while the middle of the plug will be made of a softer, flexible material. In this way, the plug becomes both intense and comfortable: it can be easily inserted and it fits the body’s natural curves (it fits urethra perfectly), which ensures a very comfortable and enjoyable experience.
There are many different types of flexible penis plugs. Some of them are very small and suitable for beginners. Others are bigger and more intense, and as such, ideal for more experienced users. If you are a beginner looking for tiny penis plugs you might want to try small flexible plugs. They are small enough to be good for your needs but also provide something extra. The flexible middle part should make for a very comfortable experience so these plugs can be great for beginners, especially those who don’t want sturdy urethral toys.
Recommended products: Flexible Penis Plug, Rounded Tip Penis Plug, Flexible Ziro Penis Plug and Glans Ring, Rippled Flex Penis Plug.
Tiny Plugs with Glans Rings
For those who like glans rings, here’s a great news: there are many penis plugs that come with a handy ring. In fact, some of the best urethral plugs are those with a ring. The glans ring in the combination with a penis plug makes for a very intense toy, regardless of its size. The glans ring has a dual role when combined with a penis plug. On one hand, it is there to keep the plug inside. As you probably know, penis plugs can sometimes slip out or move, and the glans ring is there to keep them in place. Once the ring is secured around the penis head the plug cannot move out so it stays inside to provide you wish tome good time! This is a great way to prevent slippage. Another great thing about glans rings is that they provide additional stimulation during use. It means that your penis plug automatically becomes more intense!
There are many different types of penis plugs that come with a glans ring. In fact, almost any type of a penis plug can be the one with a ring, so you can choose between many different models. If you are interested in tiny penis plugs you should choose the smallest ones. Yes, there are very small penis plugs that come with a glans ring, so you can combine intensity with a perfect comfort. These are ideal plugs for beginners who wish to try urethral stimulation while enhancing their erections.
Recommended products: Old School Penis Plug,Torpedo Penis Plug and Glans Ring, Stubby Penis Plug and Glans Ring, Ribbed Penis Plug and Glan’s Ring, Boa Constrictor Penis Plug & G Ring, Batter-Up Plug & Glans Ring, Full Stop with Glans Ring and Head Hook, Sleek & Slender Penis Plug With Glan’s Ring.
Intense Yet Small
For those who wish to go one step further, there are numerous small yet intense penis plugs. These plugs are tiny and not much (if at all) bigger than the regular small plugs. They are between 1 and 3 inches in length, though there are some exceptions that are above 3 or 4 inches. These bigger ones are still small enough so they provide a perfect comfort. The smaller ones are still small but come with some exciting additions, such as a texture made for more intense stimulation during use. If you are looking for something extra, these small plugs are ideal for you!
In short, there are two ways to make a plug more intense without making it intimidating: increase the length a little while keeping the plug smooth. These plugs provide a perfect comfort while allowing you to try a bit longer toys to see if you like them. Another way to go is to take a tiny penis plug and add a bit of texture to it. The texture makes for a more intense experience, especially if you like in and out sounding. Some of the plugs have a very deep texture and these are reserved for those who crave more intensity. However, even the most intense of these small plugs is still comfortable enough. These are tiny plugs, just with something extra. If you are looking for something new but you still want to stick to small toys, these small yet intense plugs might be the best choice for you.
Recommended products: In & Out Princes Wand, Triple Skinny Rider Penis Plug, Cock Screw Penis Plug, Sniper Bullets, The Masturbator, Tapered Wave Plug, King Fire Penis Plug, Green Devil Penis Plug, Arm and Handle Penis Plug, Dynamite Plunger Penis Plug, The Helmet Cum Thru Penis Plug, Pleasure Wave Penis Plug, Bull Ox Penis Plug, Mega Spur Penis Plug, Wind Swept Penis Plug.
Urethral Stretchers and Trainers
Urethral stretchers are specially designed urethral toys made for training your urethra. As you probably know, urethra has to be stretched in order to accommodate larger toys. It is simply impossible (not to mention dangerous) to insert a very large toy into urethra without training. Stretching has to be done carefully and with patience, and it’s a process that takes time. For this reason, there are specialized toys made for comfortable, safe and problem-free stretching. These urethral trainers are made to stretch your urethra gradually and with care.
One of the best thing about these stretchers is that they can double as tiny urethral plugs. While many of them are not very short, their shaft is of a graduating size, so the tip is both small and short enough it can serve as a perfect small penis plug. The best of all? Once you decide to move to bigger toys you can simply use your stretcher to training your urethra. This is why stretchers are very handy toys ideal for beginners. If you prefer small penis plugs you should also try stretchers since they can give you the same sensation with something extra!
Recommended products: Smooth Training Stretcher, Graduation Stretcher, Tapered Urethral Stretcher Male Vibrator, Urethral Stretcher Spike with Through Hole, Urethra Training Wand, Devil’s Pitchfork Urethral Stretcher
Male Vibrators
Male vibrators are unique urethral toys equipped with a vibrating function. They can sure bring the pleasure to a completely new level! These vibrators are ideal for those who wish to make their experience more intense and to try something new. You don’t have to be an experienced user to try male vibrators! Even beginners can use them to enhance the pleasure and have some additional stimulation during urethral play.
Another good thing about male vibrators is that they are generally thin and small enough even for beginners. While not all of them are very short, they are thin enough not to be intimidating. At the same time, they have a bulbous tip that prevents them from being too pointy and dangerous. In other words, they are great thin toys you can use without a problem. If you prefer tiny plugs and small urethral toys you may wish to try male vibrators. They are a bit bigger but they are thin enough not to be intimidating. Not to mention they add something extra! If you enjoy deep vibrations and if you want to enhance pleasure during urethral stimulation you might want to try one of these!
Recommended products: The “Firecracker” Male Urethral Vibrator, Beaded Ball Male Vibrator, Small Vibrating Sound – Male Vibrator, The Vibrating Urethral Sound – Male Vibrator.
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry. |
In the meantime, I get a 17mm plug into my meatus Externus inside. Therefore, I have now permanently used a 17mm penis plug with longitudinal bore. So I can again control pissing. For with a meatus external opening of 17 mm the urine occasionally sprayes uncontrolled. The plug is only for cleaning, or if I want to stretch the meatus. With the inserted plug I can also masturbieren good. The 16mm penis plug has dropped out after 2 weeks by itself. It looks so that one with this method also its meatus external opening can expand comfortably. The 17mm plug I use now is not at all. I wear the plug just to stretch the meatus externus, and to control the urine stream. The 17mm plug fits perfectly. The plug slips in and then you can not feel in any more, because it fits perfectly into the navicular urethrae fossa