Eyebrow Piercing

Eyebrow PiercingEyebrow piercings are among the most popular facial piercings in the world and one of the most popular piercings in general. It is not uncommon for people to have this one as their only piercing. While it’s very popular with young people eyebrow piercings are common among all the demographics.

Piercing and Procedure

Eyebrow piercing is typically done vertically through the ridge of the eyebrow. Depending on the person’s anatomy and wishes, the placement and orientation of the piercing can be different. Many eyebrow piercings are done at a slight angle but are still considered to be vertical piercings. Other placements and orientations are also possible, though they are generally considered to be variations of the general eyebrow piercing.

What is important to know about eyebrow piercing is that it’s a surface piercing, albeit the most famous of them all. However, as a surface piercing it is prone to some of the common problems other surface piercings face, such as migration and rejection.

Eyebrow piercings are not particularly difficult to perform, though it’s vital to go to a reliable piercing studio and hire and experienced piercer. The procedure is typically performed using a cannula needle. Some piercers use clamps for easier guidance. The needle is inserted through the bottom of the eyebrow and it exits through the top of the eyebrow. The exact placement is decided based on the client’s wishes and piercer’s recommendation.

Typically, eyebrow piercings are pierced with needles ranging from 18 gauge to 12 gauge. However, 16 gauge seems to be particularly common, though 14 gauge and 12 gauge are also popular.


Since eyebrow piercings are done in gauges ranging from 18 gauge to 12 gauge this is the range of the jewelry sizes used for this piercing. As with any other piercing, it’s crucial t know the gauge you’re pierced with so you can wear appropriate jewelry.

Typical jewelry for eyebrow piercings are curved barbells. While general curved barbells can be used there are also curved barbells made specially for eyebrow piercings.

Other jewelry choices are also common. For example, some people prefer to wear Captive Bead Rings while others opt for different type of barbells (usually curved barbells though some even choose to wear straight barbells).

The jewelry puts pressure on the piercing, which can increase the risk of migration, rejection and other problems. This is why it’s so crucial to use jewelry that is comfortable and has a perfect fit for the piercing. It’s important to minimize the pressure in order to protect the piercing and minimize the risk of migration and rejection.

Additional Info and Tips

  • The eyebrow can be pierced anywhere above the eye, so there are many different placements possible. The furthest away one can go is to the edge of the eyebrow by the temple.
  • It is also possible to pierce an eyebrow further away above the eye, but this is a more risky procedure because of the presence of supra-orbital nerves.
  • Eyebrow piercings can be done in pairs and groups, depending on the wishes.
  • If done horizontally, this piercing is known as a horizontal eyebrow piercing.
  • A variant of this piercing is done underneath the eye. This one is known an anti-eyebrow piercing.
  • The healing time for this piercing is about 6 to 8 weeks for the initial healing. Full healing can take anywhere from 6 months to a year.
  • Eyebrow piercings are known to produce crusts and discharge during healing. However, if you notice an abnormal amount of discharge or other problems, make sure to consult a medical professional. Same goes for any pain or prolonged swelling you may encounter.
  • The larger gauge is less likely to migrate and reject, so it’s better to be pierced at a larger gauge (for example, 14 gauge or 12 gauge) to minimize the risk of migration and rejection.
About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

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