Enjoying the Apadravya Piercing

apadravya piercingThe Apadravya is one of the most famous male genital piercings. Known as “vertical penis piercing”, Apadravya intrigues many people who are interested in this type of body modification. It’s important to note that while Apadravya is not a rare piercing (in fact, it’s one of the more common penis piercings), there are many people who still don’t know enough about it.

About Apadravya Piercing

The Apadravya piercing is a vertical glans piercing. It means that the piercing hole and jewelry pass vertically through the penis glans. The jewelry enters on the top of the penis glans and it exits on the underside of the penis.

This piercing is almost always placed centrally, and it passes through the urethra. Since the urethra is a natural opening on itself, the Apadravya doesn’t create a new hole through the whole glans – there is a natural hole inside the glans (the urethra). It makes the procedure a bit less complicated and less painful than it would be without the needle going through the urethra.

The exact placement will depend on the man’s individual anatomy and preferences. Most people prefer for Apadravya to be done on a slightly forward angle to the hips and not completely vertically. This makes penetration easier and sex more comfortable for the wearer’s partner.

Keep in mind that the Apadravya piercing technically consists of two separate piercings: Prince Albert and Reverse Prince Albert. The down portion of the Apadravya (from the urethra to the hole on the underside of the penis) is the Prince Albert piercing. The upper portion of the Apadravya (from the urethra to the hole on the top of the penis head) is the Reverse Prince Albert piercing. It means that if you already have a Prince Albert piercing, you can convert it to Apadravya relatively easily. If you have a Reverse Prince Albert, the process is even easier, since Prince Albert is a simpler piercing than the Reverse Prince Albert.

Sex with Apadravya

The Apadravya piercing is considered one of the most sexually pleasurable piercings, especially for the wearer’s partners. It’s one of the reasons why so many men decide to try this piercing. While there are no guarantees for heightened sexual pleasure, and while you should expect to go through certain adjustments, many men with Apadravya piercing report improved sexual satisfaction and more exciting experiences.

This is why Apadravya is considered a functional piercing: it’s not just aesthetically pleasing. It will also make sex more pleasurable for you and your partners.

This is particularly true for female sexual partners. Many women who have sex with men with Apadravya piercing claim that the jewelry rubs against their G spot, which is very pleasurable. Another benefit is that it makes the tip of the penis harder and the whole sexual experience more exciting.

In addition to this, some men choose to wear special vibrating jewelry during sex, which also contributes to overall satisfaction.

Also, some people claim that they simply find the look of a penis with Apadravya sexually stimulating. Performing oral sex on a man with Apadravya can be a very stimulating experience, because the jewelry allows for new sensation.

Many men with Apadravya piercing and their partners report increased sexual satisfaction in all areas of intimate life and all types of sexual activities. However, in order to reach this stage it’s important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Find an experienced piercer. Genital piercings are specific, so you need someone who is familiar with the Apadravya procedure. The piercing has to be done professionally, with a proper placement of the piercing and jewelry. This is the first step to ensure the enjoyment.
  • Follow the aftercare instructions carefully. It’s your penis and you want it to be clean. You have to prevent any possible infections so this is why you should be very careful during the healing time. It includes abstaining from all forms of sexual activities (even masturbating) during the initial healing period. After this period, you can resume sexual activities but with caution. Wearing condom during the healing time is highly recommended.
  • Get to know your body all over again. Chances are that the Apadravya piercing will change the sensations in some ways and that it will make you learn what feels right and how to satisfy yourself. Appreciate and enjoy this learning process. Learn what feels right and how to satisfy yourself and your partner. Remember: before you start enjoying sex even more than before, you will need to adjust to the changes and find the best way to enjoy sex all over again.

Additional Info & Tips

  • It’s important to note that it’s possible to perform an off-set Apadravya piercing, for various reasons. The piercing and jewelry don’t have to be made centrally. However, even these piercings will typically pass through the urethra.
  • Just like most of the other penis piercings, the Apadravya is relatively easy to stretch. You need to wait until the piercing is fully healed to start stretching, though.
  • As with most of the other genital piercings, the Apadravya may affect your sexual partner. If you want to have penetrative sex, it’s important to think about your partner and their feelings and enjoyment. While Apadravya is said to improve sexual pleasure, particularly for the female partners, your partner might want you to remove your jewelry during sex.
  • If you choose to remove jewelry during sex, make sure to put it back as soon as possible. Penis tissue tends to heal quickly and you don’t want to leave your Apadravya without jewelry for too long.
  • The most common jewelry type used for Apadravya piercings is the straight barbell. When choosing a barbell, make sure it’s long enough to accommodate erection (and, if it’s the first jewelry for a new piercing, it has to accommodate initial swelling). You will probably need to get a shorter barbell once the swelling is gone. It’s important that the barbell is long enough to accommodate for erection, but short enough not to pose a problem during sex.
  • The Apadravya piercing takes months to heal, but you will probably be ready to have sex (with a condom) after about a month.
About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

4 thoughts on “Enjoying the Apadravya Piercing

  1. I am amazed in the change of society to peicing for fashion from the seventies to the main stream acceptance of penis peicings for men as fashion statements. the amount of peicings for both sexes have spawned many small businesses not just in the consumer worlds of the us and European cities. in japan it was a short while ago that young people saw piecings as personal expressions. now film stars talk about their own piecing experiences. this in theory should attract more talented fashion jewelry designers giving consumers more choices. There are some media posts questioning rejection and infections which have supercharged the medical professions to address patient concerns. i would always try to buy high quality items made from high quality materials from a reputable source. As an example low grade steel from china or or recycled scrap Indianan pakistain steel has large amounts of impurities which may provoke side effects. High grade steel or titanium from the uk or Germany may be a good place to start.

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