Dydoe Piercing

Dydoe PiercingDydoe is one of the more “exotic” male genital piercings, but it’s popular among many men who are looking for a unique penis piercing. As such, there are many men who have dydoe piercing performed, either alone or in pairs. Also, many people who have a dydoe piercing also have another genital piercing, though this is not a rule.

A dydoe piercing is done on the rim of the penis glans. Dydoe is known as a functional piercing: it can enhance the pleasure for both the wearer and his partner during intercourse.

Placement and Procedure

Dydoe is a rim piercing, that is, it is done on the rim of the penis head. While it can be done alone, most men choose to have dydoe done in pairs, one piercing on the each side of the penis head. However, there is no official limitations on how many dydoe piercings one can have, so there are many men with three, four or more dydoe piercings done on their penises.

A dydoe piercing passes through the ridge of the penis glans. If a man decides to have only one dydoe piercing done, it will typically be placed centrally. If he wants to have two, they will be placed symmetrically, one on the right and the other on the left side. A special placement, known as a “king’s crown” consists of several dydoe piercings positioned on the glans.

Dydoe piercings are typically done at 14 gauge, though there are exceptions.


A typical jewelry for dydoe piercing is a curved barbell. Usually, standard curved barbells are used, with plain balls on each end, though some men choose to use more decorative barbells.

Another popular jewelry for this type of piercing is a ring. Typically, Captive Bead Rings are used, though some men choose to use different types of rings, such as seamless, segment or screwball rings. A ring is a good jewelry for this type of piercing but has to be used with caution, since it has a higher risk of rejection.

The piercing is typically done with a straight needle, even though curved jewelry (such as curved barbells or rings) is typically worn. The procedure is typically done freehand. This is not a long procedure but it has to be done by a piercer specialized in genital piercings. After the hole is made the jewelry is inserted.

The piercing is often associated with pain, just like any other penis piercing. However, the procedure itself doesn’t last long so it should be bearable. You should expect some bleeding so do not be alarmed by that.

Aftercare is important for preventing infections and other problems. You should clean your dydoe piercing at least twice per day. It’s best to use a saline solution and not any harsh cleaners should ever be applied. Special care should be taken during showering and sex in order not to irritate your new piercing.

Before getting your dydoe done, make sure to find an experienced piercer who is known to be familiar with this type of piercing. As with any relatively rare piecing, you need to find a person who is not only a general professional but who has enough experience in the specialized piercing you’re interested in.

Additional Tips and Information

  • The average healing time for dydoe piercing is 2 to 3 months, at least for the initial healing period. For a complete healing, a man has to wait anywhere between 4 and 6 months.
  • You should use a condom for sex until your dydoe is fully healed.
  • Not all men can get a dydoe piercing. In order for dydoe piercing to be performed, a man has to have a large enough rim at the corona. The rim also has to be well-defined. This is necessary so the jewelry could fit.
  • Men without a well-defined rim at the corona and without enough tissue at this spot can get a dydoe piercing but it’s likely to migrate out.
  • There is also a deep variation of this piercing, known as “Zephyr”. It is longer than the regular dydoe and exits near the tip of the penis. This piercing uses a longer barbell than traditional dydoe.
  • You can change the jewelry when the piercing is fully healed but never leave jewelry out for long periods of time. Penis piercings are quick to close, which may make it difficult or impossible to insert the jewelry back.
  • While both circumcised and uncircumcised men can get a dydoe piercing, there is a heightened risk for uncircumcised men because the foreskin keeps the area moist, which may prolong the healing and lead to other problems.
About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

One thought on “Dydoe Piercing

  1. I had 4 dydoes done , 2 each session about a year apart. I have had nearly all the genital piercings possible and these would have to be , by a far margin, the most painful. Your statement about shallow corona did not apply in my case , I had what would considered a shallow corona but after the piercing the corona gained a much deeper profile, another bonus. the 2nd session were lost due to leaving them out for a few hours after being pierced for 1 year, the original set from the 1st session can now be left out for months with little trouble to reinsert.
    just adding my experience.

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