The Chain Gang Body Jewelry Store now brings unique female body jewelry products for adult females. For example, a powerful breast clamp for all your kinky needs!
Now presenting an all Surgical Steel Breast Compression device for females. Bar length is 3/8” by 18”. Threaded thumb screws are just over 6” in length. Total weight of the piece is 707 grams. This piece can be used without any need for piercing.
Flaunt your attitude with this amazing and unique piece of body jewelry only available at The Chain Gang Body Jewelry Store.
You can buy it now just by logging on to: Double Breast Clamp present under Female Body Jewelry section of The Chain Gang Body Jewelry Store.
At Body Jewelry by The Chain Gang we produce some of the very finest Quality Body Piercing Jewelry and Adult Toys in the Industry. We are also always happy to help you whenever we can. Just email us. [email protected] |