Dolphin Piercing

Dolphin PiercingDolphin piercing is a somewhat new procedure that is gaining more popularity in recent years. Many men who like their Prince Albert piercing also prefer a deeper placement, so the new form of a piercing was invented to accommodate these users and to produce different visual and sexual effects.

Piercing and Procedure

In many ways, Dolphin piercings resembles Prince Albert piercings. The main difference is the placement. Both types of piercing may use urethral opening at the tip of the penis as the first hole for the piercing, though typical Dolphin piercing uses the regular PA exit hole on the underside of the penis as its first hole. This way, a Dolphin piercing starts where PA piercing ends, just below the glans on the underside of the penis.

A typical Dolphin piercing exits further down the shaft, in a new hole. The exact position will depend on many factors, mainly the man’s individual anatomy and preferences.

Dolphin piercing was named by Jon Cobb and the name comes from the jewelry position just under the skin. It makes it seem that the metal bar dives just under the surface of the skin, like a dolphin.

In order to get a Dolphin piercing, it’s recommended to have a regular PA first, so it can easily be connected and expanded into a Dolphin. If you decide to go this route, your original Prince Albert has to be fully healed before you can go with the procedure of making it into a Dolphin.

Dolphin piercing is considered a functional piercing because it provides deep urethral stimulation during intercourse. This is why it’s ideal for men who like urethral play and deep urethral stimulation.


Most of the jewelry pieces used for other piercing types can accommodate a Dolphin piercing, provided they are long enough. Also, Dolphin jewelry is also more massive and done at a larger gauge, but it depends on the man’s preferences.

A typical jewelry piece used for Dolphin piercings is a barbell. Curved barbells seem to work the best. The jewelry goes from the first hole all the way down to the hole on the shaft. It places the metal bar firmly inside of urethra.

Additional Information

  • The healing time for this piercing is between 4 and 8 weeks, and will depend on your body, lifestyle and adequate aftercare.
  • Dolphin piercing is sometimes considered a form of a deep PA piercing, because of its placement.
  • Due to the angle of the jewelry and the urethra, a metal barbell may be uncomfortable for some men to wear until the piercing is fully healed. These men may choose to wear initial jewelry made of softer material and move to metal jewelry once the piercing is fully healed.
  • Another similar form of piercing is a very deep PA done with a huge ring and with an exit hole further down the shaft than simply behind the glans. Many men who choose this placement do this so they can stretch their PA easily.
  • Dolphin piercing is different than Dolphin Bites piercing, which is a form of lip piercing.
About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

8 thoughts on “Dolphin Piercing

  1. Just got my dolphin piercing, feels great and looks good also
    Don’t know why I waited so long. My piercer had not done one before
    but everything went well.

  2. How does the dolphin piercing feel and what piercer did you use because I want a double dolphin and a reverse double dolphin and a magic cross

    • I’ve had my deep urethra dolphin piercing since 2006 I got it pierced in Moreno Valley California. Went through the pain of it, not having sex for six months. The first 3 inches of urine stream was blood for about a month!!! II healed very well no complaints with any of the healing process. My problems is I have to take it out before I can have intercourse, for the the fact it get caught up against my girlfriends bottom wall and hurts me to leave it in!!! So with all this being said, if any of you all have figured out A piercing that does not get caught up!!! Please let me know I will never let the piercing go I just would like it to be left in and I have to take it out every time.

    • I’ve had my deep urethra dolphin piercing since 2006 I got it pierced in Moreno Valley California. Went through the pain of it, not having sex for six months. The first 3 inches of urine stream was blood for about a month!!! II healed very well no complaints with any of the healing process. My problems is I have to take it out before I can have intercourse, for the fact it get caught up against my girlfriends bottom wall and hurts me to leave it in!!! So with all this being said, if any of you all have figured out A piercing that does not get caught up!!! Please let me know I will never let the piercing go I just would like it to be left in and I have to take it out every time.

      • Little errors on my words I mean I would like to be able to leave my piercing in and not have to keep, stopping once I’m green light to make Love!!! Thanks in advance it

  3. I have a dolphin and use a segment ring for the jewellery – no catching during sex, very comfortable and easy to maintain.

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