There are many different types of rings used as body jewelry. In fact, rings are among the most popular jewelry types. They are elegant, practical and can be used for many different piercings. It’s therefore not surprising that so many people choose rings for their piercings.
There are several popular types of rings used for body piercing jewelry. All of them share certain similarities, but there are also notable differences you should know about.
Ring Jewelry
Typically, rings are circle jewelry pieces that can be used for many different piercing types. Rings are often used for earrings, but you may use them for almost any piercing, from nose and lip piercings to nipple and genital piercings.
Rings are usually round in shape, though other variations are also possible. They are closed on one end so they make a full circle. Rings are simple yet elegant, and they can be decorated in many different ways. Depending on the placement of the decoration, rings can be used for both vertical and horizontal piercings. Rings are practical jewelry pieces you can use for many different piercing types.
The most popular rings types are:
- Captive Bead Rings
- Screwball Rings
- Fixed Rings
- Seamless and Segment Rings
- D-Rings
All of these ring types are similar in many ways, but they also have some differences. It’s important to know what these differences are so you can be sure which type of ring is the best choice for you.
Captive Bead Rings
Captive Bead Rings (CBR) are the most popular ring types. They are also known as captive hoops or captive ball rings. These rings are typically circular in shape and have a small opening. This opening is closed by a bead. The bead is typically larger than the opening so the ring can be closed securely.
To open such a ring, you need to pop the bead out. To do it easily, it’s best to use special Ring Opening Pliers. To close the ring and ensure that it keeps its shape, use Ring Closing Pliers.
Captive Bead Rings are very versatile and are widely used for many different piercings. Their beads can be decorated in many different ways. Many of them include gems and charms. Some Captive Bead Rings come with dangles.
Captive Bead Rings are elegant and versatile, but they have one disadvantage: you can lose the bead if you are not careful. In extreme cases, especially if you don’t use proper pliers to open and close the ring, the bead may even fall out on its own. This is why it’s always good to have some Replacement Beads ready if you wish to use Captive Bead Rings.
Screwball Rings
Screwball Rings look a lot like Captive Bead Rings and they are typically used in the same way. The main difference is that their beads are threaded and can be screwed onto the ring. It means that it’s more difficult to lose the bead.
Fixed Rings
Fixed Rings resemble Captive Bead Rings in design, but their bead is permanently attached to the ring. It makes it even less likely to lose the bead. Another advantage to fixed rings is that the bead, gem or a charm will always be pointed at the same direction. It won’t spin around so it will always point at the right direction.
Seamless and Segment Rings
Seamless and Segment Rings do not have a bead. Instead, they are made in a perfect circular shape. They are made to be seamless, so it’s often difficult to note the point where they open. It makes for a more elegant design.
Segment rings are made of several segments that are made to fit perfectly into each other and together make an elegant circular shape. To open and close the ring, you need to take the segment out and put it back in place when you’re done.
These rings tend to look more elegant because of their seamless design. Since they don’t have a bead, they are also more comfortable to wear, which is ideal for certain types of piercings where beads can prove to be a nuisance.
To open and close these rings, you need to twist two ends in the opposite direction. Another way to open them is to bend the ends in the opposite direction. While segments are made to fit nicely into each other, there is always a danger that you may lose one of the segments, so you need to be careful when handling your rings.
D-Rings are unique due to their shape. Instead of being round, these rings have more of a D shape. It makes them sit closer to the skin, which proves to be more comfortable. It makes D-rings ideal for certain types of piercings, such as eyebrow piercings or nipple piercings, as well as certain genital piercings.
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry. |