Christina Piercing is a female genital piercing performed below the pubic mound. While it’s not the most popular female genital piercing in the world, it’s common enough so there are many people who have this type of piercing done.
Christina is a very stylish piercing so it can look really good. Most women choose to have this piercing for the aesthetics, since it’s not known to enhance sexual pleasure, so it cannot be considered a “functional piercing” in this sense. However, it looks really effective so it’s not surprising that many women choose to have this piercing done.
The Piercing
Christina piercing is also known as “Venus piercing”, since it’s done on the mons Venus. This piercing has a specific placement below the pubic mound, at the place where the outer labia meet. This piercing is relatively long: it goes from the top of the clitoral hood, through the ridge where outer labia meet, all the way to the surface of the pubic mound.
This is a relatively new piercing. It was first performed in 1990 by Tom Brazda on a woman named Christina. It’s interesting to mention a slight controversy over this piercing: traditionally, new piercings are named after the first person who got them. Rumor has it that a female customer suggested this piercing and made an appointment; however, before this appointment the piercer performed the same procedure on a woman named Christina. This is how the piercings was named after the first person who actually got it, but not the one who suggested it.
Christina piercing is done on a place with thick, fatty tissue, which makes healing time longer. It’s vital to perform adequate aftercare and to clean your piercing properly to avoid infections and other problems.
Typically, Christina piercings are typically performed with 12 gauge or 10 gauge needles. Smaller gauges are not recommended for this piercing.
A good news about Christina piercings is that they are usually not very painful. They hurt as a typical body piercing, but not as much as more sensitive genital piercings.
Typical jewelry for Christina piercing is a curved barbell. Since there are significant anatomical differences between women, jewelry is often customized to achieve the best fit. In order to get a proper jewelry for your Christina piercing it’s important to know the exact length of the barbell you need.
Some women choose to wear a Captive Bead Ring in their Christina piercing, but not all women are anatomically suited for it. If in doubt, consult your piercer to know if you can use rings in your Christina. However, keep in mind that rings can be used only once the piercing is fully healed.
Another jewelry option for this piercing type is a surface bar, but this is a rarer option. One advantage to surface bars is that they greatly reduce the risk of rejection.
Additional Tips and Info
- Christina piercing is a surface piercings (except in rare cases, but it depends on a woman’s anatomy). As a surface piercing, it has a high risk of migration and rejection.
- Before getting Christina done, it’s vital to make sure you are anatomically suited for it. Not all women can get this piercing done.
- Christina piercing can’t enhance sexual pleasure but it should not cause any discomfort. However, some women claim it’s painful or uncomfortable when it’s pressed, which may be a problem in some sexual positions.
- It takes about 3 to 5 months for Christina piercings to heal. In some cases, the healing time can be much longer, 8 to 10 months or even more.
- Christina piercings are known to cause certain problems due to the long piercing hole and constant friction against underwear. This increases the piercing’s risk for infection, migration and rejection.
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry. |