Choosing Jewelry for Initial Piercings

Initial Piercing Initial piercing jewelry is different than the one you can wear in your old (meaning: healed) piercing. A healing piercing is very sensitive so special attention should be made to keep the piercing clean and to help it heal without a problem. The choice of jewelry is very important, because incorrect jewelry can pose a problem for your new piercing. Therefore, your initial piercing has to follow higher standards and it has to be made of body-safe, high-quality materials.

Choosing the Jewelry

Choosing the first jewelry for your piercing may be tricky, so there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, quality and materials should be more important than the look. It’s true that many jewelry pieces made for initial piercings look simple or plain, but that should not worry you. You don’t need a heavy, complicated jewelry piece in your fresh piercing. Things like quality and size are the most important.

After you get pierced, the initial jewelry should serve one important purpose: to make your piercing heal correctly and to heal as fast as possible. The jewelry should keep the piercing open and to make it heal without a problem. The style or look of the jewelry is not so important: what is important is to choose body-safe jewelry of an appropriate size. If your piercing heals correctly there will be plenty of time to try many different jewelry pieces or to pick the style you like the most. Initial jewelry, however, has to be functional and to make your piercing heal without problems.

Therefore, you need to focus on materials and quality. It means you should never go for the cheapest products. There are many sub-par jewelry pieces on the market and many cheap body jewelry products you can buy at the mall. These jewelry pieces are not good even for a fully healed piercing, let alone for your new piercing.

Safe Materials

You have to stick to the best materials known to be fully body safe. It’s important that the material chosen has no alloys (mixtures) because they are known to cause allergies. Titanium is one of the best materials on the market and it doesn’t cause allergies. Niobium is another good material that’s body-safe and can be used for initial piercing jewelry.

Surgical steel is one of the most popular jewelry materials on the market. It’s important to understand that there are many different types of surgical steel (made of a variety of alloys) and only certain types are safe for initial jewelry. First of all, it’s important to choose Surgical Steel, not Stainless Steel (stainless steel can cause allergies). When it comes to Surgical Steel, make sure to use high-quality, body-safe Surgical Steel of the highest standards.

Gold is a popular jewelry material but it’s not always suitable for initial piercings. Any gold jewelry used has to be nickel-free and 14k or higher quality. However, it’s best not to use gold for initial jewelry, especially if your chosen jewelry is only gold plated or has a gold overlay.

Glass can be a safe jewelry material as long as it’s lead-free. Fused quartz glass, soda-lime glass or borosilicate are good glass types for jewelry. However, glass is not often used for initial jewelry pieces because most of the glass jewelry is made at the larger gauges. On the other hand, glass jewelry can be a good choice for newly-stretched piercings, particularly ear piercings.

About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

One thought on “Choosing Jewelry for Initial Piercings

  1. You make a good point that initial body jewelry that you pick should help the piercing heal correctly. This can help you narrow down the best options for what jewelry to buy since you know what purpose it serves. Plus, it helps to know the why behind having certain kind of jewelry so that you can help make sure it is being used correctly, both for practical and aesthetic purposes.

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