Unlocking Pleasure: A Beginner’s Guide To Using Cock Rings

Got an upstanding cock that’s been in more holes than a fox has fleas? Well, giving that throbbing pole a new lease of life and unlocking untold pleasures and delights can be as simple as bestowing it a present in the form of a cock ring. Cock rings are cocky wonders that are often out and about in bold colors and there are quite a few of them on the market that possess the kind of vibratory functions that make them act more demon-possessed than most witches with fire ants in their pants!

What Are Cock Rings?

Are you a newbie to cock rings? Then have a seat and we will tell you all about them sex toys, including how best to pick, and use them in initiating your sex partners into the wheelchair and bow-legged side of life!read more

Unraveling The Mysteries of The BDSM Wheel: Your Essential Guide

The universe is not lacking in mysteries. Off the top of our head, we can think of a handful of things about this planet that peasants and eggheads have long been scratching their heads crazy trying to figure out! Or maybe, they were just looking for an excuse to scratch the fuck out of the big-ass head lice colonies on their noggins!

Now, let’s talk about BDSM or rather, about a rather spiky BDSM tool that can make grown men laugh their lungs out, or weep like they are being forced to remember that time in nursery school when their lunch money got liberated by the tiniest little girl on 2 legs! The BDSM wheel is the BDSM tool being referred to here, and it honestly looks more suitable for horse riding or training dragons than for tickling the funny read more

A Comprehensive Guide To Using Prostate Toys For Beginners

Every expert was once a beginner who couldn’t tell his elbow from his asshole! So, if you are terrible at something through lack of practice, insufficient motivation, or any other reason, don’t despair yet and keep believing that you will one day be the kind of expert that gets to butt-fuck other experts who were formerly giving your non-proficient ass a hella reaming!

Now, we wanna go into a lot of detail on aspects of prostate toy usage. This article is aimed at beginners who wanna know how to choose the right prostate XXX toy, how to get themselves ready for the action, how to have fun during prostate play, and how to get cleaned up once they are done and are ready to hop off Cloud 9 and face the world! Here we go!

Choosing The Right Prostate Pounding

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Prostate Toys: Myths Vs Facts

Introduction: Toys of the Past and Present

Most of us had a lot of toys when we were kids. And look at us all grown and still playing with toys, only of the vibrating and orgasmic kinds that can have more shapes and designs than Shakira can shake her booty per second! And where do these toys go? Into our backyard, right in our peehole, or mounted on the fabulous artillery piece that calls our groin home! And then there are those toys that love tweaking our nipples, or shocking us straight into dreamy wonderland!

Prostate Toy Myths: Breaking Down the Nonsense

Anyway, we are not here today to persuade y’all to buy sex toys that are gonna fill you up with so many good feelings you float to the moon and start giving astronauts on the International Space Station read more

The Role Of Aftercare In BDSM: Importance and Practices

BDSM by our definition is all about showing someone that you love and care for them, in ways that their pain and pleasure centers can barely handle! ‘Tis an extremely sweet, frequently frowned upon, and oft painful kind of love we are talking about here and rad your life could be when you find the perfect BDSM partner for your needs, who’s willing to put up with your shit and feed it back to you in ladlefuls when necessary.

But today is not BDSM appreciation day. What we wanna do is discuss the role of aftercare in BDSM, with its importance and method of execution laid bare enough for an easy finger-fuck in the dark! Here it goes and down it blows!

BDSM: Tied Up History and Aftercare Methods

Before we begin holding forth on BDSM aftercare practices and importance, read more

Unlocking The Mysteries of Chastity Play: An Introductory Guide

Chastity play does not consist of hiring a pornstar or escort, having her dress in nun clothes, and letting her perform a long list of bad things by herself, on herself, on your sweet self, and with your sweet self! Nor is it about No Nut November pledges and refraining from sex till your wedding night, so that you might end up impressing your dearly beloved with the kind of eager truncheon that’s going to give her guts little if any breathing space!

So, what is chastity play and its dynamics, aspects, and possible tips for newbies who wanna play hardball with Lady chastity in a D cup? Let’s go find out, folks!

Here’s To Oscar-Worthy Chastity Plays!

Before we begin, it is important to note that while individuals can practice chastity play solo, most prefer to do it with read more

Cock Rings As Tools for Erectile Dysfunction Management

If wishes were horses, every fella out there would be proudly carrying their 20-foot-long boners around in shopping bags and boasting about taking chicks to this and that motel and giving ‘em a hell of a colon cleansing from the mouth to the gut! But life as we know it is not run on wishes, many folks out there have cocks they are not proud of, or cocks that need motivation to stand proud and perform their assigned tasks. And that brings us to cock rings. What are cock rings and how and why are they so good at fixing erectile dysfunction issues and ramping up sexual performance to the point that your sex mates are obliged to invest in wheelchairs and mobility aids and take out life insurance policies on their varied and long-suffering holes?

Let’s go find read more

The Stigma Around Adult Toys and How To Combat It


Adult toys are marvels of creation that precious few adults can get enough of! Some of these toys vibrate like they are possessed by the kind of demons not even gallons of holy water can exorcize, while others are long and curvy like they plan on shifting your guts and gullets 20 degrees out of whack! Them toys have spent the last few decades coming out of the closet so to speak and are now so mainstream no one even blinks when you brandish them around in public and loudly proclaim your everlasting love and appreciation for them.

Understanding the Stigma Around Adult Toys

But there’s a definite stigma around adult toys that has been harder to shake off than a tick in an ass crack. Our task today is to lay out the ways and means of read more

Understanding Chastity Tubes: Purposes, Uses and Considerations


What Are Chastity Tubes? An Introduction to Caged Pleasure

Chastity tubes look and sound as incredible as fellating a mermaid during your morning swim at the beach! Yeah, most of us love slapping on some lube and letting our boners scream their cumming anger at the world. But others find that too blasé and prefer having their third leg locked up so securely that even the likes of Seal Team 6 would be hard-pressed to effect a rescue!

Fellas, it is just obvious that we are in the mood today to talk about boners that seek refuge in tubes, just like some crabs look for comfort and security in seashells and whatever else can accommodate their sweet meat! Y’all have heard of chastity tubes, right? Well, the plan is to tell y’all about what exactly these read more

Exploring Penis Beading: A Cultural and Sensual Perspective

What is Penis Beading? An Introduction to Pearling

Beads in the penis feel a bit like putting pineapple on pizza! It is not something you run into a lot and when faced with the sight, you will either want to run for the hills while screaming like your nuts are afire, or feed your face and stuff your gullet to the fullest!

So what is penis beading and exactly what kind of history does it have? That, plus the cultural significance of the practice and its potential sensual and sexual benefits are what we want to talk about today.

Y’all tune in and let’s go see what happens to penises that get beaded, breaded, and t-boned into phat-ass booties!

To Bead Or Not To Breed!

Penis beading is also known as pearling. It is the insertion of beads of a read more