Can You Get a Pee Hole Piercing?

There are numerous genital piercings you can try, and some of them work wonders for sexual pleasure. Both men and women can use genital piercings for aesthetics and sexual stimulation. Keep in mind that most of these piercings are done at very specific spots on the genitalia. What about a pee hole piercing? Is this a specific type of a genital piercing?

Is Pee Hole Piercing a Thing?

There are many people who find stimulating to massage their pee hole. As such, this very spot is one of the most sensual on the genital area for many people. Since piercings can help with sexual pleasure, what about a pee hole piercing? Is this a thing, and how to do it?

Before you decide
to get such a piercing, you need to understand that there is no such a thing as
a “pee hole piercing”, at least not in the full sense of the word. There is no
specific piercing type specially designed to go inside or around a pee hole in
order to stimulate it. However, there are several types of genital piercings
that go through the pee hole area. In fact, some of the most popular genital
piercings are those done around the pee hole. It can be said that pee hole
piercings are popular, even if they are not called such.

If you want a
piercing that goes through your pee hole, chances are that you can get it
without much trouble. This is particularly true for men: the most popular male
genital piercings, Prince Albert piercing, goes through the pee hole and to the
underside of the penis. With women, it gets a bit more complex, but if you
truly want to have that pee hole piercing, there are ways. Just make sure to consult
your piercer beforehand. They can examine you and tell you whether a certain
piercing type is a good choice for your anatomy or not.

Hole Piercings for Men

Men who wan to
have a pee hole piercing have several options. Most of these are very popular;
in fact, these are among the most popular male genital piercings in the world. Male
pee hole piercings are:

  • Prince Albert (PA piercing). This is the most common genital piercing in the world. It actually uses the pee hole as the entrance hole for the jewelry. The piercing exits on the underside of the penis. It means that only a thin piece of skin is pierced with a PA piercing. This makes for a very stunning and sexually pleasing piercing without too much pain.

  • Reverse Prince Albert (Reverse PA piercing).
    is a bit more complex and rarer piercing, but still very enjoyable. This
    piercing also enters through the pee hole, but it exits on the top of the penis
    and not on the underside of it. This piercing goes through more tissue so it’s more
    painful. Still, it produces very stunning visual effect.

Hole Piercings for Women

Women who want to have a pee hole piercing will need to seek more obscure piercing types. The most popular female genital piercings are done around the clitoris and on the labia. They don’t go through the pee hole at all.

However, if you
are a woman who wants to have a pee hole piercing, there is a specific piercing
type: Princess Albertina. This is a female variant of the more popular male
Prince Albert piercing. Just like a PA piercing, Princess Albertina goes through
the pee hole and into the urethra. This can be a very exciting placement for
those who like urethral stimulation.

A Princess
Albertina piercing exits through the top of the vagina. As such, it touches
some of the most sensitive spots and can provide a lot of pleasure.

However, keep in mind that this piercing also increases the risks of urinary tract infections. It is a much rarer piercing than a male PA piercing. On the other hand, there are many women who enjoy it immensely. If you are a woman looking for a pee hole piercing, this is the way to go.

About Holes:
Steve “Holes” Armstong is a staff writer and researcher for TheChainGang. He is a long-term piercing enthusiast who is never tired of discovering new body modifications. In addition to this, he also likes to spend his time experimenting with new ways to find pleasure, which makes him a perfect person to discuss unusual adult toys. He says: “I love piercings and I can’t get enough of them. There is something special about body modifications and altering your looks… Even if it’s just below the belt! I am happy to share my knowledge of extreme piercings and lesser-known sex toys, made for both men and women”. In addition to writing, Steve is also a researcher, always on a lookout for new and exciting things.

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