Can Penis Sounding Make You Orgasm?

One of the main reasons people practice urethral stimulation is because it feels good. While not all people enjoy these sensations there are many fans of urethral play. Those who are into urethral sounding claim that it is one of the most pleasurable feelings in the world. But can penis sounding make you orgasm?

Penis Sounding and Arousal

Can Penis Sounding Make You OrgasmMany people find urethral play extremely arousing and pleasurable. If you use specially designed toys for urethral stimulation you will be able to experience urethral play in a safe and comfortable way. With the help of some sterile lube, urethral play becomes highly arousing. Can penis sounding make you orgasm? This is one of the most common questions that beginners ask about urethral play. The truth is that it’s all individual. There are many people who enjoy this sort of play to the fullest. It means full on arousal and orgasm with the use of urethral toys. Other people don’t find urethral play particularly pleasurable. If you are intrigued about urethral stimulation but are still inexperienced, the best advice to give is to be informed about all aspects of this activity and to try it. You may find out that it’s just what you like.

So yes, it’s all individual. In fact, different people report different sensations and experiences with urethral sounding. That being said, yes, penis sounding can make you orgasm. While not all people will react to urethral stimulation in the same way, this is absolutely something that can lead to an orgasm.

How Can Penis Sounding Make You Orgasm?

Urethra is very sensitive so rubbing toys against its walls produces pleasurable feelings. In fact, just having a toy inside the urethra will make many men hard and fully aroused. Where you go from there depends on your preferences and how you like to experience these sensations. Many men like to masturbate with a urethral toy inserted while others prefer if a partner sounds them. There is no one right way to do urethral stimulation. As long as you do your best to stay safe and minimize the risks associated with this activity, you should be fine.

There are numerous ways to reach an orgasm with penis sounding. Many men find it arousing to move the sound up and down a little. Do not move it a lot – it’s best to move your sound in and out for about inch at the time. This will produce pleasurable rubbing sensation against your urethral walls.

Other men simply enjoy the feeling of being all filled up and having a toy inside their penis. You don’t have to move the sound at all: simply leave it in and masturbate to see how it feels. For many men, this is all they need to reach an orgasm.

When you get more experienced you can try some advanced techniques, such as deep urethral stimulation and P-spot massage. With a long enough urethral toy you can slowly reach the prostate so you can massage it directly with the tip of the toy. Many men find this incredibly arousing and satisfying. However, keep in mind that this is an advanced technique and it’s dangerous for beginners. You need to be familiar with regular urethral sounding and to know how to enjoy it before you move to the more extreme types of urethral stimulation.

About Craig:
Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men.

3 thoughts on “Can Penis Sounding Make You Orgasm?

  1. Stretching the external urethra and the urethra are 2 construction sites.
    The Meatus urethrae externus is best stretched with a penis plug with longitudinal bore. So that the plug can remain permanently inserted. Method. Insert a plug that just enters the meatus into the fossa navicularis urethrae. After about 2 weeks the plug will go out easily. Because the meatus has stretched due to the permanent stretch. Then you can import a 0.5mm larger plug. After 2 weeks the next and so on. With this method I can now introduce a 18mm penis plug.
    To stretch the urethra from the fossa navicularis urethrae. It is best to take Hegar dilators for approx. 19cm long which can be easily inserted through the prostate. Residuals during insertion can cause some urethral strictures (strictures) and the prostate entrance These disabilities must be passed carefully to avoid injury. Cleanliness is absolutely important to avoid infections. Disinfect the dilator and a sterile lubricant is necessary. I use Xylocain Gel 2%. This is called then Sounden. After frequent use, the urethra will become accustomed to it and the initial impairments will no longer occur, so that the pleasant feelings will prevail. After some time you can use the next 0.5mm Thicker Dilator to stretch the urethra. How fast you can use the next size depends on the frequency of use and on the duration of stretching (1-2 hours), but it is still very tedious. It is relatively safe as long as you do not penetrate into the bladder. Because you can easily damage the bladder sphincter and thus trigger incontinence. In addition, you have no germ-free urine for rinsing the urethra more. That’s why I usually only sound through the prostate and do not invade the bladder. With this method I have been able to insert a 12.5mm. The urethra makes a 90 ° angle to the top of the prostate, which can be easily passed through a Van Buren dilator, a flexible dilator, or a catheter to reach the bladder. It is also possible with a Hegar dilator but because you have to push the penis down.

  2. This sounds very interesting. (No pun intended)
    I just start learned of this “sounding” thing as I was surfing pornhub.
    Where could I find an experienced woman willing to intrduce me to all this.


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