Buyers’ Guide to Beginner Sounds for Women

Beginner Sounds for WomenLadies who want to try urethral stimulation often have to stick to toys targeted to men. There is nothing wrong about it, because many of these toys are “male” in name only: women can use them to great success, too. However, it is not easy to tell which of these toys would make good beginner sounds for women. This is why it’s important for all ladies who wish to try urethral play to know what kind of toys they should use first.

What are Beginner Sounds for Women?

Most of the beginner sounds for women will be the same as those for men. This is true for most urethral toys. However, there are also some differences. For example, women generally do not use penis plugs, particularly those with glans rings. Some penis plugs are fine, as long as they are straight and can easily go inside the urethra.

Beginners should start with thinner urethral toys and work their way up from there. Make sure to use plenty of lube and to go slowly. Use only clean and sterile urethral toys to prevent infections and other problems. It is very important to be patient and not to force a toy inside.

Another thing to pay attention to when choosing beginner sounds for women is the length. Keep in mind that female urethra is relatively short, only a few inches in length. It means that all urethral toys will be too long for female urethral play. You can still use these toys but you need to make sure not to insert them too deeply inside the urethra.

The Best Beginner Sounds for Women

Here are some recommended beginner sounds for women you can use if you wish to start experimenting with urethral stimulation:

Beginner Sound. Slightly ribbed, this beautiful sound is still smooth enough to be comfortable for beginners. The toy has only 6mm on its widest so it’s ideal for beginners. It is more than 8 inches long, though, so make sure not to insert it too deeply.

Hegar Urethral Sound Kit. This is a must-have kit for those who wish to start experimenting with urethral play. Hegar sounds are super-smooth and have only a slight curve so they are very comfortable. Women should only make sure not to insert the sounds too deeply into the urethra.

Rosebud Urethral Sounds Kit. Another great choice for those who wish to practice urethral play. These sounds are relatively thin so they are great for beginners. They have a smooth, bulbous head that is thicker than the body of the sound so it provides some pleasurable stimulation while still being comfortable. This is a great kit for women who wish to experiment with sounds of different sizes.

More Advanced Options

There are some additional urethral toys women can use to experience urethral pleasure. While some of these are not ideal for absolute newbies, they are still beginner sounds for women who like to enjoy urethral play.

Most of these toys come with something extra to make the experience even more enjoyable. If you want to use these toys, though, make sure to master the basic sounds first. Adding vibrations, texture or any other extra element is good only after you are familiar with the base beginner sounds for women.

Recommended products:

Smooth Vibrating Urethral Sound – Male Vibrator

Small Vibrating Sound – Male Vibrator

Beaded Ball Vibrator

Vibrating Urethral Stepper

About Melina Jackson:
Melina is a staff writer, author and researcher for TheChainGang. She covers numerous subjects, from body jewelry to kinky adult toys. In addition to this, Melina also provides occasional adult toy reviews written in an interesting and sexy manner. She says: “I’m happy and proud to be a part of TheChainGang team. I enjoy every research because I know how much importance TheChainGang places on customer satisfaction and providing accurate and up to date information. I particularly like sex toy reviews: they are fun to write and experience”. In addition to writing and researching, Melina provides online research results and handy information for buyers interested in accurate and easily understandable tips and advice on choosing the best adult toys and body jewelry.

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